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Author Archive

John Cena: Why He’s Completely Right About Dwayne Johnson

Posted by Montique David On March - 9 - 2011
As the entire IWC knows, John Cena is in the feud of his life with a man he may never have a match with: Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. Who’s winning the war of words is a toss up, as CeNation fans side with “The Champ” while The Millions side with Dwayne. So, who’s right? I argue it's John Cena. John Cena is the current face of the WWE, and professional wrestling. Bar none. No one else even comes close. While talking to co-worker Jeremy, a card-carrying CeNation member, it dawned on me that people view Cena as not only a professional wrestler but ...
You've really got to love Twitter. In 140 characters or less, a feud could be started. This one began when Bret Hart was asked by Jake: "Thoughts on TNA? How would you improve their product?" The Hitman then replied: "I'd have Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff tar and feathered [sic]." Then Kevin asked Bret: "What are your feelings towards Hogan? The WM9 finish w/ him pinning Yokozuna was a bit ridiculous [sic]." The Hitman replied: "Hogan's nothing but a two-faced, backstabbing, steroid freak who deserved everything he got." That prompted Hogan to reply, saying on his Twitter page: "Listen to ...
What we as fans of combat sports want to see is rivalries. Two guys who for whatever reason don’t like each other and who want to take each other’s heads off. That’s what we as fans want. We want two guys who have a score to settle to get in the ring or the cage and duke it out until the better man is left standing. There’s no rocket science to how to get a rivalry started. From the moment The Rock made his return, we all wanted to see him and one other man face to face. And that’s ...

John Morrison: This Is the Way He Becomes a Superstar!

Posted by Montique David On March - 2 - 2011
John Morrison is on that grey area between star and superstar. The point where a major championship can catapult him into the next level. Morrison can be that good. He can take the ball all the way to the end zone. However it takes the right play at the right time. Perfect timing can create a superstar. It's what created Hogan, Austin, The Rock, John Cena, and it can be what ultimately creates John Morrison.So when is the perfect moment? When is the perfect time to pull the trigger on a John Morrison super push to a championship? The simple answer ...

WWE: We’re So Hung Up Over the Obvious That We Forget the Little Things!

Posted by Montique David On February - 16 - 2011
Vince McMahon is a genius. A marketing mastermind who can get the world talking about his product. Just think for a second. Every article you read is a comprehensive breakdown of The Rock's return and incredible throwback promo that was so on point even the censor guy gave up trying to keep up. And if you're not seeing an article about that, you're reading about the oh-so-mysterious 2.21.11 promo that is going to be a return of the Undertaker and possibly someone else. As card-carrying members of the IWC, we missed a bone that Vince tossed to us. Before Rocky blew the roof ...
We all know that professional wrestling is scripted. It's guys who get paid a lot of money to perform and take some really devastating moves.I think there's a huge difference between something being predetermined and scripted, to just being fake. To prove that point, I ask all people who loosely say that wrestling is fake, would you take or do these moves?If it's fake, it shouldn't be a problem right?Begin Slideshow

WWE Superman John Cena: 7 Superstars Who’d Make The Ultimate Doomsday!

Posted by Montique David On December - 11 - 2010
John Cena is at this time the most untouchable Face in all of professional wrestling.While most of us in the IWC think that his act is stale and he needs to drop the "SuperCena" act, I think he is lacking what every great hero is lacking: a supervillain. I wrote an article about it a little while ago. For every Superman, there's a Doomsday. And here are the top seven candidates to be that Doomsday.Begin Slideshow

WWE Counters TNA With a Takeover Of Its Own! A New Era Is Here!

Posted by Montique David On December - 11 - 2010
The PG era has been overtaken. And in it's place is something that no one in the Internet Wrestling Community wants to see. The Sports Entertainment era. As Matt Striker casually says, "Some people forget what that second W in WWE stands for." Too bad that those people are the ones booking the shows. There was even a moment on Smackdown a few weeks ago when Micheal Cole made a point that the guys we were watching in the ring were not wrestlers, but superstars. That's when I came to the conclusion that gone are the days of technical wrestling masterpieces, and here are ...

WWE Fans: If You Disagree With WWE Programming, Then Watch TNA!

Posted by Montique David On November - 18 - 2010
Don't agree with the WWE's booking methods? Do you think that they're just going through the motions? Then do one thing. Tivo Raw and watch TNA Impact! Yes I know, I sound crazy. TNA's booking seems to be even more clustered than WWE's these days. But hear me out. Vince doesn't deem TNA as credible competition. He believes that his version of sports entertainment is ok resting on its laurels and collecting 3.0 to 3.5 ratings every week with Raw and sub 2.0 performances with Smackdown. Now let's say that Raw drops to the 2.0-2.5 range. All the while Impact's rating jumps to ...

WWE/TNA: Lighten Up, IWC! Sit Back, Relax, and Enjoy the Show!

Posted by Montique David On November - 14 - 2010
The Internet Wrestling Community is arguably the most miserable group of fans of any sport in the world. Think about that for a second. Arguably the most miserable group of fans of any sport in the world. Think about this scenario: Colts vs Patriots. A fan sits in front of his TV with his Peyton Manning jersey on, as his favorite team drives for a game-winning touchdown. Peyton Manning steps up to the line and does what Peyton Manning does. He changes the play. Then, after a series of hand gestures, he throws a touchdown pass to Reggie Wayne for the game-winning score. Here's ...