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Author Archive

The Miz Detractors: Clearing the Air

Posted by Juric Brown On August - 12 - 2010
Hello folks. I am back and ready to write again. So as always, sit back, relax, and feel free to critique. My statement is clear and simple people: The criticism of The Miz is unwarranted. Over the course of a couple of weeks, I could not come to this website without seeing a headline criticizing The Miz and his recent rise to the top of the Monday Night Raw main event scene. All I've heard is how The Miz can't work in the ring and wouldn't be a credible WWE champion. Well, I'm here to say that is completely ridiculous. The number one gripe ...

WWE Summerslam 2010: Diving In Deep

Posted by Juric Brown On July - 31 - 2010
Well folks, its been awhile since I last commented on any wrestling related topics on this site, but I think that I can still remember how it's done. So as always, sit back, relax, and feel free to critique. I'll start with the WWE Championship between Sheamus and Randy Orton. With Cena dealing with The Nexus at the moment(which I will certainly get to later), Sheamus has the run of the place with the WWE Championship around his waste. Of course, the "Viper" Randy Orton, has been nothing if not consistent these past couple of weeks. He has been, in ...

TNA Wrestling: Journey to the Center of Hell

Posted by Juric Brown On May - 23 - 2010
Basically, the time has come for Total Nonstop Action Wrestling to decide what kind of professional wrestling company they want to be. Do they want to be known as a blip on the radar like some local independent companies? Or do they want a legitimate fanbase, excluding Florida tourists, that are captivated by amazing in-ring performers and storylines. Well, TNA Wrestling is now, and will always be: a failure. Now, I don't have the vast knowledge of pro wrestling that some in the IWC would claim that they have, but I just call it like I see it. It's pretty obvious that TNA has many ...

WWE Draft: Success or Burial?

Posted by Juric Brown On April - 22 - 2010
As many readers know, the WWE Draft is nearly upon us. For some, this brings a sense of excitement. For others, mostly in the IWC( that's Internet Wrestling Community for the new blood out there), it's a time for pro wrestling talent to get a chance and become a star or be buried in the shuffle. Since it's inception in 2002, the draft has become a staple for talent, young or old, to get repackaging on a show where they will be given an opportunity to prove themselves. As I take a look at this year's draft, I'll evaluate the respective situations ...