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To no one's surprise The 2011 WWE Draft kicked off with Smackdown receiving the first pick of the night and drafting the biggest money maker in the business, John Cena. Right off the bat Smackdown showed they weren't playing with kid gloves in the draft and were out for blood. It was that first pick that made me realize the obvious, RAW had everything to loose in the draft and very little to gain. The majority of the RAW roster is made up of established stars.  For starters you have Cena, Randy Orton, C.M. Punk, The Miz, Sin Cara (not a WWE vet ...

WWE Draft 2011: Why Doing It the Week Before a PPV Is a Bad Idea

Posted by Josh McCain On April - 25 - 2011
Personally, I've never been a fan of the WWE brand extensions and, therefore, the draft.I think separating the talent to two different shows cuts out a lot of possibilities for feuds in the WWE and actually suppresses rising talent instead of helping them out.With that said, the brand extension and the draft are ways of life in the WWE, so I've grown to accept them.However, what boggles my mind is that fact that we're going to "shake things up" a week before a pay-per-view.After all, the WWE is fairly predictable as it is.  Most of us can figure out who's going ...

WWE: My Predictions for Christian Smackdown Spoilers

Posted by Josh McCain On April - 13 - 2011
If you're like me, you read the Smackdown spoilers on Tuesday nights or Wednesday more because like a kid before Christmas you just have to know what you're getting before you can actually get it.So in case you missed it in the headline, this contains Smackdown spoilers, if you want to be surprised, click "back" now.Well, on Smackdown, Edge, of course, gave another good-bye speech and dropped the heavyweight title.Alberto Del Rio being the No. 1 contender thought it would fall to him.It didn't.He will compete for it at Extreme Rules and his competitor would be determined by a battle ...
Like many of you here on Bleacher Report, I grew up in the '80s and our wrestling idol (whether you're man enough to admit it or not) was Hulk Hogan. In our childlike eyes the man could do no wrong. He told us to pray, and we did. He told us to take our vitamins.  I never missed a dose of Flintstone Chewables. This, of course, was before the internet and only the most hardcore of the hardcore fans knew of the personal lives of those men in the squared circle (I didn't even know Hulk Hogan wasn't his real name until I was ...
To quote Popyee the Sailorman, "I can stands a lot, but I can't stands no more." Since Monday I've seen a ton of negative reviews of WrestleMania, numerous articles such as "Top 10 Things I Hated about WrestleMania." Then after RAW, a ton of people were angry about having to wait a year to see Rock vs. Cena. Then today, there is an article about why Cena is bad for business for the WWE. To everyone out there who thinks they know better than Vince McMahon and WWE creative, I've got two words for you, shut up. You have no idea what it ...
Last night I got around to watching the 2011 WWE Hall of Fame Ceremony, and while I was fast-forwarding through one of the commercial breaks, something dawned on me. If the WWE calls WrestleMania the Super Bowl of sports entertainment, why not treat it like the Super Bowl and broadcast it for free on network television? I know what you're thinking right now: There is no way Vince McMahon would give up all of those pay-per-view dollars to give WrestleMania away for free. Where PPV has been very good to Vince and vice versa, I believe that broadcasting WrestleMania on ...
It's the match that everyone wants to see.  It's the match the John Cena himself asked for.  The CNN Center was buzzing and the fans awaited the Rock's answer. After a dramatic pause, the Rock accepted John Cena's challenge with one simple request: that this match take place on the biggest stage of them all—WrestleMania. It was then that Twitter blew up with wrestling fans, who mostly complained about waiting a year to see this match. At first I was one of them.  "Really, a year, Rock?" was my first reaction, but then I thought about it some more and WrestleMania really is the only ...
It's no shocker that the Internet Wrestling Community (IWC) despises John Cena.  I used to be one of them. However, in the last several months, my dislike of Cena has done a complete 180. What has caused this, you might ask? Well, first off, for those of you who read my articles, you know that I have a two-and-a-half year old son who just recently started watching wrestling. Though I've tried to guide him along the way to admire greats like Shawn Michaels and Chris Jericho (sadly through DVD and not live on RAW), the pull of Cena is just ...

The Rock: Ready to Electrify Chicago Live on WWE Monday Night RAW

Posted by Josh McCain On March - 18 - 2011
A week from Monday, the Rock will be gracing RAW in Chicago.Dwayne Johnson just tweeted "Get ready CHICAGO...The Rock is Bringin' It and we're "Puttin' Our Boots to Candy Asses" LIVE on RAW and ELECTRIFYIN..."In the tweet was also a link to his website,, where there was a picture of the Rock in the ring. Maybe he's getting some training in to wear off the ring rust of seven years and will be putting the boots to both John Cena and WWE Champion The Miz.One can only hope to see more than just The Rock doing a promo.Read more Pro ...

TNA Wrestling: Is Sting Regretting His Decision to Stay with TNA

Posted by Josh McCain On March - 16 - 2011
This is just me thinking out loud (so to speak), and I welcome your thoughts in this matter as well.It was only a month ago that we all thought that the WWE's cryptic promo 2-21-11 meant that Sting would finally make his long-awaited debut inside a WWE ring.Shoot, the New York Post, in their wrestling section, even reported that the WWE and Sting had signed a contract.If there were any talks, they obviously broke down somewhere, and Sting went back to TNA and immediately won the title from Jeff Hardy.Then this past Sunday, Sting "defeated" Hardy in a squash match ...