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Author Archive

Sheamus vs. Cesaro Feud Is Good Timing for Both Superstars

Posted by Justin LaBar On August - 28 - 2014
It seems we're at the beginning of Cesaro feuding with Sheamus, and I like it. These two guys and WWE need this feud. It plays to a lot of strengths. Both men get a loyal following from the international market given their European backgrounds. It might seem like a trivial point, but pitting the Swiss and Irish in a feud provides good timing, considering WWE is taking the valuable WWE Network international from now through the start of October. The European wrestling fans are extremely loyal. They're loyal to WWE's product and will stay up at odd hours to watch it. They are ...
The conqueror has a new conquest, so the critics of the previous one have moved on. Brock Lesnar stunned the world at WrestleMania 30 when he broke The Undertaker's streak of 21 straight victories. There was no shortage of interest, and there was no shortage of negative reaction. How could WWE let this happen? How could The Undertaker let this happen? Lesnar's only a part-time guy. Lesnar doesn't care about the business. All of these questions and statements ran wild among the WWE audience. Lesnar ate, slept and conquered The Streak, as his shirt would suggest. He then disappeared for four months, as per usual ...

WWE Needs to Promote NWO for Hogan’s Birthday

Posted by Justin LaBar On August - 7 - 2014
Monday night will be a Hulk Hogan birthday celebration on Raw. notes that special guests will be there, but that's just not good enough. A strong rumor being fueled by Scott Hall's Twitter is suggesting the New World Order will be making a cameo during the celebratory episode. The problem is, up to this point, I've been the one putting the most hype time into it. That's not smart business. It's time for a Reality Check. Follow @JustinLaBarRead more Pro Wrestling news on
Randy Orton knows how to be a classic wrestling heel. I'm not talking about just being on the opposite side of the match graphic from the babyface. I'm not talking about just making heel-like faces in an interview. I'm not talking about cheating to win if needed during his television matches. I'm talking about Orton following the route of a classic wrestling heel and taking the heat. The odds are that the majority of people who read this will have negative comments on it and Orton. The comments will claim he's boring, he's Triple H's boy, he's a bad dude in real life, ... announced on Wednesday that the company released Ricardo Rodriguez. He's best remembered for his time as the personal ring announcer for Alberto Del Rio. However, that's not all he did. He has other roles for the company and is a true asset to any wrestling company. This is the focus of my Reality Check this week as I explain why this was a bad decision.   Follow @JustinLaBar  Read more Pro Wrestling news on

Stardust Is to Cody Rhodes’ Career as Goldust Was to Dustin’s

Posted by Justin LaBar On July - 26 - 2014
Cody Rhodes creating Stardust is a similar career move to Dustin Rhodes creating Goldust in 1995. Dustin was pretty polished in the ring. Mechanics and experience weren't what held him back from being a big star. It was his name and look that hindered things. He had to fight this blend of being too generic and living in the shadow of his father. He was “The Natural” Dustin Rhodes. Generic trunks and boots. He had a face that resembled his father, “The American Dream” Dusty Rhodes, one of the most charismatic performers ever. It was that charismatic bar Dustin had to live up to. ...

WWE Reality Check: Slater Gator

Posted by Justin LaBar On July - 24 - 2014
I love watching for what the next new thing could be to catch on in WWE. There's so much programming, catching an early investment can be hard to do. However, watch WWE Main Event from this past Tuesday on the WWE Network. It was on that program I saw something that has already proved to me has interesting potential. It's the topic of this week on Reality Check.   Follow @JustinLaBarRead more Pro Wrestling news on

Reality Check: The Future of Santino

Posted by Justin LaBar On July - 10 - 2014
Santino Marella announced at a WWE live event last Sunday that his in-ring career was over. I've sat back and listened to the reactions of fans. I sat back and reflected on my feelings on Marella's career. It's time for a Reality Check on the situation and future of Santino Marella. Follow @JustinLaBar  Read more Pro Wrestling news on

WWE Reality Check: The Problem with 2 Championship Belts

Posted by Justin LaBar On July - 3 - 2014
WWE fans complaining about still seeing two physical title belts for the unified world champion is amazing to me. I can't recall something holding so much confusion and anger for fans quite like this. This week on Reality Check, I explain the obvious the fans don't realize.   Follow @JustinLaBarRead more Pro Wrestling news on

Bray Wyatt Needs to Stay Away from the WWE Title Picture

Posted by Justin LaBar On July - 3 - 2014
Keep Bray Wyatt away from the WWE World Heavyweight Championship title picture. This summer has been chaos for WWE and the title with Daniel Bryan's health questions. I've heard a lot of requests from fans to do something fresh and put the title on Wyatt. But I think that's a short-sighted view, one which doesn't consider the big picture. The title would not do anything better for Wyatt than what he's already doing. Yes, eventually he will have a title run—but that's eventually. Being champion right now will expose weaknesses. Once he has the title, WWE has to make a firm decision on if ...