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Author Archive

WWE All Stars: 25 All-Time Matchups We’d Love to See, But Won’t

Posted by John Betschel On April - 16 - 2011
There have been some classic matches that we have seen over the many years in the WWE. Some that come to mind are Rock vs Austin at Wrestlemania, Shawn Michaels vs The Undertaker in the first ever Hell In A Cell, and all the way back to Hulk Hogan vs. Andre The Giant.We have also lost a great amount of superstars too early, some who were still in their prime. Mostly due to drugs, others just natural aging, one even due to a mistake on the part of WWE (Owen Hart). But their memories will live on forever.In this article ...

WWE: Is Snookie Too Much Of a Diva To Be a Diva?

Posted by John Betschel On April - 6 - 2011
Last night on TMZ, as Snookie was walking through the airport in Jersey, the crew caught up with her and told her what an amazing job she did at Wrestlemania 27. She thanked them and said that "it's fun, it was awesome." However she was then asked if she would continue it. She said, and I quote, "I'm pretty busy with Jersey I doubt it." Really Snookie? After you told that bartender that after Jersey Shore you were going to become a full time Diva? Snookie shocked the world this past Sunday when she actually proved she can wrestle just as ...

WWE WrestleMania 28: Is Rock vs. Cena a Bad Idea?

Posted by John Betschel On April - 4 - 2011
Monday Night Raw has just ended, and besides finally seeing the debut of Sin Cara, The Rock and Cena had their showdown once again. Except, this time, John Cena asked for a match and told The Rock to "bring it." The Rock then excepted the match, but said it wouldn't just be any match. No, it would be on the grandest stage of 'em all—WrestleMania 28. Really? In the history of wrestling, I don't think there has ever been a match made one year in advance. Personally, I don't believe that they will wait that long. Fans want to see this match, but to ...

WWE: The Rock to Make Very Special Announcement on Raw

Posted by John Betschel On April - 4 - 2011
The Rock recently said on his Twitter account, and I quote: "I have a very special announcement tonight on RAW...The People's Champ to The People..."Now, we all know that last night The Rock electrified as only he can—after a draw in the final championship match between The Miz and John Cena, The Rock came out and restarted the match and right away Rock-bottomed Cena, costing him the title and the match.Now, with The Rock making a special announcement tonight on Raw, is it possible that The Great One is coming back for one more match?Ever since The Rock first came ...

WWE WrestleMania 27: Deadman 19-0, but Did the Undertaker Really Win?

Posted by John Betschel On April - 4 - 2011
In the hours after WrestleMania 27 the IWC is buzzing, and for good reason. This topped last year's WrestleMania simply because of one match, and that was The Undertaker vs HHH. I had been looking forward to this match the entire ppv, and in my humble opinion it topped any other Undertaker WrestleMania match, including the Undertaker-HHH match 10 years earlier at WrestleMania 17. From the very beginning until the very end I was entertained. And being a HHH mark I was hoping the streak was finally going to end, and there were times that I really thought it was. ...
This year at WrestleMania 27, The Undertaker comes back from the depths of hell to once again defend his streak. 18-0, something that no other superstar in the WWE has ever come close to and more than likely never will.However, if there ever was a man that could put an end to the streak, it's this man, Triple H. The Game, The King Of Kings, The Cerebral Assassin, he has many names but will one of them be the streak breaker?These two future hall of famers have led two very different paths, but their two paths will cross this Sunday ...

WWE: And the Newest Inductee Into the Hall of Fame Is…Drew Carey?

Posted by John Betschel On March - 14 - 2011
The night before Wrestlemania is the WWE Hall Of Fame. Stone Cold Steve Austin, Bret Hart, Ted Dibiase, Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, and many more are being inducted. The Hall of Fame shows appreciation for those who have given blood, sweat, and tears for the business. This year Shawn Michaels—possibly one of the greatest superstars ever in the history of wrestling—has been inducted, along with the Showstopper, the Main Event, Mr. Wrestlemania. Sunny, the original Diva, who paved the way Sable, Trish Stratus, Kelly Kelly, and pretty much all of the divas of today, will also be inducted, along with Hacksaw Jim ...

Pro Wrestling: Million Dollar Man, Koko B. Ware and More on ‘Tosh.0’

Posted by John Betschel On February - 16 - 2011
For those who are a fan of the show Tosh.0, you probably already know what I'm talking about. For those that aren't, Tosh.0 is a show on Comedy Central that shows different outrageous YouTube clips while stand-up comedian Daniel Tosh cracks jokes about the idiotic or nasty things that the people do. This week, he had a web redemption for a crying wrestling fan. For those who don't know what a web redemption is, it's where he gives the person or people who where in the video a chance to redeem themselves in the same situation that they messed up somehow. The video ...

WWE: Anonymous Raw GM and 2/21/11…Could They Be One in the Same?

Posted by John Betschel On February - 4 - 2011
Now first off I'd just like to say that this is strictly my opinion, I have no websites or facts to back up what I'm saying, and I could be so far off base that I'm not even in the field anymore. But after reading the article "Ten Infamous Wrestling Moments That Broke Kayfabe," I saw something that caught my attention. For months and months now, Monday Night Raw has been run by an anonymous G.M.. We have all had our guesses on who the G.M. might be, some have said Michael Cole, The Rock, Steve Austin, HHH, some even say that ...
The Show Stopper, The Main Event, Mr. Wrestlemania, all these things descrbe one man, and one man only. That's The Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels. The WWE dropped a major bomb on Raw with inducting HBK into the WWE Hall Of Fame, and added to it with Michaels actually being there. I didn't expect either of those two things. Also a lot of people were thinking that Shawn Michaels was going to come back and wrestle again, but with this Hall Of Fame induction I don't really see it happening. They are announcing inductees much earliar this year then before, they usually wait until ...