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AJ Styles to Return to TNA: How Should They Book His Return?

Posted by John Reid On December - 26 - 2013
As I'm placing yesterday's Christmas gifts for sale on eBay... Christmas came a bit early for TNA, as it was announced that world champion AJ Styles has accepted their latest offer and will return to Impact Wrestling in the near future. His agent Bill Behrens has told independent promotions to pay their deposits now in order to have him for their events in anticipation of his return. According to reports, TNA adjusted their offer and he has agreed to terms. Now, let's get the obvious question out of the way—was this a work? While we will never know (more on that later), ...

Listen Up: What Magnus’ World Title Win Means for TNA Wrestling

Posted by John Reid On December - 20 - 2013
Tonight, TNA Wrestling presented its last free TV special of the year in "Final Resolution," and one of the many things TNA has done right this year is reduced the number of pay-per-views (which weren't drawing great numbers to begin with) in order to give their Impact episodes a special feel to them. It certainly delivered in the main event, crowning a new world heavyweight champion. As always, I'll give my thoughts on the other matches in the video below, but the main point is that TNA president Dixie Carter (with help from Rockstar Spud and ECIII) got her champion, and ...

Listen Up: How TNA Can Recover from the Potential Loss of AJ Styles

Posted by John Reid On December - 9 - 2013
(Note: No spoilers will be in this article for upcoming episodes of Impact. This is strictly just an opinion.) As reported by's Mike Johnson (h/t, TNA World Champion AJ Styles is close to parting ways with the company as the two parties have yet to come to an agreement on a contract.  His original extended contract is set to expire on December 16th, after which it is reported that he will go on to do independent bookings. The past few weeks he has gone to Japan and India, while his matches have been advertised on episodes of Impact under the ...

Listen Up: Why a James Storm Heel Turn Is a Good Thing for TNA

Posted by John Reid On November - 22 - 2013
While wondering if cats really do land on their feet... Last night's Impact was a chance for TNA to reset their programming as they entered their first major presentation since October's Bound for Glory. The former PPV, affectionately labeled 'Turning Point,' did in some aspects represent a change from the Hogan years in regards to how storylines are being developed. The biggest story coming out of last night was the long-overdue finish of the Aces & Eights stable, which ended as feebly as every other group does in the promotion. Credit to TNA for allowing it to be done by former member ...

Listen Up: Why Jim Ross Is out of Touch with Today’s WWE

Posted by John Reid On October - 14 - 2013
While wondering why this holiday is not called Amerigo Vespucci Day... Recently, "Good 'Ol JR" Jim Ross made some comments on his blog regarding why the WWE has failed to create new stars. This is an excerpt from his website All sports, or entertainment, fans want to support the 'stars' and 'stars,' IE heroes, and all have similar traits. They win more than they lose, they somehow eventually overcome when the odds are the greatest against them and they never quit. All these traits endears them to the audience. Fans can identify with winning. Loses become significant moments and not every ...

Listen Up: What TNA Must Do to Make Bound for Glory a Success!

Posted by John Reid On October - 11 - 2013
After watching this week's episode of Impact Wrestling, one thought continued to infiltrate my mind: "What time does Scandal come on?" Now, why am I not as excited for this year's Bound for Glory event, which is less than two weeks away? Usually, it is the penultimate pay-per-view, one that is bound (pun intended) to bring a memorable moment wrestling fans will recall year in and year out. The rivalries that are supposed to come to a head have created little to no excitement. Matches have been thrown together in the type of slapstick booking usually reserved for those in Vince McMahon-land. Let's get ...
While waiting for the return of Taboo Tuesday... Let's get one thing straight: credit the WWE for doing their best to make a new top-level babyface in the absence of John Cena (also known as the guy that really matters). Since Cena left to get that third elbow removed, Daniel Bryan has stepped up to the plate and earned his well-deserved spot among the upper echelon at the house that Vinnie Mac built. His battle with the McMahon-Helmsley regime was a great storyline to keep people interested in the fall months while the ratings for RAW take their usual Monday night dip ...

WWE: Why R-Truth Should Win the WWE Championship at Exteme Rules

Posted by John Reid On April - 12 - 2011
At the end of last night's Raw we were treated to quite a spectacle during the never-been-done-before five-man gauntlet as superstar after superstar was eliminated.  However, in the midst of the interference by current WWE Champion the Miz and his lackey Alex Riley, we ended up with not one but two No. 1 contenders.  The first one is no surprise as regular main eventer John Cena came in and lasted until the end of the match. The second one, however, is a major surprise as perpetual mid-carder R-Truth, better known more for his entrance than his in-ring skills, is now the ...
Welcome back to Tuesdays at TNA, the place where we break down all of the major happenings going down in Dixieland!  It's been a while and we have a lot of interesting developments to discuss as we march down the Road to Lockdown. We're only a few weeks away, and while many of the matches have already been established (I know, a first for TNA), there's one match that has taken on a whole new look with the return of the Fallen Angel Christopher Daniels! Now, we're not going to get into the whole legal (or illegal) issues that might occur between Ring ...

WrestleMania 27 Predictions: Who Should Win on Sunday and Why

Posted by John Reid On April - 1 - 2011
We're headed into the home stretch, as we're only two days away from Wrestlemania 27 in my beloved hometown of Atlanta! Not only am I excited for the fact that the city will finally see someone other than the 1995 Atlanta Braves winning a championship, but more importantly, it's the return of the Brahma Bull, Great One, People's champ The Rock!  So much is at stake this year, as we see the cumulation of epic feuds such as Cena vs. the Miz, Edge vs. Alberto Del Rio, Undertaker vs. HHH and CM Punk vs. Randy Orton. As with all things in ...