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Author Archive

Big Show: 10 Possible Future Careers for WWE’s World Champion

Posted by Nick Houser On December - 7 - 2012
From where The Big Show is headed as World Heavyweight champion to examining how his career might ultimately end, it's now time to turn our attention to what he could do after life in the WWE. The Big Show is lucky. He may not be the brightest guy in the world; he doesn't have to be. He may not even have a pot full of fallback talents to draw on once he is unable to wrestle anymore. He doesn't need it. His size alone could land him his next gig. Show is a uniquely large man—tall and powerful with a deep, grunty ...

WWE: Analyzing How Big Show’s Career Could Eventually End

Posted by Nick Houser On November - 30 - 2012
In my last article regarding where Big Show is headed as World Heavyweight champion, I speculated that one eventual path could lead to his retirement. Now it's time to look at how (when it happens) his career ends. Show's been in the game a long time. The 40-year-old, who will celebrate a birthday shortly after Royal Rumble, made his debut in 1995, some 17 years ago. It might not seem that long, and Show certainly could have plenty of years left in the tank, but it's his size—7'0'', 441 pounds—that could ultimately influence the big man to tap out early. ...

The Big Show: Where Is He Heading as World Champion in WWE?

Posted by Nick Houser On November - 23 - 2012
Not many expected the Big Show to unseat Sheamus as World Heavyweight champion, and when he did, no one thought it would last longer than a Dolph Ziggler cash-in the same night. The fact that Show won and Ziggler has yet to take advantage has many wondering where this angle is going.Eliminating the obvious statement that anything could happen, there's only really three reasonable possibilities.The events, listed in order from most sense to least, are as follows: Show holds the belt as a transitional champion until Ziggler cashes in successfully, Sheamus regains the title or Show is given a legitimate ...

WWE: The Big Show & the 6 Best Actors in a Pro Wrestling Environment

Posted by Nick Houser On October - 19 - 2012
Let's face it—we all know the WWE is scripted. Its employees are athletes and actors. But while some excel at the wrestling, individuals such as The Big Show succeed at playing their written roles. Wrestling is fake. But we as a society slip into fantasy to escape the troubles and stress of reality. The better the show can aid us in the escape, the easier it is for the line between fantasy and reality to be blurred. At that point, it's entertaining for all of us. So who has the best acting chops? Who among the locker room makes us ...

Power Ranking the Top 25 WWE Stars Competing Today

Posted by Nick Houser On October - 16 - 2012
In the WWE, wrestlers are always moving up and down in momentum, but the October 15 edition of Monday Night Raw shook up the Top 25 drastically. Even with a vast roster, injuries and the blatant ignoring of certain Superstars sees only about 25 to 30 members of WWE wrestle. Of them, a handful rarely even wrestle on televised programming. With Raw, SmackDown, Main Event, NXT and Saturday Morning Slam occurring each week, power ranking Superstars can be tricky because it's ever-changing. Yet, as of this writing, it seems pretty clear who's on top. Here are the Top 25 members ...

WWE Hell in a Cell 2012: 8 Storylines That Need to Be Addressed

Posted by Nick Houser On October - 12 - 2012
We're still more than two weeks away from WWE Hell in a Cell 2012, but there's a half-dozen storylines that need to be developed. Once again, it seems WWE is taking a slow approach. One can never truly know if a feud will have a proper buildup because the company likes to add surprises to the PPV cards just days before the event. At this point, every title feud is still up in the air, with the exception of the World Heavyweight Championship. The WWE Universe knows the Tag Team Championship is on the line as well against the team that ...
Thank goodness.Jerry Lawler has recovered enough from his on-air heart attack in mid-September to return to his home. "The King" is hoping to return to announcing—and possibly to the ring—in November. But even if he's medically cleared and physically capable, he shouldn't wrestle anymore.When it comes down to it, Lawler will do what he wants.In fact, he says he's going to wrestle again. According to Scott Carroll of The Commercial Appeal, Lawler told the press:I feel like I can go back and do it again. And I'll say at this point I certainly would want to go back and do ...
The duo of Kane and Daniel Bryan have certainly brought the spotlight to a tag team division barely staying afloat, but the pairing is nothing more than a band-aid on a wound that needs reconstructive surgery. Kane and Bryan are hilarious together, there's no denying that. The team has made the Tag Team Championship worth watching again. But it's not because the competition is fierce and stock full of talent. No, instead it's because the two men with the belts' hatred for one another is pure comedy gold. Between the hard tag-ins, the screaming in each other's faces and the ...
For those of you holding your breath in hopes of a WrestleMania 29 dream match between CM Punk and "Stone Cold" Steve Austin, please stop now before you pass out. It's not going to happen. A match between these two would be amazing. Their respective personas are complete opposites, so the perfect setup is there for the easy taking. CM Punk can moan about his lack of respect, while continuing to promote his straight edge lifestyle of no alcohol or drugs. He can talk about being the best WWE Champion of all time. Insert the Rattlesnake. It makes sense to have Austin be the man ...

6 Reasons Why Brock Lesnar Makes Raw Must-See Television

Posted by Nick Houser On August - 14 - 2012
Brock Lesnar has characteristics unlike any other superstar in the WWE locker room that makes suffering through seven segments of Touts worthwhile. There are six reasons to be exact. Just the mention of Lesnar's name creates an insurmountable degree of suspense. The WWE Universe tunes in in masses to see what he'll do next. Here's why.Begin Slideshow