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Author Archive

Monday Night Raw: Why It Was Far Better Than You Think

Posted by John Nicolaides On October - 14 - 2011
The reaction to this week's Raw from wrestling critics was scathing to say the least. From what I have seen, internet fans hated almost every part of the show.Honestly, it's a huge overreaction to a show that hit some high notes. I attribute this to the overly high expectations fans have for the WWE. It's not the Attitude Era, and it won't be any time in the near future.Look at the comment section of a WWE video on YouTube to see what I mean. Although they aren't the clearest representation of internet fans, you can see my point.I wholeheartedly agree ...

Captain Charisma: 6 Possible Future Feuds for Christian on SmackDown

Posted by John Nicolaides On September - 10 - 2011
Christian has seemingly finalised his long rivalry with Randy Orton. Both Orton and Christian produced fantastic matches as they had a highly entertaining feud.Last week on Super SmackDown, Christian lost to Orton in a their final encounter, a cage match for the World Heavyweight Championship. With Randy moving on to face Mark Henry, Christian has been pushed aside. There are now multiple superstars with whom Christian can have a fresh feud. Since his return in 2009, Christian has been a face. Now that he is a heel, he has multiple opponents he couldn't feud with before.These are six superstars who could feud ...

WWE SmackDown: Can Randy Orton vs. Mark Henry Draw an Audience?

Posted by John Nicolaides On August - 20 - 2011
On this week's SmackDown it was made official, Mark Henry is the No. 1 contender for the World Heavyweight Championship at Night of Champions. Henry won this contendership through a 20-man over the top battle royal. While the match unfolded as a standard battle royal would, one superstar stood out from the rest. Henry was portrayed as an aggressive monster heel. Not only winning the match, but eliminating The Great Khali.During a portion of the match Henry was outside of the ring and took it upon himself to destroy every superstar that was being eliminated.It seems the WWE can do no ...

WWE SummerSlam 2011: Is Edge the Surprise Christian Promised Randy Orton?

Posted by John Nicolaides On August - 13 - 2011
In the closing moments of SmackDown, Christian announced to Randy Orton that he had the upper hand heading into their No Holds Barred match at this Sunday's SummerSlam.Christian stated that "I cannot wait for our No Holds Barred match because anything goes." From this we can assume Christian is referring to some sort of outside interference. The only person I can think of that, from a logical standpoint, could fit that role as Christian's surprise is Edge. Edge retired five months ago after watching his best friend Christian win his first ever world championship.Christian has been booked to appear weaker than ...

WWE: Why a RAW Pre-Show Could Be Bad for Business

Posted by John Nicolaides On August - 5 - 2011
During the recent second quarter conference call, Vince McMahon stated they are considering a live one-hour show before RAW.We don't have any information on what sort of show this could be, however there are still numerous concerns I have about the idea.Firstly, the quality of the show has to be up to the standard of RAW, otherwise it would be a waste. We've seen what happens when the WWE doesn't follow through on ideas. Shows like NXT, Superstars, and the late days of ECW lacked effort overall.The last thing the WWE needs is another useless show they don't seem to ...

WWE How To: Guide to Faction Destruction

Posted by John Nicolaides On April - 23 - 2011
Over the last few months I have witnessed the WWE make a mockery out of two stables with tremendous potential: The Corre and the New Nexus (keep in mind I am referring to the New Nexus, when CM Punk became leader and Wade Barrett moved to Smackdown to start The Corre).I have created a guide that will discuss how the WWE has, step by step, built up and subsequently buried two factions, and the parallels between both the New Nexus and The Corre.Begin Slideshow

Dolph Ziggler: Losing the Fight Against Pro Wrestling Mediocrity

Posted by John Nicolaides On April - 21 - 2011
Dolph Ziggler has potential. Dolph Ziggler may have the most potential of any superstar not yet a regular staple of the main event. And at age 30, admittedly not the youngest of superstars, he has at least 10 years of wrestling left in him. He has all the tools: Phenomenal in-ring abilities (as displayed in his matches with Kofi Kingston and John Morrison) and good, if unconvincing, mic skills (despite rarely having the chance to show it). It looked as if he was preparing to ascend to the top. A World Heavyweight Championship feud with Edge would last for a ...