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Author Archive

Adventures in Fantasy Booking: Batista vs. Daniel Bryan at WrestleMania XXX

Posted by Mike Salvatore On February - 7 - 2014
This article is merely an exercise in plotting out the best possible WrestleMania main event based on the current storyline. This also assumes I would be putting faith in WWE creative, which as we all know at this point is a fool’s errand. Batista’s win at the Royal Rumble a few weeks ago seemed to be the final nail in the coffin for what the fans were hoping would be a fresh start in 2014. However, not only were we subjected to the status quo, the poster boy for this movement, Daniel Bryan, wasn’t even a participant in the Rumble. Now ...
At Night of Champions, it appears that CM Punk is primed to finally get his hands on Paul Heyman and exact months of pent up aggression against his former best friend. In fact, Punk has gone so far as to guarantee he will give Heyman the beating of his life. All the cards have fallen into place, after months of beatings and chasing Heyman, it seems logical that Punk gets his revenge on Heyman and Curtis Axel before moving on to another feud; right? Not so fast my friends. I have a sneaking suspicion that the handicap match between Punk and Heyman/Axel will just ...

WWE: Ryback’s Push Is the Evolution of the ‘Change’ Movement

Posted by Mike Salvatore On October - 16 - 2012
People are inherently hard to please. You give us an inch, we want a yard. It takes us less time to remain satisfied than it does for Tensai’s push to come crashing down to Earth. As a member of the IWC, I understand the desire to want to watch a WWE product that is as close to flawless as possible. We clamor about change and how the PG Era has been the downfall of all things we hold near and dear. The Attitude Era is dead and gone, my friends, and unfortunately won’t be coming back.                              However, all is not ...

WWE Superstars and Their Dragon Ball Z Counterparts: The Midcard Edition

Posted by Mike Salvatore On August - 24 - 2012
The world of Dragon Ball Z is filled with so many quality and unique characters. There are so many characters that I could not fit everyone into my first DBZ/WWE comparison.Due to the many great suggestions and all the positive feedback, I proudly present Pt. 2 of the WWE Superstars and their Dragon Ball Z counterparts!Note: Some DBZ spoilers may lie ahead, so enter at your own risk.Begin Slideshow

WWE: The Lost Art of the Heel Faction

Posted by Mike Salvatore On April - 19 - 2011
The WWE is at it again. Lost in the shuffle of the sudden retirement of Edge, there is yet another heel stable falling apart at the seams, and it appears to be going unnoticed. Tensions within The Corre are at an all-time high, and a split appears inevitable; but why should we care. It is laughable that the WWE expects serious fans to take the dissension within the Corre with an real emotion. The group was formed in early January and it appears to be heading towards extinction by the middle of May. Am I the only one who sees something wrong with this picture? I ...
We are just a mere five days away from the biggest wrestling show of the year, and I'm here to share a few things that you NEED to know about the upcoming WWE Championship match between IWC hero, The Miz, and everyone's favorite punching bag, John Cena. We will laugh, we will cry and we may just even hate Cena a little more by the end of the slideshow.Begin Slideshow

Ramblings From the Mind of a Wrestling Fan

Posted by Mike Salvatore On March - 7 - 2011
I am 24 years old. I watch professional wrestling.  I know wrestling is fake.  I also know the pain is real.  I remember when Mick Foley fell 15 feet from the top of a cage.  I know not everyone can talk on the stick.  I think it’s more important to tell a story in the ring anyway. I loved when Hulk passed the torch.  I can’t believe the Warrior dropped the ball.  I watched the first season of Tough Enough.  I remember when Tag Team wrestling meant something in the WWE.  I can smell what the Rock is cooking.  I remember when Vince McMahon was a baby-faced announcer.  I used to love ...

WWE: How To Successfully Bring the King of the Ring Tournament Back To PPV

Posted by Mike Salvatore On December - 3 - 2010
I have always been a huge fan of the King of the Ring Tournament, and when I heard that the WWE was bringing the tournament back for a special three hour Raw, I was very excited. Although the execution of the tournament was not as good as it had been in past years, I still found myself watching every match with anxious anticipation. Then I got to thinking: why doesn’t the WWE bring the King of the Ring back to pay-per-view? Surely the concept of the KOTR tournament alone would increase the buy rates over gimmicky PPV’s such as Breaking Point or Hell ...

The Self-Made Champion: The Unlikely Rise of the Miz

Posted by Mike Salvatore On November - 24 - 2010
Quick show of hands, when the Miz debuted back in 2006, how many of you thought you would be looking at a WWE champion? My guess would be not many. I, like many of you, was not wondering how far Mike Mizani would rise in the WWE when he first started appearing on Smackdown back in 2006, but rather how long would it take this tool to be future endeavored. Hell, I thought he was dead in the water after this appearance on Monday Night Raw while he was hosting the Diva Search. The Miz finally made his in-ring debut in a match against ...

Twist of Fate: The Sad End of Matt Hardy’s WWE Career

Posted by Mike Salvatore On October - 17 - 2010
After a few weeks of cryptic Twitter messages and YouTube posts hinting that his tenure in the WWE would soon be coming to an end, Matt Hardy officially got his wish on Friday as he was released by the company. This saddens me a great deal because I have always been a big Hardy supporter, and I feel that luck never seemed to be on his side. Hardy had given a solid 15 years of his life to the WWE and it is really sad the way his tenure came to an end with the company. Forget the fact that he was constantly ...