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Author Archive

If you believe they put a man on the moon... Women's wrestling is a funny thing; some people will say women's wrestling is something you see on the second disc of a two disc set of "Girls Gone Wild" DVDs. Others will immediately say the Lelani Kai-Wendi Richter feud of the mid-80's was the absolute peak of the women's division—Richter and manager Cyndi Lauper fighting against Lelani and her manager, Fabulous Moolah: a legend in her own right. The point is that the women's sport didn't really have the same history, much less the same kind of advantageous starting point, that the ...

Night of Champions Super-Penultimate Review

Posted by Ray Bogusz On July - 27 - 2009
I never know what to expect when I do one of these reviews/recaps. Personally, I never thought any recaps I've ever written about anything were all that great. Then again, the last time I sat down and penned one of these bad boys, it was in the form of a report card for WrestleMania XXV and it caused such an uproar that the B/R wrestling community saw an uprising that resulted in two new CL's, lots of drama, and a whole lot of comments for moi. Well...when you're this good... Anyway, last night was Night of Champions and if you paid full ...

Night Of Champions Preview: What Should, Not Will, Happen

Posted by Ray Bogusz On July - 24 - 2009
About a month ago, WWE had this thing called "The Bash" and I wrote a totally super awesome preview for it where I looked at what should happen, not necessarily what would happen. Like everything else I do (including racy posing in magazines) it was met with rave reviews from children and adults alike. The "Idealist" Preview is back, and looking at Night of Champions. Now, to quote some of the most famous people ever to fancy themselves as journalists (key phrase being "fancy"): We've got a lot to get to, so let's get started, shall we? Champion listed first. Women's Title: Michelle McCool vs. ...
Watching SmackDown on Friday was a true rollercoaster of emotions. First, there were dizzying highs as CM Punk and John Morrison put on a wrestling clinic during the night's first match--in all honestly, I think they could have gone the whole show and still been great at the end. Of course, as is the nature of rollercoasters, there were scarily steep lows, which coincidently happened to occur whenever "Cryme Time" was on. (Brief aside: Seriously, WWE. JTG sucks.) It does, however, take more than one high and one low to make a roller coaster. If we only had one of each it would be like a ...

Royal Misuse: Katie Lea Burchill Deserves Her Push

Posted by Ray Bogusz On July - 15 - 2009
Preface: I hope y'all are clicking the links at the end. One is something I actually care about, and the W2YMS changes every article. Check both out. Sometimes, I sit back and look at WWE—proud I am a fan of their product as opposed to the decade old rancid milk spewed upon my week after week by TNA. Swagger is getting his push; Mickie is going to get a belt soon; CM Punk might finally be turning heel; Jeff Hardy still hasn't been re-signed; Goldust finally showed up on ECW...and even got some support. These are the things which make me ...
Preface: Damnit, Shane. Why'd you have to go stealin' mah thundah? It's rare someone so mediocre gains such a large following no matter what the sport. Sure, there are the exceptions who become cult icons like Vince Young or John Daly, but for the most part, if you're mediocre, you have an equally mediocre following. WWE is no exception here, and one of the best--if not the best--example of this is Christian. Christian is strange in that people either seem to think he's a main event singles Godsend, or he's some bottom of the barrel hack. I'm in the distinct minority that ...
I don't remember where, but I recently described Ric Flair as a "vapid waste of space." I'm a little surprised I didn't catch insurmountable backlash there, but even if I had, I'd still not back down from my position. Ric Flair hasn't done a damn thing for a while now, and it's time he was finally called on it. Let's look at Ric Flair's recent past. He had a retirement at WrestleMania XXIV that was one of the most poignant moments in wrestling history. Almost immediately afterwards, he began showing signs that he didn't want to retire--outside of kayfabe mind you. Flair ...
A few months back, I wrote what is probably the most ringing endorsement Mickie James has gotten since she was recommended to WWE all those years ago. I called for an immediate push and layed out a simply stunning case that she, and only she, was the top candidate to be the first woman to hold both the Women's and Diva's belts. Back when I wrote the article on Mickie, a sort of "Women's Renaissance" followed, helped mostly by the momentum boost caused by its winning the Article of the Day and being followed by an equally important piece written by our very ...

ROH and SHIMMER Newsfeed and Recap: July 9-10

Posted by Ray Bogusz On July - 10 - 2009
Hey look at this! It's a cheesy introduction!   Death Before Dishonor VII Death Before Dishonor VII happens in just a few short weeks in Toronto. The program is scheduled to run half on one day, and half the next, July 24-25. It's one of ROH's bigger nights and they seem to be trying to bring in every big name possible. Lance Storm will be there ready to wrestle, and it was hinted by Cary Silken that ROH would be watching him in hopes of being able to extend a contract offer to work full-time with the company. Storm is said to be in ...

Profiles Of The Non-Mainstream: Ring Of Honor’s El Generico

Posted by Ray Bogusz On July - 5 - 2009
I have a framed "Peanuts" comic on my desk. Snoopy and Woodstock are eating ice cream, Snoopy ridicules Woodstock for liking vanilla, and it ends with the realization that "it takes all kinds to make a world." While I'm sure that the goal of my parents was to get me to use that as a reminder, using it as a set up for this profile is the most useful it has ever been other than being another piece in a rather extensive collection of Snoopy mementos. You see, the phrase "it takes all kinds" really does need to be taken to ...