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Author Archive

The Top Ten Owns Of The WWE

Posted by matthew offermann On October - 22 - 2010
 We all know mic skills are a key part of being a wrestler. There are also certain times when good or great mic skills receive a bunch of OOOOOOOOOOO's and laughs from the crowd.  I have been looking at some WWE stuff lately and always seem to stumble on great owns of the WWE.  Now if for some reason you do not know what an own is I will tell you.  An own is a joke or comment made about a person that actually makes you say damn instead of the oh that was kinda cool after you hear it.  I have found ten ...

Alex Riley: The Epitome of Screwed and Misused

Posted by matthew offermann On October - 22 - 2010
I see all of these articles about people who are being misused but I have not seen any that have the one guy who has not even been given a chance yet. Yes, you heard right: Alex Riley is the most misused guy on the RAW roster. Alex Riley, as you all know, was on the previous season of NXT and actually made it to the final three before being eliminated. During this, he was The Miz's protege. Well, I should not say "during this," I should say "still." All I ever see is him walking with the Miz and being his ...

Daniel Bryan: My Apologies and Why He Is Not Being Misused

Posted by matthew offermann On October - 20 - 2010
Daniel Bryan. When he first came to WWE all of the IWC went absolutely nuts over this guy and as I had not watched the ROH or any other kind of Florida, Ohio, or other wrestling circuit. So when I heard and read all of the articles about him being the best and should be given a title right away, I was a little, well to be honest I was, VERY skeptical about this. After a while I got tired of hearing this and even wrote an article about my top five overrated wrestlers, with him at No.1. As expected, everybody ...

The New Captain: The Next Christian of the WWE Is…

Posted by matthew offermann On October - 19 - 2010
I hate to be thinking to the end of a great career that has entertained myself along with millions of other people, but it is inevitable to simply shove it off. There is no doubt that Christian is one-of-a-kind wrestler and would be about impossible to replace. Which led me to think, while I know this can not be done, is there a wrestler out there that could compare and be the next Captain Charisma? There is, and he is AWESOME! The Miz, believe it or not, actually reminds me the most of Christian. While I can not remember if he was in singles before ...

Creature Vs. Creature: Christian Deserves The World Heavyweight Title

Posted by matthew offermann On October - 17 - 2010
If you're a Christian fan, you know the headline should say it all. There are, however, a lot of people who don't think this should happen. Most say that his reign of ECW champion was enough. Well, most of those people suck and don't know the half of it. Mic skills, wrestling ability, heel and face ruleage. He has it all. So let's start with the objection I hear all the time: He has not beat any main-eventers or even hung with them. I think this objection is the dumbest of all. Wrestlemania XX was one of the greatest matches for him—he beat ...

The People: Grading The Best Name For The Fans

Posted by matthew offermann On October - 17 - 2010
We all have heard it when wrestlers refer to us (the fans) as a specific name. I am here to grade a few of them. From ones that are just awesome to ones that when we hear it we just laugh. Some of these you may have heard of and some maybe you have not, but if you are a die-hard wrestling fan chances are you have heard of all of these. Let's get started.Begin Slideshow

WWE: Is the PG Era Really That Bad? Why They Are Still Doing Well With It.

Posted by matthew offermann On October - 16 - 2010
I have been thinking about this for a while now. I have read article after article about how much this PG era sucks and I have to admit I hate it and even wrote an article about it too. Yet if you take the time to think about it, it really isn't that bad. The first thing that struck me was Johnny Knoxville's guest appearance. He came out and started promoting Jackass 3-D. Now I don't know if any of you saw it, but there is no way that was anywhere near PG. The other thing I have seen are the ruthless attacks. ...

Creature Vs Creature: Here Are the Writers

Posted by matthew offermann On October - 14 - 2010
Here are the writers for the Creature vs. Creature.  Which WWE Star Deserves a WWE World Title, But Has Never Had One? Matthew Offermann: Christian Henry Adams: Evan Bourne Joe Burgett: Eric Young Rize: John Morrison Justin aka the Phamoo 1: SANTINO! Atobe Keigo: Mr. Perfect Iam D Real Deal Yo: Mr. Anderson (still pending participation) James Chiofalo-Paul Birchill Mark Preston- R-Truth Austin Kilheeney- Kofi Kingston Ricky Jackson- The Pope Mr. Taylor- Goldust So if I missed you, just let me know and I will add you to the list. Good luck to all, and don't forget to put ...

The Poison Spreads: How Bragging Rights Can Propel the Nexus

Posted by matthew offermann On October - 7 - 2010
As everyone knows, Bragging Rights features RAW versus Smackdown. I was thinking about how John Cena recently joined and how Tarver was said to be out of the group as Wade Barrett "was thinking about getting rid of him." That leaves only Slater, Gabriel, Sheffield, and Otunga—pending what his role comes to be. If it is true and Tarver is out, that means two guys have left and only Cena has replaced them. Yes, I am aware Cena is the equivalent of both of these guys and it seems even, but if the Nexus really is to leave a mark they ...

Chris Benoit Movie: Good or Bad Idea?

Posted by matthew offermann On October - 6 - 2010
Pro has reported that Lost Colony Entertainment has purchased the TV and film rights to adapt the "Chris and Nancy" book by Irv Muchnick, based on the Benoit family tragedy. This means that Lost Colony has the rights to develop and sell the property or raise money to produce the movie on their own. Now if this is true the question is: Is this really a good idea? This is a very controversial topic for many wrestling fans. On just about every topic about Benoit there are those split in half. One side says he is a d-bag for doing ...