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WWE: Some Random Thoughts, Part 3

Posted by peter schaefer On March - 8 - 2011
If anyone's still interested, here is part three. Here is one thing I would love, when Jerry Lawler wins his match at WrestleMania (You didn't think they'd have Michael Cole win?). I hope Cole gets so disgusted that he moves to SmackDown and Josh Matthews becomes permanent on Raw. I like Matthews. He has a good flow with Lawler, because he learned everything he knows from Jim Ross. I am amazed at the lengths WWE is going to bury and embarrass Sheamus nowadays, from the ridiculous King Sheamus getup (a way of insulting his heritage from what I understood), to losing in ...

How Low Can You Go? The All Time Worst Moments in Wrestling

Posted by peter schaefer On February - 9 - 2011
I love pro wrestling, but certain things do register on my "cringe" meter. Even if you do not like professional wrestling in the ring, certain storylines have the power to captivate. For as many good decisions made, there are twice as many poor ones. I do not know a lot about pro wrestling, but these are the ones that stick out in my mind.Begin Slideshow

WWE: Some Random Thoughts, Part 2

Posted by peter schaefer On February - 9 - 2011
For all of you who liked my first part, here is part two: Many fans say Jerry Lawler in the WWE championship match at Elimination Chamber is a slap in the face to them. I beg to differ. In all likelihood this is Lawler's last year in the ring. He has won 163 championships, way more then anyone else and was most likely the man to put pro wrestling in the limelight (remember his feud with Andy Kaufman). The two things Lawler has never done, held the WWE championship and gone to Wrestlemania, and we all know Vince McMahon is sentimental. What ...

Some Random Thoughts On the WWE

Posted by peter schaefer On January - 26 - 2011
I watch Raw every Monday like the rest of the Internet Wrestling Community (IWC), and I have a thought, or thoughts, every now and then. Like the rest of the IWC, I think I can do a better job than the current writers. So here are a few of my brain droppings: Why is the WWE holding back Zack Ryder? He is a very solid in-ring worker, he can get over with a crowd, and he definitely has charisma. I'd like to see what he could do – if he can ever get a push. I can not wait for Skip ...