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Author Archive

Dear WWE: Was RAW a Little Predictable? Creative

Posted by Patrick J On September - 14 - 2010
Last Nights RAW featured some of the best matches in months.But so many great things could've came out of RAW.I had what I thought to be some sure fire predictions. But once again Creative had other plans. John Morrison had a match with Sheamus. One of the best matches in a while. Morrison dominates Sheamus for the better part of the match. Sheamus get's some decent offense in before he tries to throw Morrison off the stage. Amazing flip in the AIR. Morrison lands on his feet.   Guys continue to brawl throughout the match. Morrison disappears for a second. ...
Newpaper, the Connecticut Post has an article up about the WWE. They are currently under investigation by the state of Connecticut.  Why? you may ask. The way WWE defines their workers. Basically they're looking at the Independent Contractor classification.   WWE Official Robert Zimmerman was quoted in the article saying "WWE has always complied with the law. Up until this election, WWE has not been fined nor investigated in the past for independent contractor classification. However, curiously the state of Connecticut is currently conducting an audit of WWE's classification of independent contractors. WWE constantly reviews its internal practices and procedures to comply ...

Uh Oh: Matt Hardy Reportedly in Bad Health, Sent Home

Posted by Patrick J On September - 12 - 2010
As we all know WWE is currently on a tour in Europe. Matt Hardy was sent home by WWE Officials earlier today. At a Smackdown! live event in Minehead, England there was a lot of concern over Matt's condition. At a live event last week in White Plains, New York Hardy was advertised for a match with R Truth against the Straight Edge Society. There was also concern over his condition then. Officials spoke with Hardy & he left the building. He never returned for his match. Hardy has been posting some very alarming Twitter updates. "Good Night Earth... and remember, life is ...

Legendary? John Cena’s New Movie Falls Short of Expectations

Posted by Patrick J On September - 12 - 2010
Yep, IWC your were right, it tanked. John Cena's Legendary only made $135,210 in theaters. Placing itself at No. 12 in the Box Office. The movie release was limited but WWE expected it to make more than it did. Though they expected it to make most of its budget back in DVD sales as Cena's past movies made plenty in DVD sales. My opinion on the subject is the movies plot never really caught attention like 12 Rounds & The Marine.  It has a more somber setting. Most WWE fans probably were looking for more action. Mat wrestling doesn't exactly help them in ...

Crossover: MMA Fighters To Wrestle In Japan

Posted by Patrick J On September - 12 - 2010
Former UFC Heavyweight Champion Tim Sylvia will be making his pro wrestling debut at an event in Japan next month. Sylvia was one of the most dominant UFC fighters ever, winning his first 15 fights before being broken by Frank Mir. Sylvia also had a lot of problems with drugs and was stripped of the UFC Title after testing positive for them back in 2003. He was last fighting for Powerhouse World Promotions. He will be joined by other MMA Fighters such as Josh Barnett, Bob Sapp, and Bobby Lashley. Lashley is a former WWE and TNA Wrestler who ended it to pursue a ...

The Overlooked: Best Wrestlers In TNA Today

Posted by Patrick J On September - 11 - 2010
While Constructing my Best WWE Wrestlers list, I turned my interest towards TNA. While TNA has been putting on some great matches lately, I felt it would only be fair to draw up their best wrestlers.Lately TNA has been besting WWE in match Quality. The Beer Money/MCMG Best of Five Series has been absolutely amazing.Their Tag Team Division has also bested WWE's since the Hart Dynasty rarely defend. Not exactly their fault, but when you don't have a stage to showcase your talent, you get overlooked.In the past TNA has put on some classics. Like AJ Styles vs Samoa Joe ...

The Elite: Best Wrestlers in WWE Today

Posted by Patrick J On September - 11 - 2010
Due to my mild success in previous slideshows. I've been devising my latest creation for the past three weeks.The Best Wrestlers in WWE. While Chris Jericho calls him self "The Best in the World at what he does" he has some very stiff competition in his fellow WWE Superstars.Readers this article is not based on Mic-skill. Solely on in-ring ability. So half of the WWE Roster just dropped off this list. Including Mr. Awesome himself, The Miz. All Genres Technical, Lucha, Submission, or just down right brawling are included.These guys don't need a World Title, because their talent outweighs any World Title WWE can ...

Here We Go: John Cena Say’s He Wants to End The Streak at This WM

Posted by Patrick J On September - 8 - 2010
Yes, he finally addressed it. John Cena while promoting his new movie, Legendary, was asked about what he plans to do next? "What's the next challenge for you: winning an Oscar or trying to end The Undertaker's Undefeated Streak at Wrestlemania?"  Cena said he wants to challenge the Phenom at WM. He wants to be known as the man to end THE STREAK. Hey it was only a matter of time right? I mean he is the Face of the WWE. The Undertaker has beaten everyone else there is to beat at WM. Yeah I know what you're thinking. He has ...

Smackdown! Spoilers: Kaval’s Impressive Debut, Title Match

Posted by Patrick J On September - 7 - 2010
Creative answered my prayers. Kaval has officially been moved to Smackdown! He faced Drew McIntyre in a singles match. Kaval had some great offense in the match but took a nasty outside suplex from Drew. Things went downhill for Kaval after missing The Warrior's Way. Though the Warrior stayed in the offensive McIntyre caught him mid air for a devastating power bomb on the outside. Followed by a Future Shock DDT, this one is over. LayCool assist their Rookie to back. Bad way for to Kaval to debut as a superstar. Drew has been jobbing to Christian a lot lately. Maybe his alliance with ...

RAW: Can a Feud With Y2J Save John Morrison’s Career?

Posted by Patrick J On September - 7 - 2010
When Y2J announced last week that if he lost at Night of Champions, he would leave the WWE, I instantly figured it was a sign of the end of perhaps one of the greatest careers in WWE history. With all the talk of Y2J's contract expiring and the great possibility of another departure by the Savior seemingly ended speculation on whether he would leave. He had been hinting to it for months, even putting his career on the line in a match with Evan Bourne. Things were looking pretty obvious, that is until tonight's RAW. We all saw Y2J desert his team ...