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Author Archive

WWE, What Was the Point of That?: Nexus Edition

Posted by Maria Cane On January - 10 - 2011
Hello my peoples! Happy New Year first of all! Hope you all had a great holiday and a happy new year.While we reflect on the old year, WWE brought many huge storylines, the most notable of them all being the Nexus.While I look back, I reflect on certain past events thinking, "What was the point of that?" and then cue my first ever Bleacher Report list, frankly asking WWE, what was the point of this?Begin Slideshow

WWE’s MC Report: Why the Creative Team is Naked

Posted by Maria Cane On November - 3 - 2010
"Remember, when the emperor looks naked, the emperor is naked." - Daria Daria (yes, the old school MTV show)  sums up perfectly what my general consensus is to those pretentious writers that call themselves the WWE "Creative Team." In addition, it's a quote that the writers and numerous fans themselves need to realize. To help better understand my thesis, I'll translate it in wrestling terminology: If it looks like bad writing, it is bad writing Beginning with this, the creative team too often introduces new storylines that won't expand on correctly and are just plain worthless. Classic exhibit case for this is the horrid McMahon/Hornswoggle saga. Yes, you all remember ...
"So that we make one thing perfectly clear, if I don't win this match, you're fired."-Wade Barrett Read that statement twice. It may seem obvious. Of course Wade Barrett is going to can Cena if he doesn't win the title, right? Randy Orton vs. Wade Barrett was the final showdown to cap last night's WWE Bragging Rights PPV. Suspense was added to the matchup when, earlier, David Otunga and John Cena (mostly Cena though) captured the tag team titles right before Cena sent Otunga flying with an Attitude Adjustment. Nexus later on attacked Taker and cost him his title shot against Kane in ...
"From champion to chump it seems."- The quote is the picture perfect headline for this particular preview article. Tonight Randy Orton defends the WWE title against Nexus leader Wade Barrett. But the main headline of this match seems to be the one person who isn't wrestling: John Cena. We all know the story by now. At Hell in a Cell, John Cena lost a match along with his pride and dignity thanks to a wide boot in the face by season 2 NXT rookie Michael McGillicutty. Cena the next night tried to fight Nexus from the inside, only for the anonymous GM to rule ...

The MC Report: What Randy Orton Needs To Be the Top Face

Posted by Maria Cane On October - 4 - 2010
Over the last month, there has been two huge developments that have shaken the foundation of the WWE/IWC Universe. One is of Randy Orton winning the WWE title, and another is the possible alliance/heel turn of John Cena with the Nexus (I've already written about the latter here). Randy Orton since Wrestlemania of this year has unexpectedly catapulted into the hearts of WWE fans both young and adult. His cold snake-like demeanor as well his trademark viper logo and tattoos has given fans a whole new type of character to root for. Unlike John Cena, Randy Orton is thought of as being ...
Picture this: a camera man cutting from screen to screen images young children and women gasping in shock and horror. Faces of ruins plastered everywhere. "Oh no!"s and "This cannot be happening" cliches narrating the scene. No, this is not another butchered Rob Zombie "Halloween film, the return of Gordon Gekko back on Wall Street, or Jigsaw playing chain games in an eight film. Instead,it's Wade Barrett vs. John Cena with a huge stipulation.  If John Cena wins, Nexus is over. If Cena loses, he joins Nexus. Cena lost. And now, it's 1997 all over again. There is an old wrestling fairytale that has been told time and ...