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Author Archive

My Road To Wrestlemania: How I Would Book The Upcoming PPV’s

Posted by Mike Walpole On January - 18 - 2011
I know, I know, your already thinking to yourself, "What do I care what some random guy would do with the next 3 WWE PPV's?" My answer? Because your curious! You want to hear the idiotic things that Joe Nobody has to say from his laptop so you can tell him how wrong and stupid he is. Well here's your chance boys!   I know you all sit at home thinking to yourselves, "Ugh, whose writing this crap? I could do a better job!" Well, I am of course one of those people. And I firmly believe I could. If Vinny Mac ...
We are about two weeks away from what many consider, the most exciting hour on the WWE calender. The 24th annual Royal Rumble will emanate from the TD Bank Center in Boston, Massachusetts and yours truly will be making the trek from the suburbs of Philadelphia to be in attendance. This will be my first foray to the Rumble and I've officially got the fever! With all the records and rankings of past events, I have decided to take my shot and deliver you some fun and interesting notes from the past few Rumble matches that you may not have ...

WWE Youth Is Served: Ranking the All-Time NXT Rookies

Posted by Mike Walpole On January - 7 - 2011
With WWE NXT Season 4 in full swing, we can start to get a feel for the current crop of rookies. Enough judgment so, that we can put a gauge on how their WWE futures will look. This got me to thinking about how these current rookies match up against the past classes. That being said, I decided to rank the 21 all-time NXT Rookies from worst to first. I'm leaving the divas out of this for obvious reasons. Also, I've decided to withhold Kaval as it really doesn't matter what anyone thinks of him because he has no future ...

A Fresh Start: 10 Bold WWE Predictions For 2011

Posted by Mike Walpole On December - 27 - 2010
With 2010 coming to a close, it's the prefect time to start throwing out our 2011 WWE predictions. But I've decided to take another approach to this. Instead of bringing you the same tired, boring, stale predictions, I'm going to throw a few curveballs your way. If you're expecting to hear "Alberto Del Rio wins the WWE Title" or "Chris Jericho returns" then you are sorely mistaken. I'm thinking outside the box. Basically, I want to make predictions that make you guys blast me in the comments, calling me an idiotic pipe dreamer. Keep in mind, these predictions are not ...

Merry Christmas To You: Handing Out Gifts To The WWE Superstars

Posted by Mike Walpole On December - 25 - 2010
Ho Ho Ho, Merry Christmas to all!I hope you all got your stockings stuffed and the presents you wanted. But before you finish all your Christmas ham and crack open those new presents for the first and only time you'll use them all year, let Walpole Claus hand out a few last minute gifts to our beloved WWE Superstars.Believe it or not, even they have some things on their holiday wishlists. Let's check under the tree and see what they got...Begin Slideshow

Handyman Needed: 10 Ways To Fix TNA

Posted by Mike Walpole On December - 18 - 2010
I, Mike Walpole, am a wrestling fan. Its no secret. But more specifically, I am a WWE fan. Growing up, I did not care for WCW and the aging bores they called wrestlers. Flair, Hogan, Nash, Hall and Savage as WCW Champions? No thank you. Fast forward over a decade later and I now realize something I didn’t as a child and that is that WCW made WWE better. Having a competitor challenged them to make their overall product more enjoyable. Now in 2010, the WWE is the clear cut leader in professional wrestling with ...

Climbing the Ladder: 10 WWE Superstars in Need of a Push

Posted by Mike Walpole On December - 17 - 2010
WWE has become complacent with the same old main eventers show after show after show. Orton, Cena, Kane, Edge, Mysterio, Sheamus. Been there, seen that.They finally shook things up and gave The Miz the title and let someone else shine in the spotlight and I for one, could not be happier.With that said, lets take a look at 10 superstars who deserve a push in one way or another.Begin Slideshow