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Author Archive

Matt Hardy Released

Posted by Nathan Winters On October - 16 - 2010
I thought it would have been more widely reported and debated on Bleacher Report, or maybe I just missed something. But here are the facts.    As Reported on WWE confirmed the release of Matt Hardy in a statement on its Web site Friday. According to WWE’s official statement, “WWE has come to terms on the release of Matt Hardy, effective as of Oct. 15, 2010. WWE wishes Matt Hardy the best in his future endeavors.”   Jim Ross on Hardy's Release “WWE has come to terms on the release of Matt Hardy. Know no details just that fact. ...

American Dragon: The Search for a Superstar

Posted by Nathan Winters On September - 23 - 2010
I'll be frank. In my time bouncing around the internet wrestling community and almost from the moment I witnessed The American Dragon's debut in Ring of Honor, I was a detractor of Bryan Danielson.  I saw the so-called "Founding Father of ROH" the same way I saw the rest of his type of wrestler.  It was 2002, and the fallout from the closure of ECW and the purchase of WCW couldn't have been more relevant than any other year. For most of 2001 into early 2002, the industry was experiencing a honeymoon period with professional wrestling still appearing focused on the future. The ...

Cutting Matt Hardy Loose: A Cruel Twist of Fate

Posted by Nathan Winters On September - 17 - 2010
For me, and I guess a lot of other wrestling fans, Matt Hardy has always been one of the folk heroes in modern professional wrestling. He is a born and bred competitor with a heart matched by very few whose undeniable passion for the sport elevated him to achieving a cult-like fanbase midway through this past decade.Matt's in-ring ability and talent was only equaled by his love of his fans. A strong grasp on social media cemented his position as a hero to the underclass, the working class, and those searching for a new champion. Or, well...this is what we're told. I guess the reality ...

WWE Generating Excitement: Making PG Work

Posted by Nathan Winters On August - 1 - 2010
The WWE's PG direction is neither good nor bad; the reality is , it's here.  For the most part, the WWE has always been a "PG" product.  The problem doesn't lie in the idea of a kid friendly format. It lies in the WWE's ability, or inability, to produce an exciting program.    4. The Chase Where is the chase? Ten years ago, you had 5 people chasing a championship. The field was packed and the characters were motivated. Today, not so much. A wrestler or two, if we're lucky, will show interest in a championship. After the first failed attempt to win a ...

John Cena: You Made Him

Posted by Nathan Winters On July - 20 - 2010
A lot of things can be said about John Cena. On the one hand, the most common description includes his apparent lack of wrestling ability, his boring, vapid, and immature promos, or his self indulgent, inflated sense of Superman syndrome that fuels his matches and battle cries.  On the other hand, the logical defense lies in the fact that John Cena can wrestle. And he does it quite well—almost too well. So well in fact that his matches look almost too clean and smooth. Psychology dictates that this could hinder his matches. And really, it could be potentially his single greatest ...

Cease and Desist : TNA’s Desperate Cry For Attention.

Posted by Nathan Winters On July - 18 - 2010
Considering the talent to work for Total Non-Stop Action Wrestling and the near decade the company has existed, it's hard pressed not to find the limited success TNA has experienced completely compelling.  Almost from day one, the then National Wrestling Alliance franchise benefited from the fallout of the WWE purchase of World Championship Wrestling and the acquisition of Extreme Championship Wrestling, picking up a mixture of young lions and former experienced & established talent over the course of it's first few years.  Given time, TNA Wrestling would quickly establish themselves as the only national level promotion outside of the WWE attracting names like Team 3D, ...

Smarkism 101—An Introduction To Becoming a Smark

Posted by Nathan Winters On June - 29 - 2010
If you're sitting back enjoying your product—but you wish to quickly fall into a pit of depression and negativity towards professional wrestling—never fear, this slide show will teach you how. A little bit tongue in cheek—a little bit fact—and a little bit of venting towards all the things that make the internet wrestling community completely intolerable at times. Welcome students, to "Smarkism 101—An introduction to becoming a Smark."Begin Slideshow

Monday Night Massacre: The Tiegate Scandal

Posted by Nathan Winters On June - 14 - 2010
The headline is an obvious reference to the Watergate Scandal and its fallout.  The now infamous Monday Night Massacre from WWE Raw quickly became the most prolific moment in the short life span of WWE's newest brand, NXT.  What began as a match between two of the company's biggest stars, concluded with the systematic beat down and brutal destruction of its franchise, John Cena—and nearly everyone at ringside.  The Conspirators—NXT winner Wade Barrett and the former NXT rookies.  The ramifications of the m assacre ultimately led to the release of standout Daniel Byran a.k.a. Bryan Danielson, the former American Dragon on ...

Daniel Bryan Released: Whose NXT?

Posted by Nathan Winters On June - 11 - 2010
WWE has come to terms on the release of NXT first season rookie, Daniel Bryan  (Bryan Danielson,) as of today June 11, 2010. We wish Daniel Bryan the best in all future endeavors. more Pro Wrestling news on

Professional Wrestling’s Tried and True Clichés

Posted by Nathan Winters On June - 3 - 2010
A cliché or cliche (pronounced /kliːʃeɪ/ (klee-shay) in English, but /kli.ʃe/ (klee-shé) in French. Is a saying, expression, idea, or element of an artistic work which has been overused to the point of losing its original meaning or effect, "played out " , rendering it a stereotype, especially when at some earlier time it was considered meaningful or novel. The term is frequently used in modern culture for an action or idea which is expected or predictable. In the world of professional wrestling, hitting a home run with a truly original character can be few and far between. In the ...