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Author Archive

Reasons Wrestlemania 27 Didn’t Have a Chance to Succeed

Posted by Sean Jackson On April - 3 - 2011
There are many reactions following WrestleMania 27. Some like the event, many did not. The truth was this year’s version didn’t have much a shot. Here are some reasons. Creative needs to get a grip. How do you make Sheamus vs. Daniel Bryan a dark match? Worse than that, they decided to make it a lumberjack match. This match intrigued me the most. For the most part, this year’s WrestleMania needed a great under card match like this one to kick the show into high gear. Instead, they ruined what should have been a great opening match. There was no Money ...

Five Reasons Why Wrestlemania Is a Must Watch Event

Posted by Sean Jackson On March - 28 - 2011
It’s that time of the year again. This Sunday, the WWE will hold its biggest event of the year. It’s an event full of glitz, big matches and personalities. Here are five reasons why it’s one of the best events to watch. 1. The atmosphere While the unique introductions and fireworks are visually appealing, it’s the fans in attendance, which makes the event truly special. Their excitement and reactions fuel the wrestlers. Some of the best matches in WWE history happen during Wrestlemania, and the fans play a big part in it. 2. The big matches Some of the biggest matches in WWE’s history have ...

Bret Hart Returns to Get Kicked in the Groin, As Do the Fans

Posted by Sean Jackson On January - 6 - 2010
I, for one, tuned in with great excitement to see Bret Hart return. Like many, this event was 12 years in the making for me.   First, what was with the music? Apparently they tried to jazz up Bret Hart’s theme song. Most people would’ve been perfectly happy with his old music. Still, his entrance and the first 15 minutes of him talking to the fans and forgiving Shawn Michaels were legendary. After that, it went downhill.   I’ll be the first to admit I haven’t followed the storylines. I only started watching wrestling once I found out Bret was coming back. Still, there ...

Bret Hart Will Host Monday Night Raw on Jan 4

Posted by Sean Jackson On December - 29 - 2009
The Dec. 28 version of Raw proved to be very interesting. During the middle of the program Vince McMahon came out to tell the crowd Bret Hart was going to be the host of next week’s Raw .   But every time he tried to get the words out he couldn’t. Then entered Shawn Michaels.   Michaels came out of left field asking for a rematch with the Undertaker at WrestleMania 26. He then went on to “convince” McMahon that bringing back Hart will only “bring good things.”   It seems to be evident a storyline between Bret Hart and Vince McMahon will go down. It ...

My Favorite/Hated Bret Hart Matches and Storylines

Posted by Sean Jackson On December - 22 - 2009
Here are a few of my favorite Hitman matches.   House match Boston Gardens Ricky Steamboat vs. Bret Hart   King of the Ring 1993 Bret Hart vs. Mr. Perfect   Survivor Series 1995 Bret Hart vs. Diesel   Summerslam 1994 Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart   Wrestlemania 8 Bret Hart vs. Rowdy Roddy Piper   Summerslam 1992 Bret Hart vs. British Bulldog   In Your House 1995 Bret Hart vs. Hakushi   My favorite Bret Hart match was…   Wrestlemania 13 Bret Hart vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin   The story and pace of the match made it my favorite. The action was nonstop from the beginning and the story telling was phenomenal.   These are the matches and storylines relating to Bret that missed the mark.   Wrestlemania 11 Bret Hart ...

How Will Bret Hart’s Return to WWE Affect His Legacy?

Posted by Sean Jackson On December - 21 - 2009
When you think of Bret Hart what do you think? Do you remember the Montreal Screwjob? Do you think of his memorable matches against Mr. Perfect Curt Henning or Stone Cold Steve Austin?   Or do you think about all the personal trials he’s had to endure losing family members, friends, and going through a stroke.   When news hit that Bret Hart was returning to the WWE it was nothing short of shocking. This is the same man who was swerved by them in 1997. This was the same man who lost his brother Owen, to a stunt in 1999. There’s been a ...

Bret Hart Signs With the WWE: My Reaction

Posted by Sean Jackson On December - 18 - 2009
Many wrestling fans received an early Christmas present when it was announced that Bret Hart signed a short-term deal with the WWE.    Hart will start with the company at the beginning of next year. His contract expires two weeks after WrestleMania 26.   So after all of these years of the WWE trying to bait Bret Hart to come back, why would he come back now?   The WWE is putting together a Hart Foundation DVD as we speak. Bret signing this deal could be the reason the DVD went through.   Now that he is back, what role will he have with the company?   There are many ...