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Author Archive

Why WWE Officials Are the Real Masters of Manipulation

Posted by JVCXV On June - 12 - 2010
Manipulate: “To control or play upon by artful, unfair, or insidious means especially to one's own advantage.” Definition courtesy Merriam-Webster After watching, and then reading the many varying opinions that followed last Monday's Viewers Choice Three-Hour Special, I was hit with the epiphany that titles this piece. Upon making this self realization, I had another revelation that this craftiness has been going on much longer than just last Monday night. Nevertheless, I feel that this last episode of Raw may have been a masterpiece in the art of manipulation. Think about it, ...
Now, before all of the “gelatinous tape-worms” and “parasitic sycophants” try to substantiate the hypocrisy of Chris Jericho's sanctimonious character, think about this for a second. How many of those words did you actually know before Jericho used them in a promo? Currently, we live in a world where sending text messages and typing Tweets have become commonplace. In this world, we now place a premium on the lowest number of characters we are required to type for us to get our message across. Many folks have just chalked this up to the fact that this is ...
Ever since WWE made the decision to change their product so it would conform to a PG rating, many people in the IWC have been against it.  The detractors blame the rating as the reason why WWE's programming has been perceived by fans as being lacklustre. Now, I might be in the minority, but I don't believe that a return to a more mature rating is really in the best interest of the WWE, or its fans. To understand where I'm coming from, let me explain the reason I believe the Attitude era was successful, why we are ...

New Details on Hogan, Flair Match on March 8 (Humour)

Posted by JVCXV On March - 4 - 2010
As was announced last week, TNA's return to Monday nights will feature the ring returns of both Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair.  Hogan will be teaming with Abyss to face Ric Flair and Ric Flair 2.0,...uh, I mean AJ Styles. So far, it was unknown what, if any, stipulation would be added to this match, until now.  A man, who is going by the name of The Strap Master, has confirmed from his slow-rolling coffin, that this match on March 8 will be a Tag Team Apple Pie Indian Strap Match. Some of you may remember that in 2000, at ...

The Rock Responds to Fake Wrestling Claim (Humour)

Posted by JVCXV On February - 22 - 2010
Last night, a life altering revelation was made by one of the members on Bleacher Report. The article stated that pro wrestling is not real, and is in fact scripted.  The article goes on to state the fact that the author hates pro wrestling, and pretty much insulted all that enjoy it, who are over the age of nine. Upon hearing this news, the IWC responded in kind and the war of words has been going on ever since.  I, as a writer, felt the need to get another side of the story and felt that there was only ...

TNA Wrestling: Ready for Monday Nights?

Posted by JVCXV On February - 18 - 2010
Ever since TNA announced a Monday night Impact on Jan. 4, people have wondered if this was going to be a permanent thing.  With the fourth having come and gone, and the show scoring its highest rating ever, the questions have changed from "if" to "when." Now that it has been made official that TNA Impact will be a fixture on Monday nights,  it leaves me with the question as to whether or not they are really ready to compete with the WWE. On paper it looks like they are. They appear to have the full support ...
Since Christian's return to WWE in 2009, many people (myself included) have wondered when the WWE would reunite Edge and Christian in the ring.    For a long time now, Edge and Christian have been two wrestlers that have had their paths intertwine on multiple occasions.  Their last in ring performance together was back in 2005 as tag team partners. Since that time, Edge has gone on to achieve great success in the WWE by becoming a multi-time world champion.  In late 2005, Christian left WWE and went to TNA, where he, too, became a multi-time world champion ...

What if AJ Styles was in WWE and John Cena was in TNA?

Posted by JVCXV On January - 7 - 2010
This is a question I have had on my mind after reading a few “what if” articles by Chris Mueller(What If#1 )(What If#2 ) and viewing the latest Monday night showdown. The reason I have selected these two performers is mainly for their statuses in their respective companies. First, you have AJ styles, the current TNA World Heavyweight Champion.  AJ has been with the company since the beginning, has won multiple titles in TNA, and is arguably one of the best, if not the best wrestlers in the world today.  Clearly, AJ is the present and future of TNA. Next, ...

Should the WWE Change Its Championship Structure?

Posted by JVCXV On January - 3 - 2010
Let me start off by saying that this article has absolutely nothing to do with the WWE Champion Sheamus.  I've said what I needed to say about that a couple of articles ago, and I have made my peace with that whole storyline. No, this is an article about all the championships currently in World Wrestling Entertainment.  Currently, WWE has a total of eight championship belts between the three brands (nine, if you count the unified tag belts as two separate titles). Some people out there believe that this number is too high.  Others feel WWE should ...

Top 10 Things I Would Like To See WWE Do in 2010

Posted by JVCXV On December - 29 - 2009
As 2010 fast approaches, one cannot help but think of New Year's resolutions.  No I am not talking about a former WWE pay per view, I'm talking about those things people promise themselves they are going do in the New Year. Well, this got me thinking, and I don't know if the WWE has made any as of yet, but here is a list of 10 things I would like to see in the WWE.  By the way, these aren't in any particular order. 1. Give us match endings and story lines that actually make sense. ...