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Author Archive

Marty Jannetty, The Life and Downfall of the Forgotten Rocker!

Posted by Matthew Hester On September - 8 - 2010
Over the many years of watching pro wrestling, I have seen many tag teams come and go. Some of these teams were good, and some of these teams weren’t so good. Either way, it’s a common occurrence to see teams split up. When teams split up in wrestling, it usually happens for a couple of reasons. One of the main reasons though, is because a team has run its course and they both go on their separate paths. The story that is told when this happens is often the same one. One wrestler goes on to become bigger than the other. Why ...

The Life of a Pro Wrestler: Is It Truly Worth It?

Posted by Matthew Hester On September - 2 - 2010
Pro wrestling as a whole is a pastime that I have cherished for over two decades. The memories I have garnished over that time has been priceless. At the age of six I saw Ric Flair wrestle in South Carolina, and that was my first time ever at a wrestling event. In the following years after I would be treated to seeing such great bouts like Hogan vs. Savage, Taker vs. Hart, Jericho vs. HBK, and many more. So to say I have been blessed as a wrestling fan would be an understatement. It hasn’t been all good though. Just like everything ...

Smashing Pumpkins’ Billy Corgan Talks His Passion for Pro Wrestling!

Posted by Matthew Hester On September - 1 - 2010
In what may come to a shock to some fans of the Smashing Pumpkins, Billy Corgan is a huge pro wrestling fan. He recently did a spot with AAA. During his promo, he was interrupted by Hernandez and Alex Kozlov. Of course, this was a work, but it just goes to show you that even some stars love rasslin. He did an interview and discussed a variety of subjects. He talked about the angle with Hernandez and Kozlov. He also surprised me at just how knowledgeable of a fan he was. He talked about his days growing up in Chicago, his favorite ...

Spotlighting Our Legends Past: Series 1, Volume 4

Posted by Matthew Hester On August - 31 - 2010
It’s been a while since I have done an edition of Spotlighting Our Legends Past. I am very happy that everyone seems to be enjoying the series so far. Wrestling history is one of my true passions. So when I do these it’s more of a treat knowing you enjoy them. In this edition we are going to cover people who not only had charisma, but also brains and beauty. Whether they helped Pioneer wrestling for a gender, or just knew how to gab on the stic, these greats will always be remembered for their contributions to the business.    The Fabulous Moolah   One ...

Jerichoholics, Prepare Yourself for the Worst

Posted by Matthew Hester On August - 31 - 2010
This week’s RAW was a really bad one for me. Not because we didn’t get to see Stone Cold, the Rock, Marty Jannetty, or any of the other sacks of meat they could have dug up from the past. In fact from a wrestling standpoint it was a decent episode of RAW. What really made me cringe in fear this week was the announcement Jericho made during his promo. For those that missed it; Jericho stated that he would quit the WWE if he didn’t win the belt at Night of Champions. Normally I don’t look too much into wrestling promos, but with no ...

JR Blogs About a Formation Of a Wrestlers Union!

Posted by Matthew Hester On August - 30 - 2010
Recently JR posted some comments on his blog. He talked about his current status as a WWE employee, his black hat, but more importantly a wrestlers union. It was one of his more vocal rants that I have seen in some time. While I have always felt a wrestlers union would be an end all be all for wrestlers, it certainly couldn’t hurt for them to have one. Let’s face the facts; unions are pretty much a thing of the past. There are many that still exist today, but they no longer have the clout that they once did. Still, they ...

WWN: HHH Divorces McMahon, JoMo Abducted, and More!

Posted by Matthew Hester On August - 29 - 2010
(Satire) I would like to welcome you all to the very first of edition WWN (Wrestling World News), wrestling’s only reliable tabloid news and rumors. It is here you will only get to read the real stories that others are afraid to cover. For safety reasons, I unable to reveal the sources of the stories you are about to read.   (A steamed HHH storms away from Vinces princess) HHH divorces the McMahons and WWE According to an undisclosed source, HHH is in the process of divorcing the WWE. From what I was told, HHH has been unhappy with not holding the title ...
Angle opens up with the Sun In a recent interview with the Baltimore Sun Kurt Angle talked about many issues. He talked about his contract, his injuries, and more. It was a solid interview worth checking out. I threw in few quotes to tease the taste buds. This one was worth the listen so check it out if you have a chance.   Angle on his future    He's going to continue wrestling full-time until his TNA deal expires in a year, he'll have to evaluate his future once it expires.  "Financially, I'm fine," he said.. "The hard part about leaving wrestling is I'll miss ...

The Return Of Creature Vs. Creature: And Your Winner Is…

Posted by Matthew Hester On August - 28 - 2010
Before we go onto the winner of this contest, I would like to thank everyone who took part in it. You guys did a great job and I hope you had fun. C vs. C is about opening up the mind of a writer. I am happy to see that all of you did a great job thinking outside the box. I also hope this contest helped out the BR community. I would have to think seeing so many good reads that it did. Like any other contest, there can only be one winner. We saw some good reads that covered a variety ...

Chris Benoit: A Name Lost in the Shadows of Pro Wrestling

Posted by Matthew Hester On August - 28 - 2010
I was really on the fence when it came to doing this piece. I will make my feelings known once on this. As a father, I find the man Chris Benoit to be a coward and overall, an awful person. That being said, it would be wrong not to recognize the accomplishments and skill he brought to the world of professional wrestling. I can also say that Chris Benoit was one of the best technical wrestlers I have ever seen. While the WWE is doing everything in their power to wipe Chris Benoit off the map, the fact of the matter is ...