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XWA Wrestling Recap for May 3rd 2013: Top Rope Turmoil

Posted by Peter Hopey On May - 7 - 2013
Tonight is the one night each year when the majority of the XWA roster doesn’t care about submissions or pinfalls or countouts. For you see tonight is Top Rope Turmoil. And that means 30 of the XWA’s finest will be looking to eradicate their competition by sending them flying over the top rope to the concrete below. Each elimination means the guys left in the ring are one step closer to getting their shot at the XWA Heavyweight Champion of the world. And that honour is currently held by none other than the Muscle Beast from Muscle Beach Wesley Pipes. ...

XWA Wrestling Recap for April 2013: Strapped

Posted by Peter Hopey On April - 9 - 2013
Hi again and welcome to another XWA Wrestling recap. After months without a defined “face of the franchise,” tonight we finally crown a new XWA Heavyweight Champion of the world. The XWA has been without it’s signature belt holder since January.   Not only are the fans enthusiastic about the prospect of having a new XWA champion, but even the locker room seems to be excited to see a victor crowned.   There are five contests booked for these evening of which three are what you might call “key matchups” to watch. The first one has James Steele and ...

WWE: How It Can Deliver The Goods At Wrestlemania 27

Posted by Peter Hopey On February - 10 - 2011
Let me first confess right off the bat that I barely had a chance to sneak in a viewing of the Monday Night RAW episode that just aired on 2/7. I don't know about you, but after the first half of the Superbowl I thought everything was pretty much in the bag. My little eyelids were hanging heavy, miniature MITB briefcases weighting them down perhaps. So I headed to bed. And wouldn't you know it, as soon as my head hit the pillow I was wide awake. On the upside, I got to see what was almost a fantastic comeback by the ...

2011 Royal Rumble: Del Rio Wins While Diesel Pops Huge

Posted by Peter Hopey On February - 2 - 2011
Here we are just a few days removed from the 2011 Royal Rumble. This puts us firmly on the Road to WrestleMania (even though we still have have one more PPV scheduled to take place before the "grand daddy of them all"). WrestleMania isn't "just" a PPV. It's a monstrosity. It's an event like no other. Glamour glitz, and excitement often mark this once a year, PPV extravaganza. It has gone from being a one-day wrestling affair to an all weekend cash cow of epic proportions.The WrestleMania Axxess event has certainly evolved/expanded since it's early days as well. At one ...
Last week I was poised to take a close look at the TNA Genesis PPV during which (to nobody's surprise) coat tail riding brother Matt Hardy made his TNA PPV debut against one seemingly "fallen down the food chain" RVD. I believe the premise going in was that RVD was going to face a mystery opponent. Evidently RVD had been attempting to call out Jeff Hardy in the process I believe he had been generically using words like "I want Hardy". So the setup appeared pretty clear. The switcheroo was being teased, and then it was in fact delivered. Now for ...
CM Punk has been successful in various aspects of the wrestling business (random point of interest… the CM in CM Punk is said to have been a reference to "Chick Magnet," something Punk periodically denies these days). His latest foray in the broadcast booth had been met with a lot of fanfare and positive feedback. His ability to ad lib and his comfort level with a little dead air (contrary to say Matt Striker, who seems to feel the need to be talking 24/7) along with some fresh commentary had been getting rave reviews from Vince McMahon and others in the ...

Juan Cena, the Peak of WWE Creative Laziness or Comedic Relief

Posted by Peter Hopey On December - 1 - 2010
Like a lot of things in the cartoon world of wrestling (as Bret Hart described it), what happens in the ring and with the talent tends to evoke a very strong response from the fans. Wrasslin fans are passionate. Whether it’s their enthusiasm for the “sport”," their love of a favorite superstar, or their apparent hate for certain column writers, the fact remains. There are not a lot of shades of grey when it comes to their feelings and opinions. And when it comes to the newest member of the WWE roster, one Juan Cena, it’s no different. For anyone who is old ...

To WWE and TNA: Where Have the Wrestling Managers Gone?

Posted by Peter Hopey On November - 9 - 2010
For as long as we have been watching grown men toss each other from pillar to post in little tight spandex outfits snuggling their junk, there have always been other fundamental players that were integral to what we often refer to in this day and age as “sports entertainment”. Hands down, without a doubt, the main combatants in a match are clearly the feature attraction. They’re the guys who are on the billboards, the people typically moving merchandise, and the names around whom the pay-per-views are built. But the fact remains: There are other supporting players who, hidden behind the curtain, ...

Sting: Wrestling Icon Or Tarnished Legacy

Posted by Peter Hopey On October - 15 - 2010
What can I say about Sting that hasn’t already been said. Men want to be him, women want to be with him… Wait, I’m getting confused with that dreadful Sable and the silliness she used to ramble on about before her matches (if I can call them that). And am I the only one that thought, for a fairly attractive woman, her “grind” looked more like something someone’s kooky alcohol fueled grandmother would do at a wake? Let’s start again… Sting. I merely say the name, and unless you’re a—plank on the underside of someone’s wharf in Lake Winnipesaukee, New Hampshire where ...

Introducing Your Next WWE Champion, Wade (The Nexus) Barrett

Posted by Peter Hopey On October - 6 - 2010
I’ll admit, I over thought it entirely. The writing was on the wall. The poster for Survivor Series laden with Nexus, the house show circuit with various listings of “person a and person b versus The Nexus,” etc… It was right there in front of my face. So I did the only logical thing I thought I could. I went against the obvious. Even though I could envision great storylines and episodes of RAW that could be focused around it for weeks, I didn’t really think the E would have the stones to put Cena with the Nexus. But here we are ...