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Author Archive

Everything Right and Wrong with the 2014 Royal Rumble

Posted by Simon Edmonds On January - 28 - 2014
On Sunday night we were unfortunate enough to witness yet another boring and predictable end to a Royal Rumble match. Honestly, I'm getting a little tired of being able to predict the main event of the evening's winner at least a month before the pay-per-view even airs. That said, the 2014 Rumble—despite leaving a bitter taste in a lot of fans' mouths—did have its high points. This article will analyze both those moments noteworthy of praise as well as those that show us why the WWE is slowly becoming more of a corporate husk and far less of a spectacle of quality entertainment.  Let's ...

15 Best Royal Rumble Competitors in History

Posted by Simon Edmonds On January - 7 - 2014
I've been compiling all sorts of lists over the past week, but this was without a doubt the hardest to order. When you're trying to narrow down a list of nearly 600 Superstars to just 15 it's hard enough. But then sorting that final section into a set order is a proverbial nightmare (especially when you consider there has been 22 individual winners of the Rumble). As such, this list is obviously not going to please everyone. I wholeheartedly expect controversy from the get-go. Of the 15 men on our list, 13 of them have at one stage or another been the last ...

5 Best Royal Rumbles in History

Posted by Simon Edmonds On January - 3 - 2014
'Tis the season to get rumbling! Royal Rumble fever is slowly starting to grip the B/R WWE page as the company's most exciting pay-per-view slowly creeps closer. I thought it would be a fun idea to list my personal top five Rumble matches throughout history, and give a little run-down as to why they were such awesome affairs.  Remember this is just my list, if you disagree then tell me what matches were your favorites over the years!Begin Slideshow

Interesting Lesser-Known Royal Rumble Statistics and Facts (1988-2013)

Posted by Simon Edmonds On January - 2 - 2014
The Royal Rumble is without a doubt my favourite WWE pay-per-view event. In truth, the 2000 Royal Rumble—which I sat gleefully watching on channel 4 at the tender age of seven—was my first ever real foray into the world of professional wrestling. I didn't really know most of the competitors in the match, but the atmosphere and concept of the Rumble itself gripped me from the get-go.  Now, nearly 14 years later, I look back on that turn-of-the-century PPV with nostalgic warmth. One thing that makes the Rumble what it is, is the unique organisation of the contest (no need, I'm sure, to lay ...