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WrestleMania 29: Smart Outcomes for WWE’s Biggest Matches

Posted by Michael Cahill On March - 26 - 2013
The spectacle isn’t the only thing the WWE should be concerned about. While WrestleMania is the single biggest event in the WWE’s calendar year, they have to be thinking about the future, so not only putting on a good show matters, they also need to book the right ending. With the WWE’s quality on an upward trend, they need to make decisions that carry that momentum. Here’s how they should handle each of their three big matches.    CM Punk vs. UndertakerAs long as the Dead Man has some interest in wrestling at WrestleMania 30, the WWE has no choice ...

WWE Rumors: CM Punk vs. John Cena Being Planned for SummerSlam

Posted by Michael Cahill On June - 22 - 2012
This year’s SummerSlam will give WWE fans a feeling of deja vu. According to several media outlets, including, the current plan is for CM Punk to square off against John Cena at the company's August pay-per-view.  WWE fans will remember that Cena and Punk went toe-to-toe at last year's SummerSlam.  For the company, this move makes total sense. CM Punk and John Cena are easily the two biggest full-time stars on the active roster. For WWE as a company, it’s important to push this pay-per-view as big as it can get. With four big pay-per-views a year, the WWE ...

WWE Survivor Series 2011 Predictions: Why Alberto Del Rio Will Come Up Short

Posted by Michael Cahill On November - 19 - 2011
It’s unfortunate that Alberto Del Rio has been a bust, but that’s exactly what he’s been. And if you think he’s winning at Survivor Series, you are sorely mistaken.  In order to arrive at this place, the place where Del Rio loses his strap, you have to think beyond the ring and past the TV programs and into the bigger picture and that bigger picture doesn’t have Del Rio.  Del Rio, as much as he’s got a decent look, and he’s not terrible on the mic, or in the ring, was the classic case of a SmackDown superstar. He was ...

John Cena at WWE Survivor Series: The Rock Will Bring Out the Best in Cena

Posted by Michael Cahill On November - 19 - 2011
There is plenty of debate on whether or not Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson should be back in pro wrestling considering the fact that he isn’t back in full time but rather that he is dipping his toes in it. Still, if we have learned one thing from Cena’s feud with the Rock, and really his whole time with the WWE, it’s that guys like The Rock really bring out the best in the man who is the face of the WWE.  You don’t have to like Cena, and if you are over the age of 15 there is a good ...

WWE Draft 2011: Why WWE Needs to Make John Morrison a Heel on Smackdown

Posted by Michael Cahill On April - 21 - 2011
WWE Draft 2011 should move Morrison to Smackdown I thought that John Morrison was in Vince McMahon’s doghouse, but it turns out that all is forgiven when the company needs you.  And the WWE needs John Morrison. At least they need to give him a try. Don’t be surprised when Morrison gets drafted to SmackDown on Monday. McMahon needs an infusion of face on the ScyFy network and Morrison should be just one of a few pieces to go(I’m also predicting Randy Orton). The WWE should be warned, however, that making Morrison as face is a disaster waiting to happen. ...

John Morrison, Randy Orton, The Miz and Thursday’s Top WWE News

Posted by Michael Cahill On April - 21 - 2011
The WWE draft is just around the corner, and it could be that time for Randy Orton to switch brands. The WWE is scrambling to fill the void that Edge left when he abruptly retired. Now, the WWE needs a replacement, and there might not be a better replacement for Edge than Randy Orton. He’s very much cut from the same cloth. Both he and Edge work well as a face, but much better as a heel. The question is if the WWE feels comfortable taking their second-biggest face off their flagship show. But if the WWE wants to have ...

WWE Draft 2011: R-Truth, the Miz and Tuesday’s Top WWE News

Posted by Michael Cahill On April - 19 - 2011
Few things in the WWE confuse me more than what happened to open up RAW last night. R-Truth was the unlikely third entrant into the WWE Extreme Rules pay-per-view main event. But he got there only to have it taken away a week later in a poorly executed segment by John Morrison and Truth. The match was strange, the set-up even stranger and the aftermath predictable. The question is why did they have to do that at all? It feels to me as if John Morrison (who was reported to be in Vince McMahon’s doghouse over his WrestleMania 27 beef ...
Adam Copeland said goodbye to the WWE universe on RAW last Monday, but Friday night may have been the more emotional rollercoaster for Edge. Smackdown has been his home for the last several years and so SmackDown thought it would be fitting to put together a career retrospective of the Rated-R Superstar. As always the WWE does a great job of cutting together the videos and it’s a tribute to a guy who rightfully deserves it. It’s funny because while the WWE is scripted you can always tell how they feel about a wrestler by the way they let them retire. With Edge, ...

John Morrison, Edge, the Rock and Sunday’s Top WWE News

Posted by Michael Cahill On April - 17 - 2011
The WWE is a dark place when you are in Vince McMahon’s doghouse. It appears that John Morrison is well in the doghouse now, as demonstrated by R-Truth's push into the triple threat match at Extreme Rules. Morrison has found himself on the outside looking in because rather than be a professional about Trish Stratus’ involvement in WrestleMania 27, he decided to give her the cold shoulder as a sign of respect to his girlfriend Melina. Now John Morrison is paying the price. For a guy who isn’t completely over with the fans, and a guy who isn’t selling out arenas, the doghouse is ...

Scott Hall, The Miz, Triple H and Sunday’s Top WWE News

Posted by Michael Cahill On April - 10 - 2011
The Miz is about to get tested. As Monday night rapidly approaches, the Miz is going to find out just how tough he really is. The WWE champion has had the luxury of a distraction for John Cena in the last month. While the Rock and Cena were exchanging verbal jabs and cheap shots, the Miz coasted through to a WrestleMania 27 win. But now the Rock and John have settled their feud…at least for the time being. Now the focus is on the Miz. We’ll find out once and for all what the Miz is made of. For months ...