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TNA Lockdown 2011: Bleacher Report Prediction League

Posted by Josh Logan On April - 17 - 2011
TNA Lockdown... Every match will be competed inside of a cage, some will even be completely encased. A brutal PPV that will be sure to give everyone watching the non-PG wrestling they have been looking for. With the last TNA PPV ending in a very controversial manner, TNA needs to step up and show that they are in the big leagues of Wrestling...or they might as well just stop competing. Before we get started, let me just explain some rules and guidelines for the League and we will jump right on into Predicting the future of TNA. ANYONE CAN JOIN THE LEAGUE AT ...

WWE: Edge, the Draft, and My Ideal Rosters for Raw and Smackdown

Posted by Josh Logan On April - 13 - 2011
Welcome to The Hardcore Revolution Column No. 11... The WWE has had a hot-bed of speculation these past few days, with WWE superstar Edge declaring he was told by doctors that he needs to retire, because he is losing feeling in his arms due to his spinal fusion surgery eight years ago. With Edge leaving, there is now a spot open on the main event scene in the WWE.  This means that someone could get that push they have been waiting for. Or this could mean someone might return... Whatever happens, this is a topic that needs to be discussed ...

WWE WrestleMania 27 Results: 10 Best Mask Vs. Mask Matches Ever

Posted by Josh Logan On April - 7 - 2011
The Mask vs. Mask match at WrestleMania 27 has brought up a conversation about what are the best Mask vs. Mask matches of all time.This article will bring to light the best Mask vs. Mask matches that I could find.  There might be better ones that have been fought years before video, but these that I have found and went over and above the call of wrestling.The Cody Rhodes and Rey Mysterio match was a brutal showing of how sinister a masked wrestler really can be.  I hope that the rest of these matches, for your viewing and discussion pleasure, ...

WWE WrestleMania 27 Results: 10 Worst in-Ring PPV Outfits

Posted by Josh Logan On April - 5 - 2011
If we learned anything from WrestleMania 27, it was that no matter how big the show or what caliber the talent...their outfits don't always seem to fit the bill.This year we got to see Captain Mysterio, in what I must say is one of the worst ideas for an outfit Mysterio has ever had, but there were much worse.Michael Cole also proved that not only should you think twice before wearing a sleeveless shirt when you have awful tattoos, you should also consider how tacky and terrible your outfit is before you step into an arena filled with over 70,000 ...

WWE WrestleMania 27: Bleacher Report Prediction League Results

Posted by Josh Logan On April - 4 - 2011
What a WrestleMania!  Surprises happened and some expected things came to pass. The Miz won, Taker won, Cole won by disqualification, Edge retained, Orton won, Rhodes won, Big Show/Kane/Santino/Kofi won and Team Morrison won. Those are the results.  The Sheamus vs. Daniel Bryan match did not happen, but it will take place tonight on RAW. Just a reminder... Anyone can join the league at any time! If you miss this PPV or someone couldn't make it, that's OK, you can join in on the next one. Each PPV will be worth up to 30 points. No match will be worth more than ...

WWE WrestleMania 27 2011: Bleacher Report Prediction League

Posted by Josh Logan On April - 3 - 2011
Finally the Bleacher Report Prediction League has come back to WrestleMania! Oh, and so has The Rock. Tonight marks The Granddaddy of them all, and I for one am extremely excited to see what will happen on the biggest stage of the year. There is a lot of talk and controversy about what match should end the show and who is deserving, well tonight all of that ends. Each performer will prove to us fans who is more deserving of that spot and later tonight or tomorrow, we will let them know what we think. But right now this is the BR Prediction ...
Column #10 The grandest stage of them all is approaching quickly.  The competitors are ready and the whole world is anxiously awaiting the moment that will blow us all away this year. There will be no Money In The Bank Ladder Match.  There will be no Shawn Michaels wrestling.  There will be no Vince McMahon, other than his obvious roles. Yes, this years WrestleMania might seem like it is lacking, but let me assure you that the cast the WWE has for this years show will more than make up for the lack of regulars we've so become used to. So to jump right ...
What can you say about WWE and Dancing with the Stars other than Stacy Keibler looked phenomenal and Chris Jericho is showing that he is a true performer in any venue.With these Superstars hitting the floor and showing off their dance moves, questions have been asked as to who else could grace the Dancing with the Stars stage.  This article is just what you have been looking for.Painstakingly, the wrestlers of WWE and some other wrestling organizations have been examined and this list has been made.  Like it or hate it, these are the 25 wrestlers we need to see ...

TNA Slammiversary 2010: Bleacher Report Prediction League Results

Posted by Josh Logan On January - 31 - 2011
TNA Slammiversary 2010: BR Prediction League Results!  Firstly, let me apologize for the latest in the posting of the prediction results for each PPV. But hopefully by Survivor Series the league will be up to date; with the results from the back log of PPVs posted.    TNA Slammiversary featured RVD vs. Sting for the TNA Championship and the beginning of the Hardy/Anderson feud. Also the major hook for the PPV was Dixie Carter announcing major news that would change the shape of TNA forever! Do we even know what this news is now; is it ECW reunion or ...

WWE Fatal 4-Way 2010 : Bleacher Report Prediction League Results

Posted by Josh Logan On January - 31 - 2011
WWE Fatal 4-Way 2010: BR Prediction League Results  So here are the Fatal Four Way Prediction League results. I'm sorry for the delay in getting results posted, but the back-log is being sorted. And hopefully the league will be up to date come Survivor Series. FFW featured three 4-way matches, the first with Sheamus winning the WWE Championship from Cena and then Mysterio winning the WHC from Swagger. Alicia Fox was crowned Diva’s Champion. And both Miz/Kofi retained their championships. Well done to Aadhya Shivakumar for topping the league for a second PPV in a row and nearly completing the ...