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Author Archive

The Top Ten British Exports

Posted by Steven Davison On April - 21 - 2010
From The Beatles to Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne, the British have always (well not always) gave the U S of A some great exports. Such legends as The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Oasis and Radiohead to name but a few. Not only in music but film; The Bridge Over the Rive Kwai, Get Carter and The Italian Job to name but a few. But this, this is the list of the Great British Exports in the world of professional wrestling. (And for arguments sakes including Ireland)Begin Slideshow

A Decade of Dominance: The Story of a Future Legend

Posted by Steven Davison On August - 17 - 2009
Disclaimer: A big thank you for all involved in this article, first for taking time out to answer a question (or two); Dave Prazak, Allison Danger and LuFisto. Also a special thanks to Jeff D Gorman for the editing (help pre-posting) and to contributions from fans. Change, a lot of change happens over a decade. Men walk on the moon, a tiny cube made up of little coloured squares takes over pop culture and in the nineties we got Springer. But also in the nineties we were given the in ring exploits of Melissa Anderson. No? Maybe you know her by...Alissa Flash? ...