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Author Archive

With the rumor mill ablaze today that Dixie Carter is allegedly stepping down as President of TNA Wrestling, the first question popping up all over the forums and dirtsheets has been a simple one: Who on earth could replace her? The writing is all over the wall and the answer is pretty apparent.    Eric Bischoff Being the former President of WCW definitely doesn't hurt his chances at a takeover.  Please keep in mind that Carter's resignation as president is only a rumor at this point and as likely as it seems with the inane amount of lawsuits she's managed ...

WWE: The Road to WrestleMania XXVII Diaries, Day One

Posted by Quinn Gammon On March - 31 - 2011
I can say now that I have more sympathy than ever for what WWE Superstars do. I've gotten maybe two or three hours of sleep. My alarm rang at about 5 a.m., which is way too early for my own taste. I'm currently sitting at the Greyhound bus station in Islip, N.Y. It's fairly cold and I'm waiting for the bus to begin boarding. I can't even imagine waking up and doing this every single day, 300 days a year.  To only be home once or twice a week. This kind of road schedule on a daily basis would probably drive me insane. My ...
I realize that I just recently got finished with my writing about TNA. I also realize that at the end of that article, I said that although I had no more desire to write about them—and I still don't—I would make no promises. And speak of the devil, here we are about two weeks later, and I'm writing about TNA again! Fear not, I'm not going back to that. There's just nothing more to get there. That ship has sailed. I've made all the hay I could while the sun was shining. (Thank you Jim Ross for those wonderfully timeless figures of speech.) Unfortunately ...

3-3-11: The Slow Death of Dixie Carter’s TNA Wrestling

Posted by Quinn Gammon On February - 27 - 2011
This may very well be the last TNA article I ever write. That doesn't even have anything to do with the title, by the way. It's just that bad.  It's no secret to anyone that reads my work that I'm not a supporter of TNA. I am, by every definition of the word, a TNA hater.It's got nothing to do with purposely wanting the company to die, no matter how I choose to word things in my articles. TNA has a fantastic roster of wrestlers. That roster happens to be bogged down and overshadowed by the mind blowing amounts of Ex-WWE ...

Ochocinco Vs. Marvin Lewis: Lethal Letdown and Not TNA’s Saving Grace

Posted by Quinn Gammon On January - 26 - 2011
Reports are coming in today that TNA Wrestling has reached out to Cincinnati Bengals wide receiver Chad Ochocinco and his head coach Marvin Lewis, offering to let them settle their publicized rivalry inside the steel cage at Lethal Lockdown on Sunday, April 17th. Before I begin tearing apart the hopes and dreams of every single TNA apologist that has already flocked to this as being "an amazing publicity opportunity for TNA," let's look at some facts first.  Jersey Shore star J-Woww appeared on iMPACT for what, one episode?  The segment scored the lowest quarter hour ratings of the entire show at just 1.23 and the episode averaged ...
It has been about four months since I wrote a slideshow piece entitled "Tomorrow's Champions," in which I touted off the ten most likely candidates to hold a World Title by 2013, in order from least likely to most. Though it has been an overly saturated topic, I take pride in being able to bring a fresh point of view to something considered stale and that article received more reads than perhaps any other I'd written previously. Though I initially set the date of 2013 as a timeline for these ten individuals, the landscape of WWE as it relates to all ten ...

Jeff Hardy Is Guilty As Charged: Not Just a PPV Concept for the Wrestler

Posted by Quinn Gammon On December - 27 - 2010
The news is out there now and there are likely numerous people reporting on this story, so this piece will be kept short and sweet. Jeff Hardy, after evading America's flawed justice system for over a year, is finally planning on pleading guilty to Moore County Superior Court over his drug related charges from last fall. This should be obvious to everyone, and it goes without saying, but it's highly unlikely that Jeff will receive any jail time. Does it matter that he deserves it? No, just ask Lindsay Lohan and she can tell you all about working the justice system when ...
God rest his soul, Owen Hart must be turning over in his grave after the Slammy Awards this past Monday night. Considering how WWE presents the Slammies as "the most prestigious award in entertainment" and as wrestling's version of the Grammy or Oscar awards, I found this most recent incarnation of the ceremony to be by and large the worst edition ever presented. As columnist Martyn Nolan wrote himself, the WWE changes these awards every single year. How could an award possibly retain any sort of value when it's something different each year? Perhaps this is the writing team's brilliant answer ...

Attack of the Armchair Quarterback: TNA, Can We Stop Pretending Now?

Posted by Quinn Gammon On November - 9 - 2010
So it has officially been about a month since TNA's biggest Pay-Per-View of the year, Bound For Glory, showed up on TV screens and illegal internet feeds everywhere, horrifying many who watched and exciting many who refuse to acknowledge failure when they see it. Though the show in and of itself was solid in the ring, the stories failed to deliver anything more than the typical TNA Vince Russo styled car crashes and twists for the sake of twists. I've always prided myself on listening to my readers and one of the most frequent comments I heard on my last piece, Bound ...

Bound For Failure: Dixie Carter Has Reached An All-New Level Of Suck

Posted by Quinn Gammon On October - 11 - 2010
Let me start out by saying that I really wasn't planning on writing something about Bound For Glory. I made the cardinal mistake that I always seem to make regarding TNA. I gave them a chance. With all this yakking and parading about 10/10/10 changing TNA forever, I decided to watch BFG tonight, to see if TNA could finally step it back up and stop sucking the sweat off of WWE's proverbial testicles. I'm not going to break down the entire pay-per-view because they have results posted on various websites that you can check out for yourself and to be honest, not all of ...