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Author Archive

Nine years ago, a global phenomenon was introduced to our screens, the same screens that have projected the iconic status of The Rock and the animalistic antics of Stone Cold—which we love; the same screens that have showcased The Undertaker's incredible WrestleMania winning streak and gave us the greatest match in professional wrestling's noble history. A mere mortal, 24 years of age, stepped foot into his dream, transforming it into a shuddering reality. He dreamed of one day contending amongst the greats, competing alongside the best, and maybe, one day, clutching onto the reigns of ...

WrestleMania 26: The Greatest Spectacle in WWE History (CvC)

Posted by Muzzy Daud On March - 25 - 2011
A superstar's true identity is never realized until he has fulfilled his lifelong desire. The identity is concealed, enclosed within limits only he is susceptible to. The identity can sometimes be the downfall in his career, or can elevate him to heights that very few have witnessed. How do you let out this identity? Simple, headline the one event that shapes your entire life. There are some moments in a superstars career, unfathomable of description and  inexpressible of passion, which can only be dictated at a mere four hour event.The lights roaming around a sea of fans. Passion seeping through ...

WWE WrestleMania: The Perfect Venue for the Demise of Nexus

Posted by Muzzy Daud On March - 11 - 2011
''A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world.'' - Oscar WildeIt all started with eight young rookies.Who would have thought that the likes of Heath Slater, Michael Tarver and Skip Sheffield would become part of WWE's noble history? Who would have thought that Wade Barrett was being touted as a possible opponent for one of the most prestigious records in all of sports, The Undertaker's WrestleMania Streak? And who would have thought that a group of rookies, branded as The Nexus, would ...

WWE: 10 Greatest Moments That Defined the Pro Wrestling Industry

Posted by Muzzy Daud On February - 25 - 2011
Moments. Where will the WWE be without these diminutive periods of time, where the world is captivated and drawn in by raw entertainment? These moments define and characterize the WWE landscape, capturing the audience in it's web of emotion and sheer excitement. We often look in awe at these momentous occasions that present us the reason why we love this company. These historic happenings are sometimes left to a certain event which is witnessed by the entire world—WrestleMania. Some moments are extremely special, which deserve to be shown at the grandest stage of them all, and for 26 strong years, we ...
Before I start this article, I would like to say a huge thanks to everyone that has contributed to my success, and this marks my 10th article for Bleacher Report and my first as a 'Correspondent'. Thank you once again. Ever since WWE's very mystical yet elicit promo 3 weeks ago, fans all around the world are craving for inside knowledge on who the superstar is. Global names such as Sting, The Undertaker and even Shawn Michaels (light rumours) have been constantly mentioned. It seems as if the WWE Universe are not only venturing the superstar to walk out of those ...
For many years, we have watched our favourite superstars battle it out for ultimate victory, vying for a title or self-proclaimed pride. However, every single fan cherishes a match unseen, a match that sends shivers down ones spine at the sheer mention of the feared, yet respected names that these warriors are synonymous with, the warriors that hold the key to our hearts and souls. Each fan prays for the day that their beloved ones can battle in what is regarded as a supreme contest, battle until the dust is settled and the air has cooled. For some, this match is ...
After my willingness to create a weekly-continous article based on views and opinions from well-respected individuals that hold great stature, the meticulous plan has come to fruition. In a concept that has been seen only once before, my aim is to bring this tremendous idea back to life. Debate's are what stimulate conversations, they are controversial and emotions fly. Without the art of debate, none of the world's civilisation would have opinions and thoughts. This relates especially to the universe of pro wrestling. Seeing as there are limited if not no articles that convey a debate, I have decided to ...
In today's WWE society, what can be called as a 'rivalry' can be misconstrued into two superstars competing for a couple of measly months. What a rivalry should be, is two warriors vying for ultimate supremacy, by annihilating their enemy to submission, therefore reclaiming pride and honour to himself, and his beloved fans. A battle, mixed with commotions of hate, fury and negligence. All of these aspects is what makes a rivalry special, and exemplary to the rest. For a storyline to flourish under the intimidating spotlight created by the WWE Universe, it needs to accommodate intensity and personal anguish and even ...

WWE Generations, Part 3: Who Is the Greatest Leader of His Time?

Posted by Muzzy Daud On November - 10 - 2010
Welcome to the third and final installment of 'WWE Generations'. Before I begin writing the actual article, I would like to thank everyone that has been an avid follower of this mini-series. For those of you who have missed Part 1, click here. And for Part 2, click here. As this is the last piece, I would like to give an insight on what this was all about. I intended to produce an overall debate of who is the greatest leader in their time, as the title suggests. In the first article, I looked at who had replaced or is compared ...

WWE Generations, Part 2: What Will Change in the Next Era?

Posted by Muzzy Daud On October - 28 - 2010
Welcome to Part 2 of the mini-series, "WWE Generations." For those of you that have missed Part 1, here is a link to help you find it. By reading it, you will get a better understanding of what this article is all about. Now, in Part 1, I explored a controversial topic about superstars in the WWE that have effectively replaced the last era. This was received with a mixed review, with most viewers disagreeing with the John Morrison and Shawn Michaels comparison, and the well-acknowledged one as the Randy Orton and Stone Cold Steve Austin matchup. Carrying on from that slide show, ...