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Author Archive

Dear John Cena Haters: You Are Spot On

Posted by Mark Delaney On December - 12 - 2009
I'm going to make this short and sweet. I came across a ridiculous article earlier from a person who is most likely 12. He gave numerous highly debatable reasons to why we should give Cena more respect and encouraged us to reject the seemingly unfair prejudice that is placed upon him.   1. He never puts anyone over. The Miz. He also wins the majority of feuds that he is involved in: Big Show (numerous times), Booker T, Carlito, JBL, Kurt Angle, Edge (numerous times), Umaga (R.I.P), Shawn Michaels, Randy Orton(The most frustrating in my opinion, without question), Chris Jericho etc. The list goes ...

CM Punk: Can We Put an End to the Nonsense?

Posted by Mark Delaney On November - 27 - 2009
CM Punk is one superstar whose name has been bandied about for the past few weeks. This is most notably because he is engaged in a feud with R-Truth, a mid-carder, and many believe that Punk is joining that group of superstars again. Can everybody take a step back for a brief moment? I personally find this whole issue rather irritating to say the least. Punk is a top heel who has been involved in the title picture essentially since Wrestlemania, when we received weekly promos showing him attempt to cash in his Money In The Bank briefcase. The WWE clearly recognises ...

A Call for Randy Orton To Show His Face

Posted by Mark Delaney On November - 18 - 2009
Is it just me or has anybody else had brief thoughts regarding Randy Orton as a face? Is it time for Randy, after becoming the most dominant heel in the business, to suddenly become the good guy? Although current circumstances would point to a great improbability of such an event occurring, I personally believe that Randy was a very talented and likable face who, because of ridiculous booking on the part of the WWE writers, was changed back to the heel moniker that had been so profitable for them in the past. In 2004, Randy Orton had already established himself ...