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Author Archive

WWE: Winner of Rey Mysterio vs. Kane (oh and I Told You So!)

Posted by Johnathon Gustin On August - 15 - 2010
SPOILER ALERT!!! Kane beat Mysterio in a back in forth match after 13 minutes. It was a decent match but not all together memorable.  Oh, and the Undertaker returned and blamed Kane for his attack.  Anyone see this coming? Besides myself? Exhibit A: I predict this would happen months ago and you all voiced your opinions. Some agreed with me, but most of you scorned it. Well, I say, told ya so!(just kidding...well, partially). So does the Kane-Taker feud have any life left in it or has it all been done before? Leave your feed back below. Enjoy the rest of the PPV.Read more Pro Wrestling news on ...

How Jerry Lynn Became Injured, Plus Dixie Announced His Replacement

Posted by Johnathon Gustin On August - 8 - 2010
  I just wrote an article about all the problems TNA Hard Justice had that were keeping this from being a true ECW reunion show. In the above article I said that the only match that could be special was between Jerry Lynn and RVD.  Jerry Lynn is an amazing wrestler, who even at age 47 can still wrestle better than a lot of the young talent in the WWE or TNA. Sadly Lynn blew out his back last week in the gym and the doctors are not able to do anything in time for tonight's PPV. (according to  This means that Hard ...

Enter Sandman’s Return: Can Nothing Save TNA Hardcore Justice?

Posted by Johnathon Gustin On August - 6 - 2010
Last night I was watching TNA and something truly unexpected happened. Sandman appeared in the ring with his signature kendo stick and beat the holy hell out of Raven and Abyss.  TNA's promotional strategy for Hard Justice has been to slowly release the names of ECW veterans the last couple of weeks via Internet or television. The Sandman was just the latest in the names to be released.  Currently the talent signed for TNA is as follows: Tommy Dreamer, Mick Foley, Steven Richards, Team 3D, Rhyno, Raven, Al Snow, Axel Rotten, Balls Mahoney, Johnny Swinger, 2 Cold Scorpio, Simon Diamond, Jerry Lynn, RVD, Sandman, FBI, and Sabu. ...

Breaking News: Sabu and 2 Cold Scorpio Confirmed for TNA Hard Justice

Posted by Johnathon Gustin On August - 3 - 2010
Big news for the ECW fans. The Hardcore Legend Sabu and 2 Cold Scorpio have been confirmed by Dixie Carter for TNA Hardcore Justice. I have not been around long enough so I do no know much about 2 Cold but Sabu is a personal favorite of mine. His match with Mysterio at One Night Stand is proves how crazy that bastard is. My one concern with Sabu(and almost everyone else in this PPV) is that they are well past their prime. Matches could be lack luster or could be filled with injuries(thats what happens with hardcore matches and old people) ...

Global Title Now TNA TV Title; Eric Bischoff’s Smartest Idea Yet?

Posted by Johnathon Gustin On July - 31 - 2010
Ric Flair made the announcement on the July 29th edition of TNA Impact that AJ Styles' current Global Championship would now become the TNA TV Champion (meaning, it only can be defended on TV). The origins of the Global Championship was Booker T buying his own championship belt, the TNA Legend's Championship (TNA's million dollar knockoff) that he subsequently lost to AJ Styles. Eventually, it ended up in the hands of Eric Young, who changed the name to the Global Championship to match his faction. The Global Championship was viewed as a "toy belt" by many viewers—no prestige or value associated with ...

Mickie James Vs. Awesome Kong: Best Women’s Match Ever?

Posted by Johnathon Gustin On July - 29 - 2010
I kid you not, this match is actually taking place.  On October First in Waterbury, CT, history is going to be made. Two of the greatest female wrestlers of all time will go toe to toe. Need I say anything else?  I can't think of anything else to say about this match, I just thought you guys at BR should know. For tickets go here This is not a plug, I have not received any money for this.Read more Pro Wrestling news on

SPOILER: Undertaker’s Attacker Revealed!

Posted by Johnathon Gustin On July - 25 - 2010
It's Kane. There, happy? What else were you expecting?  Okay, okay, I understand people want to know how I learned Kane was the man who put the Undertaker in a coma. It's elementary my dear readers, WWE creative sucks.  It's a proven fact. Anytime you think something good is going to happen creatively in the WWE, it fails. We begin to think Evan Bourne, Morrison, Kingston, etc. is on the edge of a major push, creative drops the ball. How much do you want to bet when Miz cashes in the Money in the Bank contract on Cena, he becomes ...

Injury Report 7/22/10: HHH’s Return Date, Mark Henry, Hardy and Kaval

Posted by Johnathon Gustin On July - 22 - 2010
Hi guys I'm back with the weekly injury report. Hopefully I don't have to do this every week but with pro-wrestling, people do get hurt.First up is Mark Henry. Henry is said to be injured from an awkward landing after Wade Barret used finisher on him. No official word to what it is or how long Henry will be out. I'll update this article as soon as I know.Next is the situation with Triple H. As most of you know by now, Hunter had surgery done a couple weeks ago to repair a tendon in one of his arms. ...

TNA Hypocrisy: Cross The Line Of Violence But Not Of Reform?

Posted by Johnathon Gustin On July - 20 - 2010
In pro wrestling we talk about discrimination quite often. We point out to each other, with our articles, about instances of unequal treatment based on sex (the Divas Division), age (William Regal, Goldust), size (cruiserweights), or race (who was the last non-white WWE heavyweight champion?). But one instance of discrimination we rarely talk of in pro wrestling is sexual orientation. Even in the year 2010, gay/bi/trans rights is still very much a taboo topic. Some people are very hateful and resentful of these people because of the difference in lifestyle. But in the industry of pro wrestling, one of the most testosterone driven ...

Kane Is Now a Two-Time World Heavyweight Champion!

Posted by Johnathon Gustin On July - 18 - 2010
Title says it all folks, Kane cashed in his money-in-the-bank contract after Mysterio's successful title defense against Jack Swagger. So is Kane going to be a face or a heel? I'll have a reaction after the PPV. Probably in a week or two when the smoke clears and we can truly gage the PPV. Read more Pro Wrestling news on