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On tonight’s edition of RAW, after becoming the No. 1 contender to the WWE Divas Championship by defeating both Alicia Fox and Eve in a hellacious triple threat match, Melina slapped the taste out of Natalya’s mouth to return to her heel role for the first time in over two years. A five-time champion in the WWE, Melina will be searching for her sixth title reign—putting her in an incredibly elite class of women. Also, the fact that she is going up against one of the most talented women in wrestling, Natalya, should indicate that some of the greatest matches of both ...

Make No Miztake About It: Why The Miz Is No John Cena

Posted by Kingly One On November - 28 - 2010
In response to The Miz winning the WWE Championship and its elicitation of raucous howls of unbridled ire from the sensible members of the IWC, Mizfits have taken to using every possible argument to defend the nonsensical decision of making him a world champion. From the usual blathering of absurdities like: “Miz deserves the title because he has improved so much!” and, “Miz deserves the title because he is AWESOMEEEE on the mic,” the latest shibboleth used by Mizfits to justify his WWE title reign is, “The fact that Miz gets so much people against him means he is deserving of ...

What a Miztake! R.I.P. WWE Championship: 1963-2010

Posted by Kingly One On November - 23 - 2010
Once upon a time, the WWE Championship was more than just a meaningless shiny piece of metal. It meant more than just a ridiculous ornament that talentless people were adorned with. It was the culmination of years of hard work and an entire career of honing one’s craft. Some of the greatest names in the history of wrestling have held the title, and some of the greatest names in wrestling history haven’t. Needless to say, the WWE Championship was once the highest prize that one could possibly dream of winning in wrestling. That all changed tonight… Some bright person thought ...
It is utterly implausible that even a casual observer of women’s wrestling in WWE over the past two years hasn’t heard the name “Michelle McCool,” inasmuch as she has been shoved down everyone’s throats by WWE with more vigor than a parent forces distasteful baby food down the mouth of a toddler. The difference between the parent and WWE is that the parent has the nutrition of the baby in mind, whereas WWE are kowtowing to a self-interested opportunist at the expense of the health of their women’s division. Now let’s get down to business. Frankly, without her relationship with the Undertaker, by ...

The Video Rants of a Thin-Skinned Mad Man: Is Matt Hardy Going Crazy?

Posted by Kingly One On September - 17 - 2010
The 21st-century advance of technology is a wonderful thing for innumerable reasons. We now can communicate with people across the other side of the world with handheld devices, and the advent of so many different mediums like Facebook, YouTube and Twitter allow for global reach in a matter of seconds. But there are also downsides to these technological advances. It also highlights the psychological issues and imprudence of certain status-anxious celebrities who are obsessed with reading their press and responding to every last criticism they receive. There is no greater example of this phenomenon than the emotional wreck that is Matt Hardy. In recent weeks, ...

WWE Night of Champions: Can Daniel Bryan Carry The Miz to a Good Match?

Posted by Kingly One On September - 13 - 2010
Internet smarks have been waiting with baited breath for Bryan Danielson's return to the company ever since his shocking release—and, more importantly, for the continuation of his feud with WWE’s resident adaptation of Kermit the Frog, colloquially known as The Miz. In a terribly boring and semi-literate promo this past Monday, Mr. Awesome Mic Skills himself incoherently babbled about his massive achievement of being on the cover of WWE’s magazine. In a desperate attempt to cling to anything that gives him even a microscopic amount of validation, Miz used his solo appearance on the magazine’s cover as evidence of his success, ...
The recent histrionics over Serena’s release from the WWE is particularly interesting because of the blatant dishonesty of many of the IWC smarks crying bucket loads of crocodile tears. The funniest thing about the lachrymose spiels of these fakers in the IWC is that they manifestly couldn’t have cared less about her when she was under her WWE contract; however, her release allows them an opportunity to burnish their smark credentials by expressing phony indignation over WWE’s “ZOMG! Silly release of an independent wrestling star!” As I have posted in the past, if you want to be immune from criticism in the ...

WWE NXT: Has “Giant Mania” Infected Women’s Wrestling Too?

Posted by Kingly One On September - 3 - 2010
With the much-anticipated all-Diva series of NXT set to debut on SyFy on Tuesday, many fans of women’s wrestling are chomping at the bit to see whether this third season will live up to the past two series or, perhaps, even massively surpass it. No objective person can deny the fact that the Divas certainly attract certain male and female demographics, and we may see the show’s ratings benefit from that. However, conversely, there is also the "toilet break" syndrome, which could cause a decline in the ratings. It really could go either way. The excitement over the season is certainly not ...

Did They Put a Gun To Your Head? An Analysis of Steroids in the WWE

Posted by Kingly One On August - 19 - 2010
After each tragic and untimely death of a wrestler every few years, we see an invariable rash of irritating wrestling nonentities who dart into television studios and newspaper offices to lambast the WWE for their “allowance” and “promotion” of steroid use. These buffoons with no aim in life, besides jumping on opportunities to attack WWE, couldn't resist the urge to speedily capitalize on the recent death of Lance Cade for their own economic and political purposes under the clever guise of attacking the “evil corporation” WWE for the good of other wrestlers. The head of the pack of these anti-WWE commentators is ...

WWE SummerSlam: Can The IWC Stop Hunting For Melina?

Posted by Kingly One On August - 16 - 2010
Just as moose-hunting is wildly popular in Alaska, and some people in regions of America enjoy hunting for deer, IWC pundits have invented their own ferocious hunting game, and, inexplicably, the prey that is unfailingly in their cross-hairs vis-à-vis female wrestlers is Melina. After Melina’s return match to the WWE last Monday on RAW in a non-title victory against the then-Divas Champion Alicia Fox, we had to endure, yet again, the unflinching and bald-faced idiocy that was being unremittingly delivered by pseudo-experts in the IWC. While the match was by no means a five-star match, if you listened to the ...