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Author Archive

WWE: The Revival of the WWE Tag Team Division Has Begun

Posted by Micah Chen On May - 5 - 2012
For the last couple years, the tag team division has been so bad it's hard to describe.  It's gotten to a point where winning the tag team titles means you're either being punished, or the WWE just doesn't know what to do with you. There is no honor in the titles at all.You would have the same tag teams competing every week. Anybody up for another rematch of The Uso's vs Air Boom? It goes back even further than that. Anybody remember the never-ending feud between John Morrison and The Miz vs Carlito and Primo?At any given time there are two tag teams ...

WWE: 3 BIG Reasons Why Chris Jericho Is the Man Behind the 2012 Promos

Posted by Micah Chen On December - 10 - 2011
Over the last few weeks, a mysterious series of promos have been appearing on Raw and Smackdown. So far they have been very generic and difficult to tell who is behind them, but really, it comes down to one person.Chris Jericho.Sure, you could make the wild assumption that Sting, Brock Lesnar, Goldberg or some other former superstar is making the most shocking return of the century, but let's be realistic.Here's why Jericho is really the only man that can be behind the promos.Begin Slideshow

WWE: How Concerned Should We Be over WWE’s Recent Attendance Woes?

Posted by Micah Chen On October - 15 - 2011
Every week it's getting easier to notice. Whether it be Smackdown, Raw, even some PPV's, very rarely do you see a WWE event fill every section of an arena nowadays. There has been some talk over this issue recently, such as when the WWE went to Dayton, Ohio, where the entire upper bowl was closed off and the non-camera side was entirely empty. It used to be when a WWE event came to a town, the WWE would take over that town.  For one night, it was the hottest ticket in town. It didn't matter whether it was a PPV, Raw, Smackdown ...

WWE: Remembering ECW, and Why We Miss It a Lot More Than We Think

Posted by Micah Chen On September - 10 - 2011
Way back in the glory days of wrestling, ECW was one of the most exciting wrestling programs on television. Sure, it may have not been as popular as WWE, but it gave us all the goods when it came to extreme action, before it came to a close. Then Mr. McMahon bough ECW, and everybody was getting excited, wondering if this could this be the true revival of ECW. For a couple short years, it was about what we expected—maybe not as hardcore as the early ECW— but it satisfied us with the solid story lines and extreme rules matches. But as the ...

WWE Power Rankings: The Top 10 Biggest Draws in the Company

Posted by Micah Chen On August - 13 - 2011
No matter what sporting event you go to, whether it be MLB, NFL or WWE, there has to be a select few performers who you will pay good money to see. If you are at a 50/50 split on whether you should buy a ticket, these are the superstars that will push you to go.  Now, not all WWE superstars can "draw" you into the event, pun intended. If the advertised main event is Evan Bourne vs. Drew Mcyntire, or Ted Dibiase vs. Tyson Kidd, you aren't going to be as excited as say, the main event was Randy Orton ...
Unless you've been living under a rock, you know the main-event of Wrestlemania 28: John Cena vs. The Rock, icon vs icon. This isn't going to be an article about whether it should have been booked a year in advance, blah, blah, blah, no. What I'm going to be focusing on is just where did we get from Wrestlemania 27? The answer is nowhere; not a single feud was solved on the grandest stage of them all.  Wrestlemania is supposed to be the final stop, the final chapter on the long and winding road.  Where questions get answered and rivalries ...
Unless you've been living under a rock lately, you've noticed a thing or two that's different about Smackdown, and no, it's not Vickie's God-awful new hairdo.  It's more like this, can you dig it sucka? Yes, Booker T has now been, for the last couple weeks, part of the Smackdown announcer team. I know a lot of people like him coming back, but this was just the wrong way of doing it.  The IWC is giving immense praise to Booker T for joining the announcer team, which I don't understand.  Booker T is hands-down the worst commentator in WWE history, yes, ...

John Cena vs. Randy Orton at Wrestlemania 27 Should NOT Happen

Posted by Micah Chen On December - 11 - 2010
Throughout the eras of the WWE, there have been main events worth the price of admission alone.  John Cena vs. Randy Orton in today's era would be like The Rock vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin in the attitude era.  Some people say for that very reason this match should happen at WrestleMania. The Rock vs. Stone Colds occurred at three WrestleManias (15, 17 and 19).  I have no problem with this.  I feel that if there is a quality story line and the fan reaction is still there, why not pit two of your greatest icons in wrestling history on the grandest stage ...
  Every day I see one article, comment, rant, et cetera on why "so and so" isn't getting pushed.  It's whiny, it's annoying, and we both know that the chances of a WWE official seeing your comment is next to zilch. "Matt Hardy should be in the main event." "Christian for world heavy weight champion!" "John Cena sucks!" "The Miz is awesome!" I hear these kinds of comments daily, and they drive me absolutely nuts. You see, on any given episode of RAW or Smackdown! there's a series of segments and matches that build up to the main event.  The main event involves two ...

What Has the WWE Done to MVP?

Posted by Micah Chen On July - 15 - 2010
There was once a time, an era, in my life when MVP was my favorite superstar in the WWE.  I don't know why, but I absolutely digged his character.  He was the Ballin' Superstar!  Half man, half amazing, bottle-poppin', jaw-droppin', king of bling, modern day MAC! He was, in short, the definition of what a heel should be. He had a smile that would make you either cringe or fall in love with, he was obsessed with himself, he was never afraid to remind you about his accomplishments, and he was quite simply a flashy, arrogant, egotistical punk.  And you know what?  I was all over ...