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Author Archive

WWE Elimination Chamber: C.M. Punk, The Rock, and Their Old-School Vibe

Posted by Julian Radbourne On February - 23 - 2013
As I continue my recovery from masculine influenza (it’s a real disease people!), I’m going to continue catching up with recent events as we take a look at the final pay-per-view stop on the road to WrestleMania, Elimination Chamber, shown live in the early hours of this past Monday morning on Sky Sports here in Britain. The broadcast began with the SmackDown main event as The Big Show challenged Alberto Del Rio, accompanied by Ricardo Rodriguez, for the World title. These two had a pretty entertaining encounter last month, and although a feud-ending match should have a gimmick of some ...

WWE Royal Rumble: Are We Heading for That Once in a Lifetime Moment Again?

Posted by Julian Radbourne On January - 29 - 2013
It’s time to head out onto the road to Wrestlemania as we take a look at WWE’s first pay per view of the year, the Royal Rumble, shown live in the early hours of this past Monday morning on Sky Box Office here in Britain. The show began with the SmackDown main event as the Big Show challenged Alberto Del Rio for the World title in a last man standing match. Before the match began Del Rio and his buddy Ricardo Rodriguez received a pep talk from Bret Hart backstage, with the Hitman giving Ricardo a pair of his trademark ...

From Love to Hate: Ring of Honor Pays Tribute to the Career of Jimmy Jacobs

Posted by Julian Radbourne On January - 22 - 2013
If you’re not a close follower of the indy wrestling scene, then you probably haven’t heard of Jimmy Jacobs. Which means that you probably don’t know who the man is and what he’s about. If that’s the case then a recent Ring of Honor DVD release may help you out a little. Entitled From Love to Hate: The Jimmy Jacobs Story, this two-disc set looks at the man and how his career has progressed since his debut way back in 2003. Disc one begins with a shoot interview in which the man in question talks openly about how his wrestling ...

TNA Genesis: They Certainly Kicked the Year off in Style, Didn’t They?

Posted by Julian Radbourne On January - 18 - 2013
It’s time to step into the Impact Zone for the first time this year, as TNA kicks off their new pay-per-view schedule with Genesis, shown this past Wednesday on Challenge here in Britain. The show began with the first title match of the evening as Joey Ryan and Matt Morgan challenged Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez for the tag-team titles. I really enjoyed this one. Guerrero and Hernandez looked great early on as they pulled off some well-executed double-team moves when they took Ryan apart early on. Then came the surprise because this time around Hernandez got the punching-bag treatment as ...

Kayfabe Commentaries and Vince Russo Re-Book the WCW Invasion

Posted by Julian Radbourne On January - 8 - 2013
I think it’s safe to sat that Vince Russo is one of the most polarising figures in the recent history of professional wrestling. Depending on your point of view he’s either the saviour of wrestling in the 90’s or the destroyer of wrestling in the 00’s. There’s no doubting however that the man is passionate about the business where he made his name, and it came as no great surprise when Kayfabe Commentaries approached him for the latest in their Guest Booker series. With Sean Oliver and his new beard leading the way, Russo is given the assignment of re-booking ...

New Book Looks at the Revival of British Professional Wrestling

Posted by Julian Radbourne On January - 4 - 2013
If you talk to British wrestling fans of a certain age, they’ll get misty-eyed while remembering the likes of Big Daddy, Giant Haystacks, Kendo Nagasaki, Rollerball Rocco and Mick McManus.They’ll also tell you that British wrestling isn’t as good today as it was back then. Some people disagree with that, and one of them is Greg Lambert, author of a new book that looks at what British wrestling has accomplished in the 21st century. Holy Grail: The True Story of British Wrestling’s Revival tells how the British wrestling scene has recovered since those heady days when tens of millions would ...

What Will Happen to Professional Wrestling After the End of the World?

Posted by Julian Radbourne On December - 22 - 2012
There’s been a lot of talk in recent weeks about the end of the world. We were all meant to meet our maker on December 21, and even though it never happened, that won’t stop crackpots around the world predicting everything from worldwide floods to asteroid strikes to alien invasions.However, it seems to me that we, the human race, are ignoring the most important question—what will become of professional wrestling? How will it survive in a post-apocalyptic world?Well, people, read on and you’ll find out!Begin Slideshow

Kayfabe Commentaries: Jerome "New Jack" Young Shoots from the Hip Again

Posted by Julian Radbourne On November - 29 - 2012
If I were to mention the name New Jack, you’d probably think of the ultra-violent former ECW star Jerome "New Jack" Young, as he beat the hell out of an old man and stabbed a fat kid in the head with a scalpel.If I mentioned him in the context of shoot interviews, you’d probably say something along the lines of, “He’s a good talker, but do we really need another shoot from him?” Given that New Jack has retired, it’s time for the man behind the heavily-scarred forehead to step forward and give his view. Jerome Young has done just ...

WWE Hell in a Cell: Goldberg Never Told a Tale Like This

Posted by Julian Radbourne On October - 30 - 2012
A new player entered the main event scene as WWE presented their latest pay-per-view, Hell in a Cell, shown live in the early hours of this past Monday morning on Sky Sports here in Britain. The show began with a battle of former champions as Alberto Del Rio went up against Randy Orton. This proved to be a highly intense and enjoyable encounter. Del Rio began his night’s work by working over Orton’s arm in preparation for his cross arm breaker. It was a great display from the Mexican as he took the Viper down time and time again. Orton ...

Staffs, Spoons and the TNA Boot Camper: The March of Progress Continues

Posted by Julian Radbourne On October - 26 - 2012
A few months ago, we took a first look at one of the new kids on the British wrestling block, Progress.Now we’re going to pay them a second visit as we go back to The Garage in Islington, London this past June for Chapter Two: The March of Progress, a show headlined by someone who could become a TNA star in the very near future. It’s a two-disc set, so there’s no better place to start than with disc one, and after the initial and quite funny opening introductions, it was on to the first match as the powerhouse that ...