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We are live from San Antonio, Texas. Triple H is already in the ring, and he’s pissed off because the crowd is making him destroy Daniel Bryan. Quickly, Batista interrupts, and he is also pissed off because he didn’t come back to be in some stupid Triple Threat match. Out comes Randy Orton as well, and he’s questioning Hunter’s decision-making process as we get a reunion featuring three-fourths of Evolution. Orton requests a no-DQ match against Bryan tonight to teach him a lesson and gets it from Hunter. Batista and Orton start arguing about who is to blame for Bryan’s popularity, but ...
Armageddon is certainly sure to reign, as we are live from Chicago, Ill., with a crowd that actually organized to take over the show. CM Punk’s music hits, drawing a huge pop from the crowd, but Paul Heyman makes his way out instead. Heyman sits down in the ring a la CM Punk and talks about how Punk was thought to be too small to main event WrestleMania and how Punk was never truly wanted by the McMahon family. However, Punk is not here tonight, no sir. There is someone to blame for Punk not being here, though, and that’s all of ...
So the stage is set for a huge Monday Night Raw with Hulk Hogan and the Undertaker returning to celebrate the launch of the WWE Network. I have high expectations, so they better not let me down…again. -Speaking of the Network (Where’s Cyrus?), I think it’s awesome but I’m kinda bummed out that it won’t work on the Xbox 360 yet. I was all pumped to sit on my couch for hours watching the 1989 Bash, but I was unable to do so. If it gets fixed by tomorrow, all is forgiven, though. -LIVE from Green Bay, Wis.   Hulk Hogan Returns They start things ...
Monday Night Raw comes to us live from Omaha, Neb. I actually had to look that up because WWE doesn’t consider the city big enough to mention where the company is holding the event. I really hope the smarks are out in full force for tonight’s episode, because nothing spices up a bland Raw like a crowd completely disinterested in the product being presented. Randy Orton starts us off by complaining about the Elimination Chamber match and cuts his usual boring promo that no one cares about. The smark fans try to get a “CM Punk” chant going, but there must be lots of ...
  -Live from Providence, RI.   Daniel Bryan & Bray Wyatt vs. The Usos The crowd still chants for Bryan because they like him…what a concept. You know, I don’t think I’ve ever seen fans openly rebel against a heel turn like this Bryan storyline. They just absolutely refuse to boo the guy while WWE continues to make him into something he’s not. Jey Uso gets caught in the heel (?) corner and Bryan beats him down, guillotining Jey on the bottom rope while the crowd chants for him some more. Bray hits a running splash in the corner and Daniel tags in for the Yes Kicks. ...
So, after a few weeks full of taped shows and holidays, WWE kicks off the new year with old-school Raw because nothing will capture potential NCAA championship viewers like Sgt. Slaughter. Live from Baltimore, Md. (where the Inner Harbor is beautiful and the rest of the city smells like cabbage). Ric Flair, fresh off upsetting the Carolina Panthers, kicks us off and runs through the usual stuff before Randy Orton interrupts. EVOLUTION EXPLODES! Orton recaps Stephanie’s special match announcement from last week: a no-stipulation, one-on-one match! Wow, now that’s something we haven’t seen anywhere! It’s almost like this show is written as ...

WWE Raw Review (12/16/13): Daniel Bryan Takes on Randy Orton

Posted by Mike Shannon On December - 17 - 2013
-So I took a couple of weeks off of Raw and hopefully that will provide a little perspective on the whole thing…that, or it will just annoy me more. -I managed to catch the TLC pay-per-view last night as well and it struck me as a relatively average show. The main event was decent but “undisputed WWE champion Randy Orton” is something that doesn’t interest me in any way, shape or form. I’m also going to ignore how badly WWE mangled the title history last night as well because it will just irritate me all over again. -LIVE from somewhere not important ...
We are live from Nashville, Tenn., where there are more people than teeth. -Hunter and Steph are back from vacation to express their disapproval at Raw last week (you aren’t the only one, Trips). Randy Orton, in particular, is plenty pissed off and gets in Hunter’s face and earns himself a scolding. Brad Maddox and Vickie Guerrero slink out are booked against AJ Lee and Randy Orton, respectively.   Brad Maddox vs. Randy Orton (No DQ match) Maddox tries to run away and nails Orton with the microphone in a desperation move. He hits a DDT back in the ring for two, but that ...

How WWE Has Finally Ruined Daniel Bryan and Raw

Posted by Mike Shannon On October - 28 - 2013
My relationship with wrestling has always had its ups and downs.  Wrestling was my first love, even before football, baseball or hockey.  Wrestling was with me all through childhood when I was a fan of Hulk Hogan and through my teenage angst period when Steve Austin and DX ruled the airwaves.  Today, my relationship with wrestling is at its lowest point.  Wrestling has been so bad to me for so long that some days I feel like I want to give up and get rid of it forever.  I keep giving it chances, though, and, sometimes, wrestling is very good to ...

WWE Raw Review (10/21/13): Daniel Bryan and Randy Orton Contract Signing

Posted by Mike Shannon On October - 22 - 2013
-We are LIVE from Memphis, Tenn., (thus guaranteeing that Jerry Lawler will be embarrassed at some point).-Triple H and his significant other kick us off and Stephanie runs down the card for Hell in a Cell.  Hunter states that he trusts Shawn Michaels because he respects Shawn, but Big Show appears on the big screen and calls Triple H a liar. They argue for awhile until the "Almighty" Stephanie McMahon counts down and cuts him off. Why, oh why, do they continue to build Stephanie as this strong heel? There’s no payoff with her. Anyways, Hunter tries to introduce Dean Ambrose for ...