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Author Archive

Hello fellow Bleachers, Once again I am back with something that has clicking in my brain (so to speak) as of late. So why do I think that The Miz should retain the WWE Championship? The answer is quite simple really. Lets face it, if John Cena wins the WWE Championship, The Miz would get a rematch clause of course, but I wouldn't really like the chances of The Miz winning and thus we have another lengthy title reign from Cena and it would be back at square one. This would be where Cena would be introduced into another main event with ...
Hey guys, I know I haven't wrote an article in a while, so I may be a bit rusty, but anyway. With Wrestlemania XXVII just around the corner, many of us are concerned (or should I say the WWE Officials) with the match line-up for WrestleMania XXVII.  While it's likely that WWE will produce a strong wrestling card, the major point of concern is that it will take more than that to attract the masses and draw the type of revenue that is expected of the organization's grandest event of the year. This link is where I got this source from: Anyway onto ...

Do You Want Shawn ‘Mr. Wrestlemania’ Michaels at WrestleMania 27?

Posted by Joel Garcia On November - 19 - 2010
Before I start, I realize that I am going to get heat, and I respect people's opinions on this matter. I respect Shawn Michaels and he is an absolute legend of the WWE, who has filled many of us with joy (and other emotions) each time in the ring performing. We stand in awe awaiting for Shawn Michaels to deliver The Sweet Chin Music and other "VINTAGE"' (as Michael Cole would say) moves. Just hear me out and decide for yourself at the end (even though people would love to see HBK at WrestleMania 27). I know most of the IWC have ...

How Wrestlemania Is Losing Its Magic…And Fast

Posted by Joel Garcia On November - 17 - 2010
I know that Wrestlemania is the spectacle of WWE, the 'GRANDADDY OF THEM ALL' or the WWE's Superbowl, and I might be causing controversy by writing this up, and you are probably thinking "Who does this kid (actually an adult) think he is" or "You can't diss Wrestlemania even better "WTF?!" But hear me out. We all know the elite superstars of the WWF/E Attitude Era or prior, are not going to be able to perform at such a level forever, and there time is unfortunately coming to an end. For example, The Undertaker. Sure he is the Phenom of WWE and ...

What Is Next for Kane?

Posted by Joel Garcia On July - 15 - 2010
Hey fellow WWE and Bleacher Report readers, did you miss me? Probably not, but anyway I have not written any articles for quite some time now due to school and needed the write motivation to find one. Since I have found one, how about I move on hey. As we all know Kane has a good storyline which is basically him (Kane) going around interrogating people into finding out which superstar/s made The Undertaker enter a vegetative state. It has been quite some time in which Kane has instilled real fear into fellow superstars and it is great to see him as somewhat ...

How Matt Hardy Can Reclaim His Rightful Place at the Top

Posted by Joel Garcia On May - 15 - 2010
Matt Hardy has time and time again been beat down severly by Drew McIntyre, and this has got too stop. Ways that Matt can get back at Drew is: 1. Interfere in Drew's match at Over The Limit By doing this, Matt shows that he is no push over, that is not gonna be treated like dirt each time, whenever he is in the same ring as Drew. Also by interfering, we can finally get a new IC champion, Kofi Kingston. (But even if Kofi does win I am sure Vince will help the self-proclaimed "Chosen One" out). 2. Turn aggressive against Drew If ...

The Top 10 Greatest Wrestlemania Matches (WM XX to WM XXVI)

Posted by Joel Garcia On May - 14 - 2010
This is what i think the top 10 Wrestlemania matches from Wrestlemania XX to Wrestlemania XXVI are. This is purely just my opinion, but hey if you guys wish to disagree you know what to do. I will not add a honourable mentions list, but you guys can add your own and give me your own opinion on what you think are the 10 greatest WM matches from WM XX up until now.Begin Slideshow

Matt Hardy: The Heart and Soul of Friday Night Smackdown?

Posted by Joel Garcia On April - 26 - 2010
Hey guys, I am gonna keep this article short and sweet. Now some of you might have read Matt Hardy's latest tweet about the so called "Chosen One" Drew McIntrye. If you didn't here is what he had to say. "I hate him, I really do." then added "The reason I hate Drew is cuz he's been given everything without workin' for it...While I've busted my ass for EVERYTHING I've ever earned! And to earn everything I that I have, I've sacrificed & destroyed my body.. That's why I actually respect Edge-cuz he's done the same." Now this is all true, if Matt ...

How Stupid Is The WWE?

Posted by Joel Garcia On April - 23 - 2010
Hey guys,  If you didn't already know the WWE released six of their superstars (two of them including divas). I am MORALLY OUTRAGED that they released Shelton Benjamin and Mickie James (also i guess Smackdown's resident redneck). Those superstar/diva are huge crowd entertainers and know how to wrestle very well (I don't know if some of you agree with me on the part of Mickie James, but lets face it she is better than some of the other divas).  I mean what were the WWE thinking when they released Shelton Benjamin. He can draw in huge money and ratings if only the creative ...

The Undertaker…Is it His Time to Go?

Posted by Joel Garcia On April - 21 - 2010
Hey guys, (Please note: this is a brief history of The Undertaker, so if I miss out on these little bits and pieces, don't get mad) Let me get straight to the point, now some of you may think that my title is a bit controversial, but let's face it The Phenom, The Undertaker has been in this business for the past 26 years. He debuted in 1984 under the name as Texas Red (during the time of WCCW a.k.a World Class Championship Wrestling), then ultimately progressed to The Undertaker. He made his official WWF/E debut on Nov. 19, 1990, at a taping of ...