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Author Archive

WWE Smackdown: 5 Positives to Take Away from the September 9 Show

Posted by Michael Broughton On September - 8 - 2012
Hello Bleacher Report! Today, I'm going to be taking a very optimistic look at this past Friday Night Smackdown. Like most shows, there was both good and bad; I'll only be pulling out the positive parts of the show.After a solid show last week, I feel Smackdown is starting to pull off a streak of good television. Not to mention, with the ending of this past Raw, it looks like things will continue to improve. While there are always kinks that need one tweaking, WWE is definitely moving in the right direction. This past Smackdown seemingly had it all. There was tag ...

WWE Opinion: Why a Paul Heyman Stable Needs to Happen Sooner Rather Than Later

Posted by Michael Broughton On September - 4 - 2012
This past Monday, the WWE managed to surprise us all as CM Punk left the arena in a car driven by the one and only Paul Heyman. With Heyman still considered the spokesperson for Brock Lesnar, you have to think a stable could eventually be in the works.It is a known fact that Paul Heyman is one of the best talkers in WWE history. Combine his skills with CM Punk, and there is no doubt that historic promos will be created. Combine that with the absolute monster known as Brock Lesnar and you have all the makings for a unstoppable ...

WWE Smackdown: Positives and Negatives from Friday Night’s Show

Posted by Michael Broughton On September - 1 - 2012
Hello Bleacher Report! This week's Smackdown featured great matches, tough losses and much, much more. However, like every show, there were plenty of positives and negatives.Let's start off with the good. There was some fantastic wrestling, the continued growth of the tag team division and my favorite young star, Damien Sandow, was featured. Each and every one of these points helped create a pretty above-average show, in my opinion.However, with the good, there is always bad. Lack of storyline progression really hurt the show as a whole and could actually have a long-term effect. With much buildup, pay-per-view matches tend ...

Shawn Michaels and Triple H: Why They Should Faceoff One Last Time

Posted by Michael Broughton On August - 25 - 2012
Triple H and Shawn Michaels have been tied together for decades. Whether it be a long feud or a run in the always entertaining DX, they always seem to be linked in one way or another. Recently, Shawn Michaels has attempted to act as a friend, a shoulder to lean on after a brutal loss in what Shawn assumed was Hunter's last fight in the squared circle. However, I just don't see it that way.While Triple H is just a face as of now, there is no denying he still has an ego. After hearing Shawn Michaels' most recent interview ...

WWE Opinion: Is CM Punk a Face, Heel, or a Tweener?

Posted by Michael Broughton On July - 31 - 2012
After what was a somewhat questionable attack on The Rock just one week ago, rumors began swirling of Punk's transition into a heel. Most assumed it was time for Punk to turn back into the bad guy, which he excels at (he is also fantastic as a face).With prime faces in John Cena and The Rock as his opposition in the upcoming months, it seems as though he would take the role of heel. However, this past Monday he explained his actions, and unlike most heels, what he said made sense.As WWE Champion, he does deserve respect, and The Rock ...

Broughton’s Fav 5: Top Contenders That Should Win the MITB Briefcase

Posted by Michael Broughton On June - 26 - 2012
Hello, Bleacher Report, and welcome to another edition of Broughton's Fav Five. In this article, we will be taking a look at WWE superstars who should pull down the Money in The Bank briefcase.This year's Money in the Bank match is one that I have been excited about for quite some time. Even with rumors swirling that there may only be one match this year, that hasn't stopped me from counting down the days. However, last night, all my excitement came to a halt as Vickie Guerrero announced that the match would include only former Wold Champions. Really?!?!To me, Money ...

Broughton’s Fav 5: The Top 5 WWE Superstars of June

Posted by Michael Broughton On June - 24 - 2012
Welcome back to another edition of Broughton's Fav Five! After a very eventful, action-packed month, I have mapped out the top five superstars thus far in June. Impact, wins/losses and importance of matches all came to mind when deciding who would be at the top of my list.No Way Out has come and gone and with Money in the Bank on the horizon, big things will be coming. However, let's take a look at who is on top right now. Let's begin!!!Begin Slideshow

WWE Youth Movement: 4 Reasons Tyson Kidd vs. Damien Sandow Would Be Great

Posted by Michael Broughton On June - 9 - 2012
On Friday Night, Damien Sandow seemed ready to do his usual segment. He would talk trash, beat the crap out of someone and walk away. While I'm a huge fan of his character, it's just about time for him to enter a real rivalry. We may have finally seen this on SmackDown!After threatening to beat up the defenseless HornSwoggle, Tyson Kidd came out to make the rescue, pulling off a sweet springboard missile dropkick. However, when Tyson turned around to help out HornSwoggle, Sandow took advantage and attacked Kidd. While, WWE could pull off their usual stuff. and forget it ...

WWE Youth Movement: Possible Feuds for Brodus Clay

Posted by Michael Broughton On June - 1 - 2012
Since day one, I have been big on Brodus Clay. His gimmick is unique and great comic relief for the fans. I love his overall character, despite the talk of his in-ring skills being subpar.When vignettes began airing for Clay, he was promoted as a monster heel. However, we got something much different, but in a way, better. Monster heels rarely last more than a few months (i.e. Vlad Koslov and Mike Knox) and this gimmick is one then, that could stand out. While it isn't serious enough for the main event, he will be a great guy for the ...

WWE Youth Movement: What Is Next for Damien Sandow?

Posted by Michael Broughton On May - 26 - 2012
Over the next few weeks, I will be taking a look at the newest superstars. My first article on the youth movement in WWE was written a few days ago and can be found on my profile page.A few weeks back, the WWE Universe was introduced to Damien Sandow. I nearly immediately grew interested in the new wrestler, and my interest only increased each week.His unique and different character is a breath of fresh air, making him capable of separating from the pack of younger stars.There are numerous ways WWE can go with Sandow over the upcoming weeks. Some options ...