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While Dewayne Johnson pummeled offensive linemen at the University of Miami, I'm sure the only thing he anticipated was a national championship with the lauded Hurricanes, and potentially a modest NFL career. Living life on the road as his father did 350 days a year was probably the furthest thing from his mind; nor was it a fleeting thought that he would someday be mentioned in the same breath as Arnold Schwarzenegger and Hulk Hogan. Even further from that, would he imagine that he would one day be faced with the fortunate dilemma of being a world renowned superstar in one, the other, ...

Talent WWE Should Add

Posted by John White On January - 18 - 2011
John Cena is spoiled and gets all the attention.Why?Why is the Miz getting the push he's getting? Randy Orton should get more of a push. The Big Show is sucking wind in the heel department. OMG, the Divas five minutes is still too much.Why is Mysterio getting slower? CM Punk...really? Can John Morrison do anything besides the Jim Morrison bit? Will Sheamus ever get a tan? Where is HHH? Is Batista ever coming back? These are but a few questions that burn wrestling fans' brains as the same storylines keep getting pitched and the same old heel gimmicks are recycled.The die-hard fans insist ...
Okay, so the biggest argument is the fact that Bill Goldberg spent only one year on the roster. After that, what is there to argue about? Did Goldberg accomplish anything in his year with WWE? Yes. Last I looked he held both Championships, WCW and WWE, and appeared at Wrestlemania before being punked by Stone Cold. Yes, we all know the match was less than electrifying, but he was still there. In all honesty, the Hall of Fame is more about pageantry today than really honoring great wrestlers. For example: What were the contributions of Pete Rose—guest appearances? Or Bob Uecker for that matter; I guess Sensational Sherry ...

Back To School: Which Wrestlers Would Make The Best Professors?

Posted by John White On November - 20 - 2010
Take the turnbuckle with effect, hit the ropes so hard your lat muscles cry in disgust, a chest slap here, belly to belly suplex there, now kick-out at two. Mix it all together with some stage presence, and a great body slam, and you have an associates degree from "Bump U". Who could teach you the best rules of the trade? Who would know the best way to take a hard bump? Who would be the best ring mentor to put you on the path to superstar status, or at least give you the tools? These are some of the questions ...

The Legends Who Made Wrestling Fun

Posted by John White On November - 18 - 2010
Sunday afternoon after returning home from church my first stop was the TV. Sitting there in my miniature three-piece suit complete with cheesey clip on tie, I adjusted the rabbit ears sitting atop our Flintstone-sized boob tube. By the time everyone else had changed clothes and made their way to the living room, I had picked the signal from neighboring Asheville, NC. Chief Wahoo McDaniel leaned his body into the microphone as he and the commentator squeezed themselves into frame. I don't remember the exact phrases or trick lines, but by the end of his rant, we hated whomever he was going to step into the ...

The End of Wrestling Fandom: Why I (We) Change The Channel To Football

Posted by John White On November - 17 - 2010
In a word, wrestling never sucked, but time does strange things to great pastimes. Excellence makes people complacent, and they forget what made them great in the first place. For the sake of argument let's discuss and muse about the reasons why we even complain. I know deep down you've thought about it too. 1. For some strange reason we all think WWE and TNA care about our opinion, but trust me they don't. As long as sponsors keep paying them for top billing they will not care. 2. We also think the wrestling talent care what we think about them (they do not). The ...