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Author Archive

WWE RAW 4/18/11 Review

Posted by joe schmo On April - 19 - 2011
I’m putting off my five page paper due Wednesday to bring you this review.  Seriously, Professor.  Five pages?  What is this, seventh grade? RAW coming to us from across the pond tonight. AOSIDEUPWIENCVEYOW WHATS UP! R-Truth will start us off tonight.  “I’m gonna be the most fightin’ champion in the history of champions.”  I don’t know what he meant by that but it was the only thing I fully understood from his speech so I decided to write it down. Morrison interrupts.  Could we be seeing a heel turn from the Shaman of Sexy?  Morrison points out that R-Truth took a drink of ...

WWE RAW 4/11/11 Review

Posted by joe schmo On April - 12 - 2011
I didn’t get to do a RAW review last week due to an insane amount of work and my decision to watch WrestleMania instead of RAW live (terrible decision).  A few quick thoughts about last week’s RAW: Sin Cara is breathtaking.  The fluidity of his motions is incredible considering how easy it is to look out of control with the maneuvers he attempts. I have a feeling Cena is going to get “injured” soon and come back around November or December.  There’s no way the WWE would risk him actually getting hurt and not being able to fight Rock in a year. This ...

WWE WrestleMania 27 Results: My Thoughts

Posted by joe schmo On April - 4 - 2011
World Heavyweight Title: Edge vs. Alberto Del Rio This was a surprisingly underwhelming match.  These two have the ability to go for a 20-minute match with lots of spots.  Instead, we got pretty much a predictable borefest.  I don’t mind Edge winning as Del Rio is an up-and-comer and will have his chances in the near future, maybe even Elimination Chamber.  I really thought Del Rio would put up more of a fight in this one by kicking out of a spear, especially considering the weak spear Edge hit to finish him off.  All this match really did for me was raise ...

WWE RAW 3/28/11 Review

Posted by joe schmo On March - 29 - 2011
  Another RAW, another review.  Hope you enjoy. RAW coming to us live from Chi-town. Quick side note: Miz was on Conan last week and neither he nor Conan even mentioned that Miz would be fighting John Cena at Wrestlemania.  The interview was all about him.  I may be reading too much into this, but that, combined with the fact that Miz just debuted his new belt, gives me the feeling that MIZ might walk out of the Georgia Dome the WWE champ. RAW opens with CM Punk in the ring sitting Indian-style.  He is getting a lot of cheers from the home crowd.  ...

WWE RAW 3/21/11 Review

Posted by joe schmo On March - 22 - 2011
Back with my second RAW review. RAW live from Pittsburgh, PA. JR will start out the show.  Never mind, it’s Michaels Cole dressed in a JR costume.  This is surprisingly amusing.  Maybe it’s just because RAW was so bad last week.  Cole just accidentally ripped off his microphone and a deafening “YOU SUCK!” chant drowns him out.  Cole then retreats into the “Cole Mine.”  “I’m in the fortress of aptitude and attitude.”  More like the Fortress of Craptitude and Assitude amiright?  Anyone?... Guys?  Let’s move on. It’s time to play the game.  Triple H out to talk.  Just saw some naïve kid’s sign ...

WWE RAW 3/14/11 Review

Posted by joe schmo On March - 15 - 2011
I've decided to do a RAW review article because, to be quite frank most of the ones on this sight sort of suck.  With the exception of Daniel Massey's, who I will link to in case you absolutely hate my review and want one of better quality.  If you do hate the review let me hear it in the comments and I will stop doing them.   RAW coming to us live from St. Louis, Missouri tonight.  Rock promo to start out RAW.  This is getting kinda old.  Cena interrupts.  Nope, wait it’s just a little kid dressed in Cena gear. This kid ...
Cage Match: I was going to write an article about this but was going to save it for a later time when I didn’t have anything else to write about.  However, after Monday  night there isn’t a much better time to get this out there.  I believe the steel cage match is in drastic need of a makeover. The steel cage match as a premise is awesome.  Taking something that already involves two men beating the hell out of each other and making it more brutal by surrounding them in tons of steel is one of the best ideas wrestling promoters have ...

The New Nexus and the Corre Are Lacking Direction

Posted by joe schmo On February - 22 - 2011
NEXUS & CORRE With the Undertaker’s return and confrontation with Triple H, Cena’s response to the Rock, Cole’s Interview with the King, Alberto Del Rio and the Bella Twins switch-a-roo, there was a lot to like about last night’s RAW.  However, one thing just seemed glaringly bad: The main event. It was after the episode ended that I realized that the Nexus and Corre ideas are just lacking. The Nexus started out by tearing up Monday Night RAW. The continued terrorizing the entire WWE on a weekly basis, including giving John Cena hell and burying the Undertaker. The storyline had so much potential ...

WWE Booking Miz Title Run Correctly

Posted by joe schmo On February - 14 - 2011
I’ve noticed, from the feedback in my last article as well as previous articles on B/R by other writers, that many people believe that the Miz has not been built up correctly as a believable champion—I am here to counter that argument. First off, I would like to say that, as much as I enjoy the Miz, I understand that there are plenty of people who find him incredibly annoying. I am not here to target people’s opinion, that is not my place. I am just here to present my opinion and facts on the matter. That being said, I believe ...

Wrestling: A Few Things the IWC Needs To Understand Better

Posted by joe schmo On February - 8 - 2011
I decided to hold off on the five worst finishers, as I felt doing three ranking slideshows in a row was a cheesy way to start off writing on B/R.  Instead, I wanted to address two things that many people in this space seemingly do not understand: 1. The WWE is a business2. The WWE is a show   The WWE is a business Plain and simple.  This means that everything that Vince McMahon does is in the interest of the company.  He makes decisions in order to create a more profitable and steady company.  Considering how long he has been doing this and how ...