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Author Archive

B/R Wrestling Community Discussion: Will WWE Ever Go Out Of Business?

Posted by Scott Beeby On August - 25 - 2009
I have a very important issue I'd like to discuss with all Bleacher Report readers. The release of the new "Rise and Fall of WCW" DVD got me thinking about the present-day WWE, where it's come from, and where it's headed for the future. Ever since Vince McMahon purchased a wrestling promotion from his father in 1982, he has truly created a monopoly for himself by breaking the golden rule at the time, which was to stay within the boundaries of your territory when it came to television deals and acquiring new talent. He broke the unwritten law and has had a ...

Why Does The Great Khali Always Get A Push Leading Into SummerSlam?

Posted by Scott Beeby On August - 21 - 2009
The Great Khali made his debut in April of 2006 as an unnamed giant who attacked the Undertaker on behalf of Daivari. From there, they feuded for a while, even going as far as to have a match at Judgment Day, which Khali won. The two were scheduled to have a Last Man Standing match at the SummerSlam PPV of that year, but it was instead moved to the episode of Smackdown just before the event. Undertaker won the match and handed Khali his first definitive defeat since joining the company. Shortly after that, both The Great Khali and his mouthpiece Daivari ...

Back off All You Critics: Monday Night RAW Has Delivered

Posted by Scott Beeby On August - 10 - 2009
For a while now, the sharks have been circling WWE's "A" show, Monday Night Raw, anxious to tear it apart. Well I'm here to tell all of the haters to back off! I decided to watch Raw for what it is...a great show that entertains the fans. I wasn't paying attention to the repercussions of certain matches, I was just enjoying the show. It started off with the usual promo, this time by WWE Champion Randy Orton. He started droning on about how he was going to walk out of SummerSlam still the champion. John Cena came out and cut one of ...

Scott Beeby’s Exclusive Interview With Mark Mercedes

Posted by Scott Beeby On August - 7 - 2009
I recently had the opportunity to ask Mark Mercedes some questions about his wrestling career and his personal opinion on a few wrestling-related matters. If you've been living under a rock and still don't know who this Australian wrestling legend is, then you can read about him here. He seems like a really down-to-earth kind of guy, and he was generous enough to give up some of his time to answer my questions. Here's what I asked him: Note to editors: please leave all of the content of the answers the way they are. I'm directly quoting what Mark Mercedes said.   SB: When did ...

75 Reasons Why We Enjoy Professional Wrestling

Posted by Scott Beeby On July - 29 - 2009
Somehow I'm already up to my 75th article! I figure that's somewhat of a milestone, so I thought I'd do something special. Something a little different. I read a lot of articles on Bleacher Report about wrestling, in particular WWE and TNA, where the writer isn't happy with what just happened on the latest episode of RAW, or they don't like what TNA just did with one of their story lines. I think that everyone should take two giant steps back and look at wrestling as a whole. We shouldn't be overly critical of the thing we love to watch. We ...

What Is Your Favourite WWE DVD (Round 2)?

Posted by Scott Beeby On July - 22 - 2009
I'd like to thanks everyone that took part in round one of this competition. Without you, I wouldn't be writing round two now. Surprisingly, there wasn't even one DVD in round 1 that got 100% of the votes! There was however a draw in the first round. The votes between "The Greatest Stars Of The 80's" and Rey Mysterio: The Biggest Little Man" were split right down the middle, so I've put them both in the second round. Perhaps the biggest surprise to come out of round 1 is the exclusion of the Bret Hart DVD. It just got pipped at the ...

What Will WWE Be Like in Five Years’ Time?

Posted by Scott Beeby On July - 19 - 2009
It's no secret that the superstars on the WWE roster aren't as young as they once were. The average age has gone up dramatically in the last 10 years or so. I started wondering what WWE would be like in five years time. Let's just assume that the entire current roster stays with the company for the next five years, and that no new talent is brought in from development. Let's also assume that the age of retirement for the superstars is 42 for men, and 34 for women. Fast forward to the year 2014. There has been an astonishing 27 retirements in ...

What Is Your Favourite WWE DVD (Round 1)?

Posted by Scott Beeby On July - 18 - 2009
WWE has just released their newest DVD entitled "Allied Powers: The World's Greatest Tag Teams", and that got me thinking. With so many DVD releases each year we never get a chance to compare them. Using a similar format to the very successful "What Is The Best Match Of The 21st Century" series, I want to know, what is your favourite WWE DVD? All you have to do is choose your favourite DVD from each slide. Just in case there are any DVDs that I miss, there will be a special "reader's choice" slide in the second round, so let me know ...
Over the past few days, I've heard countless theories by some writers here on B/R about who Jericho's new partner could be. Let's think outside the box for a second. WWE could take this opportunity to debut some new talent. There are several wrestlers on the WWE payroll that are a high calibre of wrestler, that have yet to debut, or re-debut in some cases, on one of the top shows. I'm going to list a few superstars that I think could possibly be the new tag team partner of Chris Jericho.   1) Chris Masters The masterpiece is the ideal tag team partner for ...

WWE and TNA Present ECW Epics (June 23) – Christian’s Revenge

Posted by Scott Beeby On June - 23 - 2009
This week on ECW Epics: After last week's vicious attack, how will Christian get revenge on Cactus Jack? What will the participants of the Monsters Ball match do to prove that they are the most extreme superstar leading into The Bash? Have we really seen the last of R-Truth? The teams of Mysterio/Bourne and Kendrick/London are standing at one a piece. Who can break the tie? Find out right now!