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There are only so many words you can use to describe the perfect match. When two (or four, or six, or even 40) wrestlers lock up in the center of the squared circle, the anticipation is electric. The crowd awaits with bated breath to see which titan of the ring will come out victorious.In its near-50 year history, World Wrestling Entertainment (formerly the World [Wide] Wrestling Federation) has played host to some of wrestling's most lovable and larger-than-life characters. But it's also ...
There are only so many words you can use to describe the perfect match. When two (or four, or six, or even 40) wrestlers lock up in the center of the squared circle, the anticipation is electric. The crowd awaits with bated breath to see which titan of the ring will come out victorious.In its near-50 year history, World Wrestling Entertainment (formerly the World [Wide] Wrestling Federation) has played host to some of wrestling's most lovable and larger-than-life characters. But it's also been center-stage for some of professional wrestling's greatest matches.Bleacher Report has ...

Wrestling Bloodbath: The 25 Bloodiest Matches in Pro Wrestling History

Posted by Steven Price On February - 22 - 2011
To some people, blood is rather gross. The sight of it can lead to nausea, queasiness and feelings of sickness. For wrestling fans, though, blood will illicit one common reaction: Oh, yeah!Blood in professional wrestling is the cornerstone of a truly violent feud. Often one of the most graphic depictions of violence in the sport, fans have long debated the bloodiest encounters of all-time. More importantly, what type of bloodbath are we looking for?There are matches where both participants bleed, and some where only one wrestler bleeds. Does quantity of blood replace multiple wrestlers being busted open? Should cage matches ...
Never let your non-wrestling friends chastise you for watching a sport where grown men roll around in their underwear for your entertainment. As most true fans can attest, the larger-than-life heroes of World Wrestling Entertainment deliver more passion, drama, intensity, and athleticism than most other forms of entertainment—take that, wrestling haters!But any discussion detailing why wrestling is so great would be remiss if you didn't mention the Divas of professional wrestling. The WWE has hired a plethora of women over the years who have kicked major league butt while looking fabulous doing it. There's something mesmerizing about watching a beautiful ...
WrestleMania.For a wrestling fan, it's like the Super Bowl, the World Series, and the Stanley Cup Playoffs all rolled into one. WrestleMania! The "Showcase of the Immortals", the "Granddaddy of 'Em All"!We wait all year for that one special Sunday, when the world's top wrestling promotion stages its annual gala of wrestling excitement.From the moment the final bell rings at the Royal Rumble, wrestling fans begin counting down to WrestleMania Sunday, eagerly scouring every resource imaginable to find out which dream matches we'll be privy to this year.When Vince McMahon and the then-WWF launched their annual spectacle way back in ...
Once, when the world was full of unicorns and rainbows, there was a wrestling promotion that sought to entertain the masses by delivering a mix of entertaining storylines, shockingly good matches, and a sprinkling of raunch for added flavor. When the World Wrestling Federation began preparing for the final months of 1999, they would set the stage for the greatest display of Professional Wrestling entertainment North America had witnessed since 1989.  As it were, the new century would bring about both the high watermark of the show—and its long, slow descent into what we now know as the WWE. In looking back on ...