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Author Archive

Viva La Raza: Remembering The Late, Great Eddie Guerrero

Posted by Justin Thomas On November - 13 - 2010
Five years ago to this date, November 13, 2005 is a day wrestling fans everywhere will not soon forget. It was the day our beloved Eddie Guerrero left us. Though most of us did not know Eddie personally, he left a lasting impression that cannot be replaced. As a wrestling fan who never watched WCW or ECW, I first saw Eddie Guerrero when he debuted in the WWE alongside Dean Malenko, Chris Benoit and Perry Saturn as The Radicalz, who proceeded to lay out The New Age Outlaws. I was seven years old at the time, and not long after, Eddie ...

CvC: Matt Hardy Should Already Be a WWE World Heavyweight Champion

Posted by Justin Thomas On October - 26 - 2010
Bleacher Report’s latest Creature vs. Creature competition has called on writers to pick the most deserving wrestler that has never held a World Heavyweight Championship. Though many talented wrestlers from yesteryear, such as Curt Hennig and Owen Hart, were unable to win the brass ring, and even talented wrestlers today such as Christian and John Morrison have yet to do so, it’s clear to me that one name sticks out above the rest: Matt frickin’ Hardy. Biased as I may be, there’s no doubt in my mind that Matthew Moore Hardy will go down as one of, if not THE most underappreciated ...

CvC: John Cena Is the Greatest Face of The WWE

Posted by Justin Thomas On October - 23 - 2010
Note: This article was originally written in December 2009 as part of a competition to determine which wrestler was the greatest face of their respective promotion in professional wrestling history. There's this guy in the WWE. You may have heard about him. His name's John Cena. He's the current WWE Champion and face of professional wrestling. For the past few years, and the foreseeable future, John Cena has been and will be "The Man." Since 2003, Cena has taken the wrestling world by storm. In his debut match on Smackdown, he had a solid outing against Olympic gold medalist Kurt Angle. Not too ...
Note: This article was originally written in September 2009 as part of a competition to determine which wrestler had the greatest impact in professional wrestling. It is being reposted now for entertainment purposes only.   Who has made the greatest impact in professional wrestling history? That question could be answered by many different names. You've got Hulk Hogan (only had three moves), you've got Bret Hart (he had the personality of a soda can), you've got The Rock (sell-out), you've got Ric Flair (does he know what "retirement" means?), you've got Triple H (married to the boss), you've got Shawn Michaels (he screwed ...
On Friday, Oct. 15, 2010, Matt Hardy was future endeavored by the WWE. The news may come as a shocker to no one, but for myself and many other diehard Matt Hardy fans, it’s a hard pill to swallow. I’ve watched Matt Hardy grow as a performer since the first time he graced my television in 1998, and 12 years later, he’s only strengthened my fanhood to the point where no other athlete in the history of sports will take a billing before him. Say what you will, but Matt Hardy is my favorite wrestler, and conceivably there isn’t a thing he could do ...

Matt Hardy: A Tribute to the Man Who Will Not Die

Posted by Justin Thomas On May - 25 - 2010
Perhaps the most frequently-debated topic in the IWC, is which WWE superstar is most deserving of a World Heavyweight Championship push. Article after article, you’ll see folks bringing support to their favorite star, with (mostly) solid arguments as to why their favorite star is more deserving than the rest.  While stars such as MVP, John Morrison, and Christian would all make fine World Champions, there is a superstar even more deserving of a main event run. A man with a bigger fanbase than those three—a legion of diehard fans all across the globe, who to this day give him one of the biggest ...

All I Want For Christmas Is a Matt Hardy Push

Posted by Justin Thomas On December - 22 - 2009
This Christmas, as I write my letter to Santa, there's one thing I want above all else: A Matt Hardy push. For all those who don't believe in Santa, guess what I wished for last year ?   Matt Hardy is one of the most talented and recognizable wrestlers in the world today. He's done virtually everything Professional Wrestling has to offer, creating an impressive résumé most wrestlers couldn't even dream of.   He broke into the WWE as a jobber when he was 18 years old, earning an official WWE contract 4 years later in 1998. Back then, pushes weren't just handed out ...

CvC: John Cena Is the Greatest Face of The WWE

Posted by Justin Thomas On December - 13 - 2009
There's this guy in the WWE. You may have heard about him. His name's John Cena. He's the current WWE Champion, and face of professional wrestling. For the past few years, and the foreseeable future, John Cena has been, and will be The Man. Since 2003, Cena has taken the wrestling world by storm. In his debut match on Smackdown, he had a solid outing against the Olympic gold medalist, Kurt Angle. Not too long after, his gimmick became that of a wannabe-rapper, and his career took off. Despite being a heel, he was wildly popular. He was put into programs with Smackdown's ...

Extreme Impact: Jeff Hardy Left His Mark On Professional Wrestling

Posted by Justin Thomas On September - 17 - 2009
Who has made the greatest impact in professional wrestling history? That question could be answered by many different names. You've got Hulk Hogan (only had three moves), you've got Bret Hart (he had the personality of a soda can), you've got The Rock (sell-out), you've got Ric Flair (does he know what "retirement" means?), you've got Triple H (married to the boss), you've got Shawn Michaels (he screwed Bret), and so many other worthless pieces of wrestling history. Why are they worthless, you ask? Because they all pale in comparison to the extreme, charismatic, rainbow-haired, fate twisting, enigmatic warrior—Jeff Hardy. For years, Jeff ...

One-on-One: Debating the Enigma That is Jeff Hardy

Posted by Justin Thomas On August - 6 - 2009
Anyone who knows me knows I am a huge fan of Jeff Hardy. I can remember as far back as attending Raw in '99 and watching Summerslam 2000, when I became a huge fan of both the Hardyz: To this day I am hooked on Hardy. There are however haters out there, people that would love to see him fail. There are more than a few, so I wouldn't call any out by name (Ray, Dub, and Shane), but I do know they are out there. I recently decided to have a one-on-one discussion with Pro Wrestling's Community Leader, Shane Howard about Hardy, ...