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Author Archive

Time for an Intervention: TNA Wrestling Needs to Fire Jeff Hardy

Posted by Sir Ben Gartland On March - 14 - 2011
Total Non-Stop Action Wrestling has had its share of problems over the years. Once thought of as the company that would give the WWE its first real competition since WCW, it has spiraled down into a product that is lower than the amount of talent that Ke$ha possesses. (That means they are lower than nothing for all you Ke$ha homers.) Yet throughout the problems, I and other IWC members have stuck with the company, with the hope that they will pull off something miraculous and become the company we all envisioned. Sadly, this has yet to happen, and yesterday during Victory ...

The King’s Decree: Legend’s Returns Galore!

Posted by Sir Ben Gartland On February - 21 - 2011
After two long months… Finally.  Finally the King of the Nerds has come BACK…  To Bleacher Report.   Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to the history-making, journalism defining first issue of the King’s Decree. I’m sir Ben Gartland (The King of the Nerds) and The King’s Decree will be released every week and will give my opinion on the happenings in the wrestling world. You will laugh, you will cry and you will be electrified through your computers or smart phones. So let’s hop aboard this ride of awesome and get started.   Monday Night Raw 2/14 It’s Valentine’s Day and everyone is excited. Tonight, the guest host of Wrestlemania ...

"Excuse Me!": Vickie Guerrero Deserves More Respect Than What She Is Getting

Posted by Sir Ben Gartland On December - 21 - 2010
When you think of the top heels in the WWE today, you would think of the Miz, Sheamus or Michael Cole. However none of those aforementioned people draw as much heat or crowd reaction like the widow of Eddie Guerrero, Vickie Guerrero. Vickie knows very well how to work the crowd and she plays her heel part to perfection, drawing more boos from the audience than any other employee in the business. Her catchphrase “Excuse Me!” has become the instigator for a loud chorus of boos and jeers from the audience. She has made the WWE universe either hate her for ...

Samoa Joe Re-signs With TNA: Was It a Good Decision For Samoa Joe?

Posted by Sir Ben Gartland On December - 17 - 2010
According to and Dixie Carter’s Twitter account, Samoa Joe has been re-signed by TNA wrestling. Recently this year, TNA let his contract expire and Joe has had problems with the management, even being suspended for an angry outburst in August. So was re-signing with TNA the right decision for the "Samoan Submission Machine"? Joe hasn’t even sniffed a No. 1 contender’s match since February, let alone a title match. His last storyline in October has him jobbing to Jeff Jarrett, when we all know Samoa Joe could lay him out in 10 seconds without even breaking a sweat. The TNA management ...

“What If?” Volume 2: Eddie Guerrero

Posted by Sir Ben Gartland On December - 11 - 2010
“Out of my whole life, there were maybe four months that I thought I don't want to be a wrestler. But I knew what I wanted to do all my life. I grew up watching my dad and my older brothers do it. This is a dream for me.” ~Eddie Guerrero  Hello readers, welcome to the Bleacher Report Article series of “What If?” For those of you not familiar with my concept here in this article, let me explain. This is the second in a five article series in which I will contemplate on what would have happened if something in the ...

Snakes and Demons: Why Randy Orton Vs. Undertaker Is The Best Feud Ever (CvC)

Posted by Sir Ben Gartland On December - 9 - 2010
Six years ago, the WWE was a different place. Booker T and Kurt Angle were still part of the company, Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit were still alive and Randy Orton was on his own for the first time in his career, still trying to make it big in the company of legends. Orton had been advised by wrestling legend Billy Graham to go where no wrestler has gone before. Randy then thought of the way to do it: Beat the Undertaker at Wrestlemania. Of course, Undertaker was a legend, but Randy was a legend killer. His courage was quickly eradicated whenever signs of the ...

Vintage Feud: What Is WWE Planning Between Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler?

Posted by Sir Ben Gartland On November - 30 - 2010
Jerry the King Lawler is ascending the ladder. Every step he takes is like a step on hot coals. Wait, what!? Michael Cole is in the Ring! Oh, no I’m ashamed of Michael Cole here. Cole is completely out of line here! Last night WWE Hall of Famer Jerry the King Lawler got his first ever WWE championship shot. It was a better match than most of the IWC expected, showing that the King still has it in him to put on a good match. Well anyways, after pushing Miz off the turnbuckle down through a table, Lawler was all ...

Power of the Punch: The Wrestling Master That Is William Regal

Posted by Sir Ben Gartland On November - 11 - 2010
 "Do you know what my New Year's resolution is going to be? It's to wake up a half hour earlier so that I can hate you more." ~William Regal in a post match interview in 1992. In a house show at the O2 arena in London last night, William Regal stated that it might be his last tour. After 27 years in this business, it might be time for him to hang up his boots. He is still in great shape and can wrestle fantastically like he always was able to do, but if he feels like he has done everything ...

Flawless: Why WWE’s Women’s Division Needs LayCool

Posted by Sir Ben Gartland On October - 28 - 2010
Finally, the King of the Nerds has come back to Bleacher Report! The dust has settled after Bragging Rights, and LayCool are still the co-women's (I refuse to acknowledge it as the divas championship) champions. Now, many of you will be writing articles complaining about how they don't deserve to be champions and how they are overrated and annoying. Or maybe you won't even give them the respect of having their own article and will just make some disparaging remark in a Bragging Rights review article. However, I'm here to tell you why LayCool are vital to the WWE's ...

Hardy Boyz Reunion?: Matt Hardy Teases TNA Employment

Posted by Sir Ben Gartland On September - 17 - 2010
The King of the Nerds just had his day made! According to and Matt Hardy's Twitter page, The Hardy Boyz might see a reunion in TNA.  When a fan asked him if there was any chance of a Hardy Boyz reunion sometime, he said: "A 100 percent chance :), and i can't wait..." Now there have been some rumors of his Twitter account getting hacked because of some weird updates, but if this is actually him saying this, then I will be ecstatic, since the Hardy's are one of my favorite tag teams of all time.  Matt would have to get in better shape ...