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Author Archive

What Is Really Wrong With WWE Wrestling Today: Lessons From Steamboat/Flair

Posted by Rodney Southern On October - 26 - 2010
One thing that strikes me about professional wrestling fans today is the fact that they are constantly looking for the next superstar.  In a time when a new star can be made in a single event, those of us that remember the glory days can not help but to snicker a bit.   Back in the day, wrestlers had to earn their stripes as jobbers for a bit before they really made any kind of in-roads into the championship scene. Even then, they had some serious dues to pay before they sniffed even the mid-level titles.  Today, a brand new star ...

Wrestlemania 27 Dream Celebrity Match-Ups

Posted by Rodney Southern On August - 18 - 2010
Most wrestling fans look upon the celebrity portions of Wrestlemania each year with disdain.  They hate the break in action, and usually their dread is well founded.  Very few Wrestlemania celebrity connections are very good at all.   After looking back through the various celebrity Wrestlemania angles, however, I think I know why—the celebrity angles are with the wrong wrestlers. Here are some dream match ups I think would be great for Wrestlemania 27: Lindsay "Lilo" Lohan versus CM "Straight Edge" Punk CM Punk is all about no drinking, no drugs and the straight edged lifestyle.  Lindsay is all about getting wasted regardless of ...

Why Triple H Should Ditch DX Immediately

Posted by Rodney Southern On March - 1 - 2010
Watching Triple H and the DX gimmick lately is like watching your old Uncle Roy dance around the room singing cowboy songs in his underwear.  It was funny the first time, but now it is just sad.   Triple H as “The Game” and Triple H as DX member are complete and total polar opposites.  Not so long ago, Trips was in a hell of a feud with Randy Orton and getting monster pops at every arena in America and abroad.  Now, when the DX music hits he is fortunate to get half that.  Even when Triple H was a heel ...

Old School NWA: Who Could Have Been WWE Stars Today?

Posted by Rodney Southern On February - 28 - 2010
It took me many years to really grow close to the WWE after years of being an NWA wrestling fan.   Living here in the South we were pretty passionate about our NWA.  It was almost like cheating on your girlfriend when you would watch WWE (WWF) programming, and some of that has followed me to adulthood. Fortunately, I have fully overcome all of those silly childhood notions and become a WWE fan.   It did make me wonder, however, about those old NWA stars.  Many of them went on to WWF/WWE glory such as Ric Flair, Tully Blanchard, Arn Anderson, Ricky Steamboat ...

Do You Hate Fake Wrestling? We Can Take It

Posted by Rodney Southern On February - 22 - 2010
Like most people that spend time here on the Bleacher Report wrestling section, I came across the latest and greatest "wrestling is fake and all wrestling fans are inbred" article to hit our section.   After careful contemplation, I have decided that I am not in the least offended.  It is not worth my energy to be so.  What struck me about this situation is the way in which every single member of the Bleacher Report Wrestling community was pigeon-holed into one tiny category. The point of the article seemed to be that grown men should not watch wrestling, and that wrestling ...

WWE Superstars: What Do You Want for Christmas?

Posted by Rodney Southern On November - 18 - 2009
With the holiday season right around the corner, I thought it might be a good idea to give out a few WWE Christmas presents. The WWE superstars all have some little something that is missing, and this is the perfect time to fix whatever flaws they may have. Leave it to Santa Southern here to set things straight. We will have the WWE back on it's feet in no time. John Cena - Ah, the great John Cena. What could Cena possibly be given that the WWE does not already bestow upon him? I have the perfect gift in mind. For Mr. ...