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Author Archive

Would-Be-Champs: 5 Guys That Would Have Been World Champ by Now

Posted by Matt Offermann On March - 14 - 2011
There are guys that were made to be champions. Unfortunately for us, Vince McMahon is the guy that gives the word on who will be champion.If you jump ship and return (Christian and Gail Kim), you will be screwed out of any opportunity of a title.Then there are guys like HHH and Batista, who get ridiculous amounts of title shots (not that they are not deserved or anything).Finally, there are those that had the ability to become champion but either left the WWE for some reason or another.I made a list of five guys that I believe had the skills to eventually ...

WWE: 5 Guys Who Can Benefit From Rock’s Return

Posted by Matt Offermann On February - 18 - 2011
So before anybody gets the wrong idea from the title; it is not how it sounds. I am talking to the jobbers that could benefit from this—not calling the Rock a jobber. Now that that's out of the way, let's get to it. Since nobody really knows how long the Rock will be back, I am going to take the positive side and say he is gonna be here a while. If the Rock does stay, he could really do some good for the guys that are not really getting anything. Who couldn't benefit from a victory of a former ...

WWE Rides: The 20 Best Vehicles of the WWE/WWF/WCW

Posted by Matt Offermann On February - 18 - 2011
Although most people seem to forget about the cars, trucks, and even ATV's that WWE has used, they have all played an awesome part of great shocking moments in WWE. Some use them as entrances, others as backstage modes of transportation, and even to embarrass other wrestlers. I have found 20 of the best used vehicles in WWE. In case you guys notice, because even though I am writing this I know somebody is going to put a comment that says "Where's the DX Express," I am aware that the D-X Express is not on here. I couldn't find a good picture of ...
What's up Bleachers? Off here with a few interesting things, so let's get to it.                                     WWE Wrestlers Respond to The Rock's Return  A few WWE wrestlers commented on twitter about how they felt about The Rock's return. John Cena: "CeNation. Rock was in rare form tonight. It was great to see him enjoying himself out there. Even if it was at my expense. I've been called a lot worse. Just glad to see him back in action." CM Punk:  "Rock owes me fifty bucks for going 20 minutes past the hour, making me miss my valentines day reservations at Nobu." The ...

WWE: The Rock Is Back, So Christian’s Stock Is Going To Soar

Posted by Matt Offermann On February - 15 - 2011
So The Rock has returned to the WWE business. You might be wondering what in the blue hell does this has to do with Christian. Before I get to that, let's take a look at The Rock for a second. Vince loves anything that has to do with Rock. Anything that Rock has to do with wrestling automatically makes it gold. During his stay, either short or long, Rock will no doubt have a part in things that should come to happen around the show. So we all know Vince loves The Rock. The question all the peeps are wondering is— How much sway ...

WWE Report: The Godfather Inducted To the Hall Of Fame (Invisible)

Posted by Matt Offermann On February - 10 - 2011
Charles Wright is the newest member of the Hall of Fame, or at least the invisible part. When asked for a comment about being inducted, The Godfather had this to say: “It’s long overdue, pimping ain't easy and this is a great way to show me all my hard work wasn't’t for nothing.” Now, The Godfather will not be in the usual introduction ceremony because of his character. We all know that Godfather played a pimp character and was always accompanied by a "train of ho's" to the ring. He will be joining other Invisible Wing inductees such as Val Venis, Sable, Mae ...
What is up Bleachers? Off here with some news and an extremely funny clip that everyone should see.                                   CM Punk and John Cena's Rap Battle on Raw This past Monday on Raw, CM Punk came out and challenged John Cena to a rap battle. It was the perfect scenario for a rap battle because Punk is from Chicago, and it was a football-type battle. It was over all a pretty funny segment.                                 Edge Wants To Conquer Mount Everest after the WWE In an interview with World Champion Edge, He was asked what his plans are after wrestling. His answer was the following. "Honestly, ...

CVC: A New Year and a New Challenge

Posted by Matt Offermann On February - 5 - 2011
Hello, B/R community. We have not had a CVC for the new year yet, and I thought it was a good time to do so. Over the past month, myself and Rize have been thinking of a good idea to kick off the year, and we finally came up with one. And for the first time, you don't have to hope you can get your choice. So, without further delay, let's get started. Most of you have played SVR at some point and created a wrestler. This is all about showing creativity.   Create Your Own Perfect Wrestler So you're probably asking yourself, how in the ...

IWC Message: Please Use the Word ‘Overrated’ Sparingly

Posted by Matt Offermann On February - 4 - 2011
I have been wanting to do this for a while now, and I have had about enough of hearing it. This guy is overrated, that guy is overrated, that team is overrated. Now, I am not going to say there are not any wrestlers who are not overrated—believe me there are a few—but it's the ones that are called overrated that really are not that annoy the hell out of me. At the end of the day calling a wrestler overrated will be opinionated and there is no real way to stop it, but I am asking that you please think ...

WWE’s 2-21-11: All About the Numbers, This Is Neither Sting or Taker

Posted by Matt Offermann On February - 4 - 2011
(This is just a fun little thing I came up with so don't knock me down over it, obviously I know it is for Taker but just read it) OK so I just got done watching The Number 23 and if you have watched it, and don't lie you know you did, you wrote down your name and saw what it came out too. After I saw it I looked back at BR and looked at the numbers, then something jumped out at me. 2-21-11. It is not just a date, it is destiny. Let me break it down for you to show you who ...