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Author Archive

Hello again and welcome to Marking Out. Well it has finally happened, the 1000th episode of Monday Night Raw. And while many things that are hyped up to the nth degree, most don't live up to the hype. Yet for everything that the WWE has been faltering with recently, they did this so very right.   From the reunion of DX to the naming of AJ as the General Manager of Raw, to quote Michael Cole, it was "vintage Raw." It shows that the WWE really put their all into making this a one of a kind event, and that ...
Last Sunday marked a very interesting day in the history of the promotion. This was the day when the WWE, again, looked like its old foe, WCW. Prior to writing this article, I wrote numerous articles in a series called Marking Out in which I write about angles and incidents in pro wrestling from a wrestling fan's perspective. But recently, I have had little motivation to write those articles and for a couple of reasons. First, the site I was originally writing the articles for changed to an all auto racing website. And, second, there wasn't much of anything ...

Ric Flair and the New Four Horsemen: The Dream Members

Posted by Ryan Sz On June - 22 - 2012
Earlier this week I wrote an article that talked about how TNA had supposedly fired Ric Flair and how it played into the current TNA v. WWE lawsuit. From there, I wrote about how it would be a strong possibility that the WWE would re-hire Flair, especially in light of the promotion bringing back a lot of its older stars in the buildup towards the 1000th episode of Raw. Yet I didn't want Flair to come back as a wrestler. I think you'd be hard-pressed to find someone who would. Instead, I would like to see Flair return as either ...

Marking Out: Goodbye, Johnny Ace and Roddy Piper Bops

Posted by Ryan Sz On June - 19 - 2012
Hello again, and welcome to Marking Out. The WWE is really amping it up in the buildup to episode 1000 episode of Raw, as evidence by the returning legends and what happened at the end of the show.To start off the show, fans were treated to the return of Mick Foley, who was brought in to hold down the fort for the week until the board of directors can find another GM. It was a nice touch, as Foley has been a fan favorite for the better part of his career, especially in his hometown of Long Island.The big announcements ...
Well it has been another interesting few days in the WWE to say the least. After the events of the Over the Limit PPV on Sunday and last night on Raw, many fans are left shaking their heads wondering what the WWE is thinking with this current storyline involving John Cena and John Laurinaitis.After last week's Raw when Laurinaitis fired the Big Show after humiliating him by having him beg on his knees for his job, most, including myself, felt that this was a set up for Big Show to appear at the PPV and interfere with the match—while turning ...
Hello again and welcome to Marking Out and boy has this has been another interesting week inside Raw as we get closer to this Sunday's Extreme Rules PPV. In hindsight, if people dislike this upcoming PPV, I think this Raw could be pointed to as the cause of it failing.  In the second feud of Raw, WWE Champion CM Punk was forced to do a field sobriety test in the center of the ring in front of Chris Jericho, Teddy Long and a couple cops. Why the feud involving the WWE Champion is the second-biggest feud on a program is ...
The world of professional wrestling has time and time again proven that it has numerous ways for someone to benefit financially from it.Whether it be doing reunion shows, indy appearances, fan expos, writing books, or any number of things, if a person has a will, there is a way to earn money from pro wrestling.So it should be no surprise to anyone that former writer and booker for TNA, WCW and WWF/E, Vince Russo is finding ways to earn off of the industry. According to an announcement sent out by Russo's booking agent, Bill Behrens, Russo is now hosting seminars ...

10 Wrestling DVDs You Need to See/Own Before You Die

Posted by Ryan Sz On September - 23 - 2011
For many fans of pro wrestling, there are items that one must own to feel like a real fan.Things like t-shirts, action figures, replica belts are among some of the common things that a fan will own and may even show off to fellow fans (especially the action figures, admit it you have).But as fans know, especially older ones, being a fan of pro wrestling can sometimes make you friends or coworkers look at you like you're the kid who ate glue in kindergarten.So for fans who know that they can't show off their wrestling figures to a member of ...

Wrestling Wonderings, Part 2: Audience Favorites

Posted by Ryan Sz On August - 20 - 2011
Earlier this week I wrote a slideshow about some of the best "what if" questions in pro wrestling and what history might have been if some things had happened differently.Well to say the slideshow was a success for me is an understatement, as it became my most read and commented on article that I've written for this site.When reading through the comments and going back and forth with the people that read it I realized that I had missed some important "what ifs."So as a thanks of sorts to those who helped make my work a success, I wrote a ...

Who’s Earning Big at Money In The Bank?

Posted by Ryan Sz On July - 17 - 2010
Tomorrow is the Money In the Bank PPV and, like many people on this site, I am giving my breakdown of the matches, as well as predictions. Diva's Championship: Alicia Fox (c) vs. Eve Not much to be said about a match for a title no one cares about, so I won't. Winner: Alicia Fox Women's Championship: Layla (c) vs Kelly Kelly This match could go either way as both women are improving vastly in the ring. Layla could keep the belt and help improve the "Mean Girls" persona LayCool has, while not becoming the super bitchy strippers that the Beautiful People are. Yet, from ...