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WWE's first pay-per-view of the year, and traditionally one of the most exciting ones, was rather interesting this time. It highlighted the expanding separation of comprehension of the product between the fans and WWE Creative. Unlike last year, this time WWE predicted the fan reaction, refused to work around it and strove to battle it head-on. In this tussle for supremacy, at the end of the day, the product will always suffer most.  WWE's master plan involving Roman Reigns' superhuman rise to stardom has been heavily implied for months. Touted as the heir to Brock Lesnar's glory, there was not an ounce ...
It has been a bizarre, kayfabe-shattering week of podcasts. This might probably be another insignificant drop in the raging ocean of opinions about Vince McMahon's comments and CM Punk's complaints in podcast world, but it is my drop—bound that I am by the unrelenting urges of a helpless writer wishing to express his thoughts on a matter deeply concerning a thing he loves. For anyone fed up with this topic, kindly do not continue with your perusal of this piece. So Mr. McMahon's appearance on the highly touted controversial podcast hosted by "Stone Cold" Steve Austin on the WWE Network has left some ...

WWE: Making a Case for Brock Lesnar: The Selfish, Privileged WWE Champion

Posted by Shalaj Lawania On August - 24 - 2014
In WWE these days, things are interesting. It's not the same routine being played out, and it's not the same characters in the spotlight. It's interesting because it's a bit more real, and no one really knows for sure where stories might go. Last Sunday, Brock Lesnar squashed John Cena, something unheard of and unthinkable in the WWE sphere until SummerSlam 2014. This further enhanced the glory he has been effortlessly awarded by WWE Creative, which earlier in the year decided to make him "The One in 21-1."  Lesnar, in one year, has won the two most important matches in today's era, ...
I write this with the expectation of receiving buckets of hate. In this day and age, fans have many demands that mean little once quenched, for more are born within the same period. It's an ever-expanding, ever-evolving wish list, one that leaves no one truly satisfied and everyone complaining.  These very fans also dislike being called out on the inconsistency of their demands; their laudatory vision of WWE, while extremely unstable and unlikely, is perceived the most idealistic one. CM Punk set the WWE Universe alight with his highly controversial departure back in January, when he left the company as quietly as ...
This year's SummerSlam main event has been set, and to no one's surprise, John Cena is comfortably pencilled in, as he has been for many years. WWE fans have grown to expect that, which contributes to the surging, pulsating bubble of resentment for the leader of the Cenation. On the other side of the ring, fresh from the upset of the decade, is Paul Heyman's client, who defeated The Undertaker's undefeated streak at WrestleMania 30. Prior to WrestleMania, Brock Lesnar had endured a tumultuous WWE stint in which he lost as many matches as he won and fought to balance his credibility with ...
It’s astounding how horribly misconstrued the foundation of a babyface persona is in today's WWE. It is at complete variance with the sophistication and dynamics imparted to a heel persona, which is baffling and at times incredibly frustrating. I can predict some of the comments cynics are dying to launch on me, but trust me, I'm not turning on an underdog the moment he becomes a crowd favourite. Daniel Bryan, like CM Punk, Dolph Ziggler, Chris Jericho, The Rock, Sheamus, The Miz and many others before him, has fallen prey to the John Cena problem: He has gradually grown into the perfect babyface mould ...

WWE Royal Rumble: Calling Out the Fan Reaction to Batista’s Victory

Posted by Shalaj Lawania On January - 31 - 2014
At this point in time, I'm bold enough to admit I'm extremely confused. Over the years, I've been quite vocal with my displeasure over the returns of part-timers (even equated The Rock to John Cena) and their immediate thrust into the spotlight. It was unfair, but not unreasonable. WWE partly needed these stars for higher buyrates. As the response to my articles, especially the one on Brock Lesnar, would suggest, I was a part of a small minority that I didn't mind belonging to. We were treated as the snobbish elitist pricks who couldn't enjoy the little things in wrestling, and we ...

Christian’s Killswitch and the Top 5 Worst Finishers in WWE Today

Posted by Shalaj Lawania On September - 3 - 2013
It’s hard to make lists like these—ones disputing the legitimacy of fake moves in a scripted environment. It becomes important, then, to define your stringent criteria. They differ from person from person, because not everyone values, say, impact over difficulty to execute. This list was made relying on these core points (or the lack of them): impact, importance and flexibility. Impact refers to how good a move comes off to the viewers. If Mark Henry can make a simple powerslam look damaging, then major points to him. Importance denotes how much credibility WWE entrusts in that move. If a simple DDT is ...

We Don’t Need Brock Lesnar as a Part-Timer in Today’s WWE

Posted by Shalaj Lawania On August - 6 - 2013
Veterans returning for another shy at the elusive spotlight is not an extremely novel concept when it comes to professional wrestling. Every retired superstar is tempted at some point in his retirement to grab that easy paycheck by just basking on previously established credentials. Others are forcefully shoved back into the ring to fulfill the fans' demands and engulf WWE's flaws.  Superstars like The Rock, Chris Jericho, Triple H, Undertaker, Rob Van Dam and Booker T have all been called upon from time to time, some of them even taking major PPV main event spots. Another highly publicized star in that list is ...

WWE Curtis Axel: Why He Has Been The Victim of Imperfect Booking

Posted by Shalaj Lawania On June - 22 - 2013
Quite evidently, I must have been unknowingly influenced by a substantial amount of insanity to claim that Paul Heyman's newest client Curtis Axel—one who already has victories against John Cena, Triple H and Chris Jericho under his belt in the early stages of his career—has been booked horribly.This is probably the apex fantasy of young superstars—to burst onto the scene with a victory over WWE's beloved supermen. Defeating Randy Orton has lost its charm, as Wade Barrett does that often (and then loses to anyone who is not Orton) and defeating Barrett himself is now a joke.So why do I ...