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Author Archive

Calling It Down the Middle: The Undertaker vs. Triple H II

Posted by Satesh Bissram On April - 2 - 2011
Welcome to another edition of "Calling It Down The Middle". On the February 21st edition of Monday Night Raw, the WWE fans witnessed the return of two of the greatest superstars of all time, period. These two all-time greats were Triple H and the Undertaker, and they did not hesitate to point out that they would be going one-on-one against each other for the second time—with the first being 10 years ago. These are my thoughts on the program and, most likely, some of you may agree with me. The Competitors:We all know that Triple H is often referred to as ...

The WWE Monthly Achievement Awards : February Edition

Posted by Satesh Bissram On March - 1 - 2011
Greetings, members of the B/R and all else. At the end of January, I brought the first installment of this series to you; I now bring to you the second. For those of you who missed "The WWE Monthly Achievement Awards : January Edition" check out the link below: has been a fantastic month for the WWE, and viewing the presentation of these awards will make this statement a valid one.The feedback given to me for January's edition of this slideshow was great, and it is so that I was able to create many new awards. Hopefully, I have done ...

The Next Mr. WrestleMania: Who Is He?

Posted by Satesh Bissram On February - 21 - 2011
After the events that took place last night, it is now safe to say that we are all in the "Road to WrestleMania." Since this is the case, I can only assume that now is as good a time as any to really get down to something that has ached my head since Wrestlemania 26. The title poses quite the could very well be the question of the decade. I don't think anyone has the answer to this question. Who will succeed Shawn Michaels as Mr. Wrestlemania, indeed? But before we try to put this seemingly impossible puzzle together, it is ...

The WWE Monthly Achievement Awards : January Edition

Posted by Satesh Bissram On February - 1 - 2011
Greetings, my fellow Bleachers. Today, I debut my new series entitled "The WWE Monthly Achievement Awards".The concept is simple; It is designed to present to you the greatest aspects of weekly WWE broadcasts involved in a single month. The month of January has come to an end, so I believe this is the perfect timing for a stroll down memory lane.I have tried my best to be as unbiased as possible, because I believe in giving achievements only to those deserving of them. I look forward to establishing the future eleven installments of this series, so I truly hope that ...

Five Ways the WWE Royal Rumble Match Could Be One To Remember

Posted by Satesh Bissram On January - 29 - 2011
Good day to the B/R community. Today's slide show is a topic that seems to be in question: Can anything truly save this year's Royal Rumble match?At this year's Royal Rumble, there is an unprecedented 40 participants to enter what used to be the 30-Man Over-The-Top-Rope Battle Royal Match. Now, many members of the all-knowing IWC claim that this is only a bad move, as they expect things to go downhill once the match itself gets underway. I have to disagree with this, because let's not forget: It's the WWE we're talking about.Sure, they have presented some foolish ideas to ...

WWE Raw, Smackdown and the Unknown: The Trio of Major Brands?

Posted by Satesh Bissram On January - 25 - 2011
Good day, Bleachers. You all might be confused by the title, but allow me to explain. You see, the WWE's longevity has allowed it to claim major time slots on television networks. This obviously came in the form of Monday Night Raw and Friday Night Smackdown in 1993 and 1999, respectively.With so much being done weekly, these two flagship shows are definitely not going to get everything done proficiently, are they? These two shows have major storyline involvements. What happens at NXT stays at NXT, and there is nothing major occurring at any event of Superstars.Recently, it was announced by the ...

WWE: No Definitive Era Is the Best

Posted by Satesh Bissram On January - 19 - 2011
Hey, guys. I'm back with another endless topic amongst the IWC enthusiasts. What really is it with wrestling fans and comparisons? It's like, they see a metaphorical mirror beside every superstar in the WWE.What I am referring to is the unjust comparisons made amongst specific wrestling eras. These eras are as follows:The Golden Age Era (1984 - 93)The New Generation Era (1994 - 96)The Attitude Era (1997 - 2001)The Ruthless Aggression Era (2002 - 06)The PG Era (2008 - present)I keep on hearing that the PG Era sucks and the Attitude Era is the best. The PG Era is actually pretty ...

Is It Just Me? 10 Lingering Thoughts On The WWE

Posted by Satesh Bissram On January - 12 - 2011
Good day, B/R. I thank you for the past article reads and comments because they have been just wonderful. Today, however, I bring to you a slideshow featuring many superstars of the WWE, as well as other aspects of the business. I have some lingering thoughts here that I'd love to get into the open. There are many things I have a problem with in the WWE and there are others I'm just confused about. These thoughts include storyline ideas, questions and so much more. Take note that these are only SOME of my thoughts, and if I was to put ...

Fear Not: He Will Return To Reach THAT Level

Posted by Satesh Bissram On January - 11 - 2011
Greeting, fellow Bleachers. Now, there are many superstars who come and go. I have made my return today to shed some light on a superstar that seems "long-forgotten." The man I speak of is the massive superstar known as Skip Sheffield. Sheffield made his debut in the WWE as a contestant of NXT. I saw no hope in this man, mostly because of the gimmick. At first, I thought that there was no way I could take this physically gifted superstar seriously if he kept the gimmick of a jolly red-neck, and I was correct. I sat at home, amazed at the stupidity ...
Good day to all. This is something that I have never seen any Bleacher put together: a list of the best promotional video packages for a match. Now, now, these promos are not the ones that your favourite superstars cut in the ring, no. They are the videos you see before a major pay-per-view match. Its significance is simple - to show the viewers what the match is all about; how it came together and why.I think some of my past articles might have been somewhat intense, so I put this list together to pass the time, and just provide ...