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John Cena, the face of the WWE, has quite the task ahead of him. At Bragging Rights, the Nexus leader, Wade Barrett, has ordered Cena to be in his corner when he takes on Randy Orton for the title. I guess he expects Cena to help him get the title and walk out of BR as the new WWE champion. To me, that's a little premature. Barrett thinks it is going to go down just like that. After all, Cena has to do whatever Barrett says since he lost his match against him at Hell In A Cell. Of course, there was some ...
Hey Bleacher fans. Thank you for stopping by to read this. Hope you like it. Tonight, Justin Roberts, was the lone commentator for the night's festivities. At least he was until, C.M Punk came out to join him. Micheal Cole doesn't like the Diva's NXT. Therefore, he wasn't there to run his mouth about the divas, Daniel Bryan. Ahh peace so... Another episode of Diva's NXT, has come and gone, but not without incident. Matt Striker had all six divas in the ring, trying to explain about how important timing is. He gave each one a word, and they had to talk about ...

RKO and the Attitude Adjuster Outlast Nexus’s Barrett and Gabriel

Posted by lee raydean On September - 10 - 2010
Monday Night RAW opens with Nexus in the ring. Leader of the pact, Wade Barrett, was bragging about their accomplishments. On the titantron, a video came on, showing how Nexus ganged up on the Undertaker who wasn't quite 100%. He didn't look or act like the Phenom. Justin Gabriel had his video up on the titantron next. It showed Gabriel giving John Cena his finishing move, the 450 and then pinning him. Just as they thought about celebrating, a familiar sound fills the arena. Randy Orton appears to confront the notorious gang, Nexus. He reminded Wade Barrett, that he has beaten him. And of ...

WWE RAW: Kane and Nexus Try To Rid WWE Of Undertaker. No More Phenom?

Posted by lee raydean On August - 31 - 2010
Hey WWE Universe. Last night was epic. Raw started out with a legand to open the show, Bret "the Hitman" Hart. Bret was saying that when he first emerged on the scene, Undertaker was there on hand as well. He continued, by saying "900 episodes and 17 years later, we are still around". Just about then, Smackdown Champion, Kane, came out. As soon as he heard his brother's name, he had to get in the ring and ridicule Taker. He was saying that his brother, as well as Bret Hart, are old and feebled, tattered, and worn out. Kane also commented that the ...

SummerSlam: Team WWE Finally Shuts Up Nexus, or So We Thought

Posted by lee raydean On August - 19 - 2010
SummerSlam, in my opinion, was the wrestling pay-per-view of the year. The matches couldn't have been more tense. The wrestlers were more focused, more determined, and Team WWE was ready for whatever Nexus threw at them. What led up to this rivalry started a few months back, after the first seaon of NXT. All seven members decided they wanted to make an impact, and there was a plan to be carried out. Week after week, Nexus would interfere in matches, especially when the WWE champion or John Cena were in a match. Nexus took out Vince McMahon, Cena, the Great Khali, and ...

Is It a Numbers Game? John Cena and Team Have Nexus on the Run

Posted by lee raydean On August - 13 - 2010
Hello WWE Universe and fans alike. On this past Monday night RAW, we had the pleasure of seeing Nexus again. That was supposed to be sarcastic. As usual, they were making trouble. It all began when Brett Hart came to the ring to call out Chris Jericho and Edge. The reason was clear what he wanted from them. Jericho was the first to come out. Brett asked him if he would rejoin Team WWE. In his egotistical way, he replied with a no. Edge came out and pretended he wanted to rejoin. Bret and Edge shook hands. Jericho jumped out of the ring ...

What Is Wrestling Coming To With Kissing Contests In The Ring?

Posted by lee raydean On August - 7 - 2010
Hey wrestling fans, i have a question to ask. What is on syfy at 10 o'clock pm on Tuesday nights? I know it's a strange question, but please, just bare with me. I was watching NXT and for some strange reason, there were rookies in the ring along with LayCool. As usual, they were talking about...NOTHING!!! Their lips were moving and as usual it was more babbling than anything. Laycool had the rookies in a contest, to find out who was the best kisser. They were under the assumption they were going to get their "kiss on" with Michelle and Layla. Those two don't ...

SummerSlam: Can Cena and Team Pull Off the Win Over Nexus?

Posted by lee raydean On July - 29 - 2010
How did John Cena ever get into the predicament that he is in now? Will he and his team be able to pull things together in time for SummerSlam? The mystery GM for RAW sent Micheal Cole an email stating that it will be Team Cena vs. Nexus at SS. There is one problem with that. Team Cena cannot co-exist with one another. During Cena's opening statement, at the beginning of the show last week, Jericho came out to argue his point. According to Jericho, Team Cena should be his team. He thinks that he's the best one for the job. Cena ...

John Cena Has New Alliances, Can They Finally Stop Nexus?

Posted by lee raydean On July - 22 - 2010
Well, folks, MITB wrestling has kicked up a notch—three days of nonstop action, including NXT tonight. In the past weeks we have seen Nexus quite a bit. Maybe a little bit too much. It's never a pretty sight. At MITB, John Cena was in a caged match against Sheamus for the title belt. The WWE made this a caged match so Nexus couldn't interfere. This radical group started their violence not too long after the first season of NXT. Wade Barrett was the new breakout star. Without any forewarning, Wade Barrett hatched a plan with the other rookies. They all agreed to be one well-greased ...

John Cena Vs. Nexus: The War Has Just Begun

Posted by lee raydean On July - 11 - 2010
Who said that John Cena couldn't take care of himself? This past Monday night on RAW, he proved he could and proved something else: loyalty, respect, and never giving up. The Nexus doesn't want to hear that. They would rather torture and maim someone, and it doesn't matter who or where it is. The new GM (everyone thinks its Steve Austin but they may be trying to throw people off) says they want to have peace and not situations, like they have been. This is getting kind of old with the Nexus every week. You can always bet they will be there on RAW every Monday ...