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Author Archive

CM Punk’s Broken Nose Brings Blood Back to the WWE

Posted by Matt Clements On February - 8 - 2011
Last night, at the start of RAW, CM Punk came out for the standard Nexus beatdown on Randy Orton, as is to be expected with the feud where it is now. While Orton was held by Nexus, Punk was getting ready to lay in on him. Then, Orton fought back and kicked Punk square in the face. The kick came a little too close for comfort, and left Punk with a legitimate broken nose. Punk bled, and the strangest thing happened. No medics came out. Officials didn't stop the promo in order to take care of the ...

Ric Flair Ditched In Dublin: Is The Nature Boy Leaving TNA For Good?

Posted by Matt Clements On January - 25 - 2011
According to, the TNA European Tour apparently left Ric Flair behind in Dublin, Ireland.  Sources are stating Flair demanded to be paid in advance before the crew hit the bus on its way to board a plane to Berlin, Germany.  When Flair was denied the advance, he apparently became "The Nature Boy," threw a tantrum, and refused to board the bus.  In order to stay on schedule, the decision was made to leave Flair behind.  There are reports of talent even giving the "WHOOO" chant to Flair as the bus drove off without him. What does this mean for TNA?  ...

King Kofi Kingston About To Go Savage: Is CM Punk a Racist?

Posted by Matt Clements On December - 15 - 2010
Lately, like the rest of you, I've really enjoyed the commentary on Raw courtesy of CM Punk.  Apparently, the announce team has been asked to start making more inside references and obligatory jabs at each other, and nobody is doing it better than CM Punk.  From the start when he called out Alex Riley on his current DUI arrest in Florida, I knew we were in for a breath of fresh air. Two weeks ago, during the King of the Ring tournament, CM Punk made us all spit whatever we were drinking out of our noses when he said quite casually, "King ...

CvC: Sting Vs. Flair Is The Best Rivalry In Pro Wrestling

Posted by Matt Clements On December - 9 - 2010
A lot of good arguments have been made here for the best rivalry in pro wrestling.  Given the subject, we should look at what makes a rivalry great. In my mind, a great rivalry can do two main things:1) Sell a crowd and a television audience.2) Elevate the status of a professional wrestler.The greatest rivalries are not those by two established wrestlers. Hogan and Savage had some excellent bouts in the late 80's, but I wouldn't consider their rivalry great; the same with Hogan vs. Andre the Giant. While a colossal match, I would hardly consider it a rivalry.  A well-placed rivalry ...

Top Five WWE Wrestlers Who Could Benefit Most From a John Cena Heel Push

Posted by Matt Clements On October - 20 - 2010
It seemed with the end of Summer that the on and off again angle known as the Nexus was in its last breath.  We saw the defeat of the entire team at Summerslam, and then the defeat of Wade Barrett at Night of Champions. Injuries plagued the stable, with the Number 2 man on the mic and the muscle, Skip Sheffield, out due to a leg injury.  Poor booking and poor delivery, as well as poor merchandise sales, seemed to mark the failure of a group which so far has achieved less than the Spirit Squad in terms of championships. Then, WWE ...

Best Current WWE Tag Teams

Posted by Matt Clements On July - 19 - 2010
After a hiatus of a few years regarding the WWE tag team landscape, WWE Creative decided in May to do something about that. They forged new teams, created exciting tag matches, and worked to build back what was once a staple of WWE wrestling. Finally, this era of WWE could have great tag teams to rival the likes of The Hart Foundation, The Can-Am Connection, The Killer Bees, Money Inc., The Mega Powers, and Demolition. Let's see what the WWE cooked up for this exciting action!!!Begin Slideshow
The is reporting that the higherups in the WWE are upset photos of the Undertaker/Michelle McCool wedding leaked to the Internet as it's kinda hard for a person in a vegetative state to marry somebody.  The Undertaker reportedly didn't attend UFC 116 because of storyline constraints. In related news, Dirk Hayhurst deleted his recent tweet regarding him seeing HHH in the hospital after the superstar underwent arm surgery, more than likely because WWE officials asked him to.  Both are recent examples of WWE's continued efforts to unsuccessfully maneuver in the world of kayfabe when an Internet is ...