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Author Archive

WWE: 27 WrestleMania Dream Matches (Part 3)

Posted by Mat Terry On March - 20 - 2011
It is safe to say that it is officially WrestleMania season. We are now two weeks away from WrestleMania XXVII and excitement is building at a steady pace. Wrestling fans across the globe are gripped by anticipation for the biggest event in professional wrestling. WrestleMania is the “Showcase of the Immortals," an event where anything can happen. Here lies the crux of this article. WrestleMania is the platform where dream matches can, will and have taken place. Over the course of this three-part series, I will present 27 dream matches that I would love ...

WWE: 27 WrestleMania Dream Matches (Part 2)

Posted by Mat Terry On March - 17 - 2011
It is safe to say that it is officially WrestleMania season. We are now less than three weeks away from WrestleMania XXVII and excitement is building at a steady pace. Wrestling fans across the globe are gripped by anticipation for the biggest event in professional wrestling. WrestleMania is the “Showcase of the Immortals," an event where anything can happen. Here lies the crux of this article. WrestleMania is the platform where dream matches can, will and have taken place. Over the course of this three-part series, I will present 27 dream matches that I would love to see during the “Grandaddy of Them All.” Some ...

WWE: 27 WrestleMania Dream Matches (Part 1)

Posted by Mat Terry On March - 14 - 2011
It is safe to say that it is officially WrestleMania season. We are now less than three weeks away from WrestleMania XXVII and excitement is building at a steady pace. Wrestling fans across the globe are gripped by anticipation for the biggest event in professional wrestling. WrestleMania is the “Showcase of the Immortals," an event where anything can happen. Here lies the crux of this article. WrestleMania is the platform where dream matches can, will and have taken place. Over the course of this three-part series, I will present 27 dream matches that I would love to see during the ...

WWE Gimmick Intervention: How To Repackage John Cena

Posted by Mat Terry On March - 13 - 2011
Do not fear, this is not the latest in a long line of articles demanding that John Cena must turn heel. Whether you desire the heel turn or not, it will not happen in the foreseeable future. Cena brings in too much money as the perennial baby face, and as we speak, no one else is ready to fill the void if Cena was to turn heel. However, just because it is unlikely he will be turning heel does not mean his character cannot be tweaked or enhanced. As I alluded to in a previous article, John Cena’s character lacks ...

WWE and Winning: How WWE Superstars Can Learn From Charlie Sheen

Posted by Mat Terry On March - 10 - 2011
Yes, I am aware that I have written an article with the title “How WWE Superstars Can Learn from Charlie Sheen”. Please bare with me, this is not a joke. I believe that upcoming Superstars in 2011 can learn a great deal from the Charlie Sheen saga currently dominating the output of most media outlets. Before I progress into how Charlie Sheen could help aspiring wrestlers, it is essential that I justify such a seemingly absurd statement. It is surprisingly simple: The Charlie Sheen saga is the biggest work in the media today. Charlie Sheen has capitalized on the public ...

WWE: Will The Rock’s Return Harm the WWE in the Long Term?

Posted by Mat Terry On March - 7 - 2011
Before I progress into the main body of this article, allow me to pre-empt the public outcry that may follow such a seemingly pessimistic stance. I, like the majority of the wrestling community, have been riding a wave of euphoria since The Rock made his triumphant return three weeks ago. That moment was one of the greatest Raw moments of all time—in my book at least. Trust me, I marked out. I marked out hard. I marked out like Perez Hilton after he found out Charlie Sheen opened a Twitter account. But amongst the celebrations, there is a question that ...
This past week, Johnny Curtis won the fourth season of WWE NXT. However, due to programming being confined to, not all of you may know this. But regardless of whether you saw the finale or not, many of you probably don’t care. “Why?” I hear you ask. “Do you care to explain such a sweeping generalization?” The voices in my head inquire. No problem. WWE NXT not only illustrates WWE PG at its worst, but it also emphasizes the severe failures of the WWE’s current developmental system. Instead of recruiting the best wrestling talents from across globe and having them—get this—wrestle, we have a combination of footballers ...

WWE: The Curious Case of Cody Rhodes and the Mask

Posted by Mat Terry On March - 6 - 2011
In my previous article, I aired my frustration regarding the Cody Rhodes and Rey Mysterio feud, with a particular emphasis on Rhodes’ ridiculous mask and alleged facial injuries. After reading through the comments on the aforementioned article, it is clear that Cody and his mask has divided opinion amongst the Internet wrestling community, leaving me compelled to write this article. The divide at the centre of this unlikely debate is in regard to what the WWE’s intention behind the mask is exactly. What are they trying to convey? There seem to be two primary schools of thought, but first allow ...

WWE: Four Weeks Until WrestleMania XXVII: Where We Stand

Posted by Mat Terry On March - 5 - 2011
WrestleMania XXVII is fast approaching and, in four weeks time, wrestling’s greatest spectacle will be upon us. Between now and April 3, a lot can and will happen. We should expect surprises, shocks, swerves and possibly Justin Bieber. But where do we stand now? Based on recent developments, what can we expect from WrestleMania XXVII? This is the very purpose of this article.Every week from now until WrestleMania, I will be commenting on the week’s salient events and speculate on their impact come April 3. Up first, Triple H’s polarizing promo from Raw…Begin Slideshow
It is WrestleMania season, arguably the most exciting time of the year for wrestling fanatics. Fans around the world are glued to the screen (TV or computer), desperate for any new developments regarding wrestling's Super Bowl.It is this time of year that the WWE performs at its highest level, when anything can happen and surprises crop up more often than a Ric Flair blade-job.But we wrestling fans are a pessimistic bunch.Despite our year-long dedication to wrestling programming, we're sooner to dissect a show looking for faults than we are to praise it.Whether it ...