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Author Archive

Dear TNA: You Have Failed Me

Posted by Rok Stein On June - 1 - 2010
A few days ago, I published a slideshow of the things I believed TNA needs to do to survive in the next twelve months. Well, now I'm openly declaring that if they don't have drastic epiphanies, TNA needs to get the hell off TV altogether.                                                                                          The New Era has Failed Miserably When Hogan and Bischoff came in I was expecting a revolution , a rebellion against Vince and his goons. I don't want to see WCW 2.0 and I sure as hell don't want to see any more filler crap. I defended and defended and defended them for the past ...

41 Things TNA Must Do Right Now To Survive In The Long Term!

Posted by Rok Stein On May - 30 - 2010
Hogan and Bischoff have failed at TNA definitively. I wanted them to succeed so much but that hasn't panned out. They've relied too much on big names for ratings and it must be considered that Easy E's biggest ability in WCW was to create dream matches i.e., WWF stars vs. WCW stars. However, that hasn't worked in TNA because while having Hall and Nash in WCW in their prime, having the old veterans now is financially and wrestling wise, a big step backwards. Here is a few things TNA, in my opinion, should consider during the next 12 months to survive ...
You know those local Kung-Fu schools dotted around your city? You know, the one's that put black belts on 12-year-old kids because they think it's adorable? Well, let me ask you a question. Do you think any of these kids could kick YOUR ass? Do you think you'd go flying backwards if one of them jump-kicked you? NO. It's physics. That little kid can train all day but if he did a jump kick on you, he'd fall right on his ear. It's going to do literally no damage because the difference in size, weight, strength ...