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The WWE has become synonymous with professional wrestling. (Just look at the b/r tabs.) Not only is the WWE the biggest wresting organization, but it is also the only mainstream wrestling organization.While that may be an accomplishment that Vince McMahon should be proud of, the position that the WWE is in right now is also killing the professional wrestling business.Vince was the guy who broke the unwritten rule of the territorial system and took wrestling mainstream. By doing so he raided the territorial companies' talents, and that destroyed the territorial system and a huge legacy of the business.Before Vince took ...
The Road to WrestleMania has begun.WrestleMania is known for providing some of the greatest moments in sports entertainment history and rightfully so. Muhammad Ali, Mike Tyson, Pete Rose, Donald Trump  and many other celebrities have been a part of WrestleMania.However, those names pale in comparison to the name of one man. The Phenom, the Deadman, the Undertaker.Mark Callaway aka the Undertaker is without a shadow of a doubt, the single biggest attraction of WrestleMania. Every year, millions watch as Undertaker makes superstar after superstar, icon after icon more famous than they already are.It is very safe to say that "The ...
From Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson's official Facebook page: "the Rock's millions and millions"...who will forever be my family.. honest and direct answer to you is this: I left the WWE because I had succeeded in accomplishing every goal I set to achieve ...I've never done this before, but I will now because I feel it's important you know..let me share with you the goals I set for myself in the WWE so you can have a better understanding and perspective.. - become the youngest WWE World Champion - help set box office and attendance records ...

WWE : Whatever Happened to the Heels Chico?

Posted by ReDevil On January - 13 - 2011
Triple H's music hits and the crowd starts chanting "@$$hole, @$$hole, @$$hole." The Attitude Era was successful because of The Rock and Austin but there is another name that deserves to be in the list and that man is Hunter Hearst Helmsley, The Game, Triple H. Triple H was the epitome of the perfect "bad guy." He used to cheat in his matches but he would come out strong enough for the fans to believe that he could play the game that damn well.Fast forward 10 years later and we have Sheamus trying to be the big bad-ass in the ...
We've all heard rumors about Brock Lesnar contemplating to come back to the WWE. Even though chances are small, Vince McMahon might just do it but that will not do any good for Brock Lesnar or the WWE in any way. One time Mania appearance would be amazing but signing a long-term deal will just be sad. Brock Lesnar is every bit of an animal that he says he is. He is every bit as damn good as he and others say he is. Ever since Brock came to the UFC, he has been making headlines and he has taken the ...

WWE: Whatever Happened to Promos & Video Build-Up before a Match?

Posted by ReDevil On November - 28 - 2010
You have got a hot feud going on, and a big match is about to take place on pay-per-view. That's great, and we still see stuff like that now, but what happened to the promo that aired before almost every match on pay-per-view? It didn't matter if a wrestler was opening the match or ending the match, before they came out, we would see all the high and low points of the feud, and then, you hoped the only thing you missed when taking a bathroom break was the entrances or sometimes you'd have to hold it in. The WWE used to ...

Save Us: The Fall and Return of Our Saviour, CM Punk

Posted by ReDevil On November - 24 - 2010
CM Punk is a few of the guys in the WWE right now who have the total package. Mic Skills, Wrestling Ability, Charisma you name it and Punk will give it to you. However, this extraordinary talent has been misused as of late. He has been jobbing to guys like The Big Show when he should be main eventing PPV's and fighting for World Titles. This all came to be after he lost his title to the Undertaker at Hell In A Cell in basically a squash match. The reason, CM Punk didn't represent the company when he didn't dress ...
Over the years we've had countless number of deaths in the wrestling business. The death tolls have sparked a major debate over safety for the wrestlers and it is a topic that should be made aware to the wrestling audience worldwide. Wrestlers give their heart and soul out every time they go out through the curtain. Wrestling is a physical sport no doubt about it but does taking fewer bumps, especially in WWE right now, help the wrestlers have a long life? The WWE wrestlers travel over 300 days a year. Every day they are in a different city, a ...

WWE 101: How To Create Future Stars for the WWE

Posted by ReDevil On November - 9 - 2010
We all know that Canada produces some of the finest world-class wrestlers in the professional wrestling industry. Bret Hart, Owen Hart, Edge, Chris Jericho, Christian, Chris Benoit, Lance Storm and Trish are just some of the names that come to mind when I think of Canadian wrestlers. And guess what? All of them are considered among the best wrestlers to ever step foot in a wrestling ring. Stu Hart and his infamous Hart Dungeon used to be the training ground for young wrestlers, and then they were transferred to Vince McMahon, but sadly that great process can't happen anymore. The WWE has FCW ...

WWE This Generation’s WCW: Is History Repeating Itself?

Posted by ReDevil On October - 29 - 2010
The winds of changes are blowing but not in favor of WWE. History seems to be slowly repeating itself in the world of professional wrestling. The only difference is that instead of pro-wrestling vs. pro-wrestling, its pro-wrestling vs. mixed martial arts. There is absolutely no doubt that we are living some of the darkest days of wrestling compared to the '80s, '90s and the early 2000s. WWE is starting to become the Titanic and it's soon going to clash with the iceberg. Also I couldn't help but notice the many similarities between the current WWE and the dying WCW. The things that ...